1. Please carefully re ad this docum ent before 16. All GONSI N products shall be main tained
installing and using t he equipmen t. against the warranty c ard based on sy stem
category, except for p roduct issu es resultin g
2. Please keep this docu ment for futu re referenc e.
from manmade reasons o r force majeu re, for
3. Observe “Cautions ” in all operat ion guides.
4. Observe the rules and p rinciples i n all
A. Equipment is dropped and broken du e to
operation guides.
manmade reasons;
5. Clean equipment: be fore cleani ng the
B. Equipment is damage d due to misope ration by
equipment, power it of f and then disc onnect all
units of the equipment . Use dry soft cl oth to
C. Some equipment spar e parts are dam aged or
clean the equipment.
missing d ue to arbitra ry disassem bly;
6. Do not use any nonconfo rming acces sory or
D. Equipment is dropped and broken du e to
fitting wit hout approval from the C ompany. It is
natural disasters.
likely to cause hazard ous acciden t.
17. Use specific cable s to connect eq uipment.
7. Do not put the equipmen t in humid plac es so as
not to cause equipment d amage or dang er. 18. Turn off the power swi tch and remov e the plug
in case that the equipme nt is not used fo r a
8. Do not place the equipm ent on an unsta ble
long time.
table; prevent equip ment vibrat ing during
transportation to av oid damage to t he 19. Keep the Warranty Ca rd in appendi x safe. The
equipment. Select pr oper packag e or original card serves as a b asis for futu re maintenance
package for transpor tation. free of charge.
9. Keep the equipment ro om ventilat ed so as to
prolong the service li fe of the equip ment.
10. Service voltage: A merica and Ja pan: AC 110V
- 120 V and 60 Hz Eur asia: AC 22 0V - 240 V
and 50 Hz
11. Power socket: thre e-pin Groun d Socket.
12. Do not place heavy obj ects on exten sion
cables necessary for e quipment co nnection.
Caution: do not open the c over; other wise, there i s
Make a detour if routing i s required to e nsure
a risk of electric shock .
normal op eration of th e system.
Before connecting, o perating or a djusting th is
13. Connect all confer ence units in t he system
product, read this doc ument caref ully.
based on system requir ements; if no t, all
This label is attached t o the back of the e quipment
equipments in the whol e system may ru n
to save area.
abnormally. Contac t GONSIN afte r-sale
service c enter in case o f special req uirements .
Technic al support Te l: 0757-223 60959.
The lightning sign rem inds users th at
hazardous voltage th at is not
14. Unless permitted b y the Company , do not
insulat ed is likely to t rigger elec tric
disassemble shell an d avoid any har d
conductor or liquid fr om leaving or p ermeating
into the shell.
15. Do not disassemble t he equipmen t on your
The excla mation mark i n the equilat eral
own when yo ur equipmen t needs servi ce.
triangle reminds use rs to operate
Contact the customer s ervice cent er of
and maintain the equip ment based
GONSIN: 400 -883-1138.
on the accompanied ope ration and
maintenance instru ctions.
Safety No tes
engineers are allowe d to install eq uipment.
03 04
In case of th e follo wing abno rmality d uring u se, turn off the pow er swit ch, take ou t the bat tery, an d keep the
equipme nt away f rom fire; i f not, th er e is a risk o f fire or exp losio n.
— —The b attery is l eakin g, changi ng color, de forme d, or damag ed.
— —The b attery is s mokin g or smelly.
Do not weld o r modif y the batte ry or cha ng e its for m; otherw ise, th e battery c ircui t may be dama ged, resu lting i n a
fire, lea kage, e ven explo sion.
Avoid t he batt er y short ing (anod e and cat hode) by el ectric wi re or met al and do not p lace th e ba ttery a nd metal
(e.g. cha in or key ) togethe r for sto ra ge or tra nsporta tion; o therwis e, the ba ttery may b e heated up , resul ting in
leakage , fire or e xp losio n.
Do not heat t he batt ery or thro w the bat te ry into f ire; othe rwise , the safet y valve o r protect ive circu it of the b attery
may be dama ged, re su lting i n fire or exp losio n.
Do not set th e batte ry in water o r moist en t he batt ery anode /cath ode; othe rwise , th e batte ry will be co rrode d and
heated up , resul ting in, le akage, fi re, or ex plosion .
Use speci fied ch ar ger to ch arge the eq uipme nt. Avoi d reversi ng the ba ttery ano de and cath ode; ot herwise , the
battery m ay be hea ted up, res ultin g in l eakag e, fire or ex plosi on .
Do not plac e the bat tery near f ire or expo se the ba ttery to hi gh-te mperatu re enviro nment ( 60°C; e.g . in car) ;
otherwi se, the b attery ci rcuit may b e damag ed and heat ed up, re su lting i n fire, lea kage, e ven explo sion.
The batte ry must b e used on spe cifie d eq uipme nt model; i f not, th e battery m ay be hea te d up, res ulting in l eakag e,
fire or exp losio n.
Do not drop o r vibra te the batt ery; ot he rwise , the batte ry circ uit may be da maged a nd h eated u p, result ing in a fi re,
leakage , even ex pl osion .
In case the b atter y leakage e nters eye , use cle an water to f lush th e eye and see k medical c are imm ediatel y; if not ,
blurred v ision m ay o ccur.
In case the b atter y leakage s tains clo thes or s kin, use cl ean wat er to flush i t; if not , skin may be d amaged.
Battery c apaci ty will be to o low if th e li thium b atterie s are lef t unused fo r a long ti me , which w ill damag e the
batteri es. Rem ove the bat terie s an d make su re they are f ully ch arged eve ry three mo nths.
GONSIN re serve s the right t o change th is docu ment with out pri or notice .
To obtain mor e docum en tary ma terials , conta ct the loca l after -s ale ser vice cent er. GONS IN welcom e your
feedbac k.