GÖLZ FS 240 E Operating Manual

FS 240 E
Operating manual
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Floor saw
FS 240 E
GÖLZ GmbH Dommer sbach 51 53940 Hellenthal-Blum enthal Telefon: (02482) 120 Telefax: (02482) 12135
FS 240 E
Operating manual
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Die Fi rma
Manufacturer La Société
Dommersbach 51, 53940 Hellenthal - Blumenthal
Tel.: (02482) 120 Fax: (02482) 12135
Erklärt in alleiniger Verantwortung, dass folgendes Produkt:
FS 240 E
Hereby certifies on it’s sole responsibility that the following product:
FS 240 E
Floor saw
Déclare sous sa seule responsabilité que le produit suiv ant:
FS 240 E
Scie de sol
Seriennum mer / Seri al number / Numéro de série: _______________________
Auf das sic h diese Erklärung bezieht, mit folgenden Richtlinien bzw. Normen über­einstimmt:
Maschinenrichtlinie 2006/42/EG Sicherheits- und Gesundheitsanforder­ung
EMV-Richtlinie 2004/108/EG Elektromagnetische Verträglichkeit
Richtlinie 2000/14/EG Geräuschemission
Europäische Normen EN 13309:2000 EN 13862:2001 DIN EN ISO 3744 EN 61000
Die oben genannte Firma hält Doku­mentationen als Nachweis der Erfüllung der Sicherheitsziele und die wesent­lichen Schutzanforderungen zur Einsicht bereit.
Which is explicitly referred to by this Declaration meet the following directives and standard(s):
Directive 2006/42/EC Safety and health requirement
Directive 2004/108/EC Electromagne tic compatibility
Directive 2000/14/EC Noise emission
European Standard EN 13309:2000 EN 13862:2001 DIN EN ISO 3744 EN 61000
Documented evidence conforming with the requirements of the Directive is kept available for inspection at the above Manufacturer's, address.
Qui fait l‘objet de la présente déclaration correspond aux directives et normes suivantes:
Directive 2006/42/CE Prescriptions sanitaire et sécurité
Directive 2004/108/CE Compatibilité électromagnétique
Directive 2000/14/CE Émission de bruit
Norme européenne EN 13309:2000 EN 13862:2001 DIN EN ISO 3744 EN 61000
Pour faire foi de la conformité et du res­pect des règles de sécurité, la docu­mentation peut être consultée au siège de la Société susmentionnée.
Hellenthal, den 01.10.2010
FS 240 E
Operating manual
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1. Preface.......................................................................................................................... 5
2. General safety references.............................................................................................. 5
2.1 Basic operati on and desi gnated use of the machine ...........................................................6
2.2 Organizational measures....................................................................................................6
2.3 Selection and qualif ication of person...................................................................................7
2.4 Normal operation of t he m achine........................................................................................7
2.5 Special work related to the maintenance and repair of the m ac hine ....................................8
2.6 Information about special risks electrical ener gy .................................................................8
2.7 Gas, dust, steam, smoke....................................................................................................9
2.8 Noise .................................................................................................................................9
2.9 Oils, greases and other chemical substances .....................................................................9
2.10 Changing the loc ation of the machine...............................................................................10
3. Description................................................................................................................... 10
3.1 Main parts........................................................................................................................10
3.2 Technical data..................................................................................................................11
4. Transport and storing................................................................................................... 11
4.1 Transport.........................................................................................................................11
4.2 Storing.............................................................................................................................12
5. Starting ........................................................................................................................ 12
5.1 Before starting..................................................................................................................12
5.2 Packing............................................................................................................................12
5.3 Mounting the diam ond blade ............................................................................................12
5.4 Water supply.................................................................................................................... 13
5.5 Power supply ...................................................................................................................13
6. Operation..................................................................................................................... 13
6.1 Cutting line.......................................................................................................................14
6.2 Starting electric motor.......................................................................................................14
6.3 Setting cutting depth.........................................................................................................14
6.4 Feed................................................................................................................................15
6.5 Finish cutting....................................................................................................................15
6.6 Stopping electric motor.....................................................................................................15
7. Maintenance................................................................................................................ 15
7.1 General............................................................................................................................15
7.2 Lubrication chart...............................................................................................................16
7.3 Electric motor...................................................................................................................16
7.4 V-belts .............................................................................................................................16
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Operating manual
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8. Troubleshooting........................................................................................................... 17
9. Wearing parts.............................................................................................................. 19
10. Ersatzteilliste/Spare parts list/Liste des pièces de rechange........................................ 20
11. Wiring diagram............................................................................................................ 31
FS 240 E
Operating manual
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1. Preface
Thanks for choosi ng a
-product. T his operating i nstruction i s designed to fam iliarize the user with the mac hine and its designated use. The operating i nstruction cont ains important inform ation on how to operate the machine safely, pro­perly and most ef fi cient ly. Observ i ng these i nstruct ions helps to av oi d danger, to r educe repair c osts and downtimes and to i nc r ease t he r eliability and life of the machine. The operating instruction is to be supplemented by t he respective nat ional rules and regulati ons for accident prevention and envir on­mental protecti on. The operating instruction must always be avai lable wherever the machine is in use. This operati ng instruction m ust be read and applied by any person i n charge of work with or on the machine, such as:
- Operation including setting up, troubleshooting in the course of work, evacuation care and
disposal of fuels and consumables.
- Maintenance (servic ing, inspecti on, repair) and/or
- Transport In addition to the operating instructions and to the mandatory rules and regulations for accident
prevent ion and env ir onment pr otecti on of the country and place of use of t he machi ne, the gener ally recognized technical rules for safe and proper working conditions and procedures must also be observed.
2. General safety references
Jedes Ums etzen de r Masc hine außerh alb des Bereic hs, in dem Sc hneidarbeiten dur chgef ührt wer den, darf nic ht mit rotie ren­dem Werkzeug durchgeführt werden! It is not allowed to move the machine with rotating blade outside of the area in which cutting works have to be performed! Tout dépl aceme nt de la mac hine doit s' opérer sans r otation de l'o util (ris que de bless ures ) ceci est également valable sur le chantier pour les déplacement entre coupes!
Vor Inbetrieb nahm e Betri ebsa nleit ung lesen! Read owner’s manual before the first initiation! Lire la notice avant utilisation!
Wichtiger Hinweis! Important advice! Indication importante!
Achtung, spielende Kinder! Be careful with kids on the work side! Attention aux enfants!
Staubschutz tragen! Wear dust protection! Port de masque!
Achtung, Schneidgefahr! Danger exist to cut oneself! Attention danger de coupure!
Nicht berühren! Never touch! Ne pas toucher!
Gehörschutz tragen! Wear ear muffs! Protection acoustique obligat oire!
Schutzschuhe tragen! Wear safety boo ts! Chaussures de sécurite obligatoires!
Achtung, Schneidgefahr! Danger exist to cut oneself! Attention danger de coupure!
Schutzhelm tragen! Wear safety helmet! Port du casque!
Schutzkleidung tragen! Wear safety clothes! Vêtements protecteurs obligatoires!
Warnung vor elektrischer Spannung! Electrical Hazard! Attention tension électrique!
Augenschutz tragen! Wear safety glasses! Port de lunettes!
Schutzhandschuhe tragen! Wear protective gloves! Gants obligatoires!
Warnung vor allgemeiner Gefahr! General danger! Attention danger particulier!
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Operating manual
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2.1 Basic operation and designated use of the machine
The machi ne has been built in acc ordance with state-of-the- art standards and the recognized safety rules. Nevertheless, its use may constitute a risk to life and limb of the user or of third parties, or cause damage to the machine and to ot her material property. The m achi ne m ust only be used in t echni cal ly perf ect condi t ion i n acc ordance wit h it s designated use and the i nstructions set out in the operating m anual, and only by saf ety-conscious persons who are full y aware of the ri sks inv olv ed in operating t he machi ne. Any func tional di sorders, especially those affecting the safety of t he machine, should therefore be rectified immediately. Separation bui lding implem ents are exclusiv ely designed for sawing of asphalt, concrete and steel concrete. Using t he machine for purposes other than t hose mentioned above (such as for) is con­sidered contrary to its designated use. The manufacturer cannot be held liable for any damage resulting f rom such use. The risk of such misuse lies entirely with the user. Operating the machi ne within the l im its of it s designated use also inv ol v es observi ng the instr ucti ons set out in the operating manual and complying with the inspection and maintenance directives.
2.2 Organizational measures
This operating manual must always be at hand at the place of use of the product and must be accessible to the per son operating the mac hine! In addition to this operating manual, all other generally applicable legal and other mandatory regulations relevant to accident prevention and environmental protection must be observed! Such obligati ons may al so comprise the handling of hazardous material s, provisi oning and/ or wearing of personal protecti ve equipm ent, or r oad traffi c regul at ions. T hi s operating manual must be supplemen­ted by instructions covering the duties involv ed in supervising and notifying special organizational features, such as job or ganization, work flows or the person entrusted with the work. Person entrusted with work on the produc t must have read t he operating manual pri or to taking up work. Thi s applies especiall y to persons working only occ asionally on t he product, e.g. during set-up or maintenance activities. Check - at least from time to time - whether the personnel is carrying out the work in compliance with the operating manual and paying attention to risks and safety-relevant factors. For reasons of safet y, long hair must be ti ed back or otherwise secured, garments must be close­fitting and no jeweller y - including rings - may be worn. S evere injury may result from being caught by mov ing parts of the m achi ne. Personal prot ecti v e equipm ent m ust be used wherever requi red by the circum stances or by law (e.g. safety glasses, ear protectors, saf ety boots, suitable saf ety clothing). Observe the regulations for prevention of accidents! Observe all safety precautions and warnings attached to t he pr oduc t and always keep them i n good and per fectly legible condition.
The personal protection equipment should consist of the following parts:
1 Helmet with protection of the ears 2/3 Viso r or safet y glasses / Dust mask 4 Protective gloves 5 Safety clothes 6 Safety boots
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Operating manual
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In case event of safety-rel evant modi ficati ons or changes in the behaviour of the product, stop the product immediat ely and report the malfunc tion to the competent authority/ person. Do not remove or mak e inoperative any safety devices the pr oduc t is equipped with. Never make any modifications, additions or conversions which might affect safety without the manufacturer’s/distributor’s prior approval! This also applies to the installation and adjustment of safety devices as well as to weldi ng and dr illing work on supporting structur es. Damaged or worn parts of the product must be r eplaced immediatel y . Use genuine spare parts only. All spare part s and tools must c ompl y with the t echnical requir ements specif i ed by the manuf actur er/ distributor. Adhere to the legally prescribed prevent ive maintenance and i nspect ion intervals or those specified in this operati ng manual! All m aintenance and repair act ivit ies must be perform ed by qualifi ed personnel using suitable tool s and other suitabl e workshop equi pment. Observe the fire alarm and fire fighting measures. The personnel must be made familiar with the locati on and handling of fire extinguishers!
2.3 Selection and qualification of person
Any work on and with the product must be executed by reli able person only. Statutory minim um age limits must be observed! The product must be operated or serviced by trained or properly instructed person onl y . Clearly define the individual responsibilities of the person for operation, set- up, maintenanc e and r epair. Make sure that only authorized work on or with t he pr oduc t. Define t he machine oper ator’s responsibilities -also with regard to observ ing road tr aff ic regulat ions-, providing the operator with the authority to refuse instructions by third parties that are contrary to safety. Do not allow persons to be trai ned or instr ucted or persons taki ng part i n a general tr aining c ourse to work on or with the product without being perm anently superv ised by an experienced per son. Work on the electri cal system and equipment of the product must be carried out only by a skilled electri cian or by proper ly instruct ed persons working under the superv ision and guidance of a skilled electrician and in accor danc e with electrical engineering rules and regulations.
2.4 Normal operation of the machine
Before begi nning work, f am iliarize yourself with the surroundings and circum stances of the si te, such as obstacles which might im pede work or traff ic, the soil bearing capacity and the required safety measures, e.g. barr iers separating the work site from public traffic . Check the range in gas-, water- and power supply lines bef ore working. Av oid any operational m ode that might be prejudi c ial to safety! Take the necessary precaut ions to ensure that the m achine is used only when in a safe and reliabl e state. Operate the machine only if all protective and safety-oriented devices, such as removable safety dev ices, emer gency shut-off , sound-proofing el ements and exhausters, are i n place and ful ly functional. Each ti m e bef ore y ou start working, check t he product f or obv i ous dam age and def ect s. Any c hanges (including changes in the performance or behaviour of the product) must be reported to the competent authority / person imm ediately. In the event of malfunc tions or changes in the m ac hine’s behaviour , stop the product i mmediately and secure it against r estarting. Have any defec ts rectif ied immediately ! The machine is designed for use in dayl ight! The m achine operator/ owner must ensure suff icient workplace li ghting for non-illuminated work sites! Take precautions to ensure that the operator always has an adequate view of the work. Before leaving the machine always secure it against inadvert ent movement and unauthorized use!
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Operating manual
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During start-up and shut-down procedures always watch the indicators in accordance with the operating instructions. Before starting up or setting the machine in motion, make sure that nobody is at risk. Al ways keep at a distance from the edges of building pits and slopes.
2.5 Special work related to the maintenance and repair of the machine
Observe t he adjustment , mai ntenance and inspecti on activ iti es and interv als set out in the operating manual, including inform ation on the replac ement of par ts or equipment! These activit ies may be perf ormed by skil led personnel only. Brief the operati ng personnel before initiating special repair or m aintenance acti vit ies. Appoint a person to supervise such acti vit ies. In any work concerning the operation, adaptation to production requirements, conversion or adjustment of the m achine and i t’s safety -orient ed dev ices or any work rel ated to i nspection, mai nte­nance and repair, al ways observe the start-up and shut-down procedur es described in the operating manual as well as the instructions on maintenance activities! Ensure that the maintenance area i s adequately secured. The machine is designed for use in dayl ight! The m achine operator/ owner must ensure suff icient workplace li ghting for non-illuminated work sites! The fastening of loads and the instructing of crane operators should be entrusted to experienced persons only. The m ar shaller giving the instructions must be within sight or sound of the operator. Carry out maint enance and repai r work onl y if the machi ne is positioned on stabl e and lev el ground and has been secured against inadvertent m ovement and buckling. If t he machine is compl etely shut down for mai ntenance or repair work, it m ust be secured against inadvertent restarting. Clean the machine, especially connections and threaded unions, of any traces of oil, fuel or preservat ives bef ore carrying out m aintenance or repai r. Never use aggressive detergents. Use lint­free cleaning rags. Before cleaning the machine with water or other cl eaning agents cover or tape up all openings which ­for safety and functional reasons- must be protected against the i ngress of water/ steam/ cleaning agents. After cleaning, r emove all covers and tapes applied for that purpose. After cleaning, examine the machine for leaks, loose connections, chafe marks or damage. Any defects found must be rectified without delay. Always tighten any screwed connections that have been loosened during m aintenance and repair. Any safety devices rem oved f or set- up, maintenanc e or repair purposes must be refitted and chec k ed immediately upon c ompleti on of the maintenance and repair work.
2.6 Information about special risks electrical energy
Observe the relevant national regulat ions or standards. Electric al connections must al ways be kept free f rom di rt and moi sture. Use only ori ginal f uses with the specifi ed rating! Swit ch off the machine immediately , if t r ouble occurs in the el ec tric power supply! When working with the machine, mai ntain a safe dist anc e from overhead electric lines. If work is to be carried out close to overhead lines, the working equipment must be kept well away from them. Caution, danger! Check out the prescribed safety distances. If your machine comes into contact with a live wire:
warn others against approaching and touching the m ac hine
have t he live wire de-energized
Wor k on the el ect ri cal system or equi pm ent m ay onl y be carr ied out by a skilled electrician himself or by specially instructed personnel under the control and supervision of such electrician and in accordance with the applicable engineering rules. If provided for in the regulations, the power supply to parts of machines and plants, on which inspection, maintenance and repair work is to be car ried out must be cut of f. Bef ore starting work, check the de-energi zed part s f or t he presence of power and ground or short-circui t them in addit ion to insulati ng adjacent li ve parts and elements.
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The electrical equipm ent of machines is to be inspected and checked at regular interv als. Defects such as loose connections or scorched cables must be rectified immediately. Necessary work on l ive parts and elements must be carried out only in the presence of a second person who can cut off the power supply in case of danger by act uating the emergency shut-off or main power switch. S ecure the working area with a red-and white saf ety chain and a warning sign. Use insulated tool s onl y . If mobile electrical equipment, connecting cables and/ or extension/ appliance cords with plug connectors are used, ensure that such equi pment, c ables and cords are checked for correct functi on at least once every six months by a qualified electrician or - if sui table testing equipment i s available ­by a properly instructed person. Protecti ve instal lations with fault-current protection units used in non-stationary equi pment must be checked for c or r ec t operation at least once a month by a pr oper ly instructed per son. Fault-c urrent and f aul t- v ol t age protec ti on uni ts m ust be check ed for correc t operati on by actuati ng the testing facility:
- once on ev er y working day in the case of mobil e equipment,
- at least once every six months in t he c ase of stationary equipment.
2.7 Gas, dust, steam, smoke
Operate internal combustion engines only on adequately ventilated premises. Before starting the machine on enc losed premises, make sure that there is suf fici ent ventilation! Danger of life! Carry out welding, flame-c utting and grinding work on t he machine only of this ahs been expressly authorized, as ther e may be a risk of explosion and fire. Before carrying out welding, flame-cutting and grinding operations, clean the machine and its surroundings from dust and other inflammable substances and make sure that the premises are adequately ventilated (Risk of explosion). Observe the regulations in force at the respect ive site!
2.8 Noise
Noise Protection devices on the machine must be in the protection position during operation! Always wear the specified personal hearing prot ec tion (UVV 29 §10)!
2.9 Oils, greases and other chemical substances
When handling hy dr aulic fluids, lubricat ing fluids, greases or preservatives (called operating materials and lubricant s in the foll owing), the safet y regulations appli cable for t he respectiv e product must be observed! Avoid prolonged contact of operating mater ials and lubric ants with the skin! The skin must be c ar efully c leaned of adhering operating m aterials and lubricants! Exerci se cauti on when handl ing hot operat ing mater ials and l ubricant s, as there is a danger of burns or scalding. P ar ticularly at liquid temperatures above 60°C, avoid any skin contact with these liquids! If operat ing m at eri als or l ubri cant s get i nto t he eyes, f l ush thoroughl y wit h dri nki ng water. Then visit a doctor! Immediately clean up any operating materials and lubricants which have leaked out. Use absorbent material for this purpose! Operating m aterials or lubr icants must not be all owed to seep into the soi l or to get into the publi c sewerage system! Properly collect, stor e and dispose of operating materials and lubricants which can no longer be used! Observe and foll ow the respecti ve applic able laws and regulations for handl ing operating mat erials and lubricants and their disposal in the country in which these substances are used! Obtain infor mation from the responsible agencies!
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2.10 Changing the location of the machine
Use only suitable means of transport and lifting gear of sufficient capacity when loading or transporting the machine! Appoint an experienced instructor for the lifting operation! Always observe the i nstruct ions giv en i n the operati ng manual when lif ti ng the machine (use only the prescribed lifti ng ey es for attachi ng the lifting gear)! Use only suitable transport vehicles with sufficient load capacity! Secure the load carefully. Use suitable fastening points for securing! Before loading the mac hine or part s of it, secure the machi ne/ parts against i nadvert ent mov ement ! Attach a suit able warning sign! Before using the machine again, make sure that such protection material or devices are properly removed! P ar ts which had to be removed for t r ansporting of t he machine must be refi tted and secured carefully befor e the machine is used again! The recommissioning procedure must be strictly in accor danc e with the operating manual! Observe the instructions given in the operating manual when reassembling and operating the machine. Before sett ing the machine in motion always check that all accessories are safel y stowed.
3. Description
3.1 Main parts
1. Frame
2. Undercarriage
3. V-belt guard
4. Eyebolt
5. Crank handle
6. Adjustable push bow
7. Quick change system
8. Electric motor
9. Blade guard
10. Pointer unit
+ 21 hidden pages