-product. This operating instruction is designed to familiarize the user with the
machine and its designated use.
The operating instruction contains important information on how to operate the machine safely, properly and
most effi ciently. Observing these instructions helps to avoid danger , to reduce repair costs and downtimes and
to increase the reliability and life of the machine.
The operating instruction is to be supplemented by the respective national rules and reg u la tions for accident
prevention and environmental protection. The operating instruction must always be available wherever the
machine is in use.
This operating instruction must be read and applied by any person in charge of work with or on the machine,
such as:
- Operation including setting up, troubleshooting in the course of work, evacuation care and dis pos al
of fuels and consumables.
In addition to the operating instructions and to the mandatory rules and regulations for ac ci dent prevention and
environment protection of the country and place of use of the machine, the gen er al ly recognized technical rules
for safe and proper working conditions and pro ce dures must also be observed.
2. Fundamental safety instructions
2.1 Warnings and symbols
The following signs and designations are used in the manual to designate instructions of particular importance:
Information: Refers to special information on how to use the machine most effi ciently
Attention: Refers to special information and/or orders and prohibitions directed
towards preventing damage
Danger:Refers to orders and prohibitions designed to prevent injury or extensive
The fol low ing signs are used on the ma chine and in the man u al:
Augenschutz tragen!
Wear safety glasses!
Port de lunettes!
Schutzhelm tragen!
Wear safety helmet!
Port du casque!
Jedes Umsetzen der Maschine außerhalb des Bereichs, in dem Schneidarbeiten durchgeführt werden, darf nicht mit rotierendem Werkzeug durchgeführt werden!
It is not allowed to move the machine with rotating blade outside of the area in which cutting works have to be performed!
Tout déplacement de la machine doit s'opérer sans rotation du disque (danger de blessures) ceci est également valable
sur le chantier pour les déplacement entre coupe!
Wichtiger Hinweis!
Important advice!
Important indication!
Achtung, Schneidgefahr!
Danger exist ti cut oneself!
Attention danger de coupure!
Vor In be trieb nah me Be triebs an lei tung lesen!
Read owner’s man u al before the fi rst initiation!
Avant utilisation lire la notice!!
2.2 Basic operation and designated use of the machine
The machine has been built in accordance with state-of-the-art standards and the rec og nized safety
rules. Nevertheless, its use may constitute a risk to life and limb of the user or of third parties, or cause
damage to the machine and to other material property.
The machine must only be used in technically perfect condition in accordance with its des ig nat ed use
and the instructions set out in the operating manual, and only by safety-conscious persons who are fully
aware of the risks involved in operating the machine. Any functional disorders, especially those af fecting
the safety of the machine, should therefore be rectifi ed immediately .
Separation building implements are exclusively designed for sawing, slotting, drilling a.s.o. of abrasive
building material at building sites using tools in ac cord ance with the manufacturer’s instruction.
They are exclusively designed for cutting fi rm built-in building material.
Using the machine for purposes other than those mentioned above (such as for) is considered contrary
to its des ig nat ed use. The manufacturer cannot be held liable for any damage resulting from such use.
The risk of such misuse lies en tire ly with the user. Operating the machine within the limits of its des ig nat ed use also involves observing the instructions set out in the operating man u al and complying with
the inspection and main te nance directives.
2.3 Organizational measures
The operating instructions must always be at hand at the place of use of the machine, e.g. by stowing
them in the tool compartment or tool-box pro vid ed for such purpose.
In addition to the operating instructions, observe and instruct the user in all oth er generally applicable
legal and other mandatory regulations relevant to accident prevention and en vi ron men tal protection.
These compulsory regulations may also deal with the handling of hazardous substances, issuing and/or
wearing of per son al protective equipment, or traffi c regulations.
The operating instructions must be supplemented by instructions covering the duties in volved in super-
vising and notifying special organizational features, such as job or gan i za tion, working sequences or the
personnel entrusted with the work.
Personnel entrusted with work on the machine must have read the operating instructions and in particular
the chapter on safety before beginning work. Read ing the instructions after work has begun is too late.
This applies especially to persons working only occasionally on the machine, e.g. during setting up or
Check - at least from time to time - whether the personnel is carrying out the work in com pli ance with the
operating instructions and paying attention to risks and safety factors.
For reasons of security , long hair must be tied back or otherwise secured, gar ments must be close-fi tting
and no jewellery - such as rings - may be worn. Injury may result from being caught up in the machinery
or from rings catching on moving parts.
Use protective equipment wherever required by the circumstances or by law.
FS 130 /FS170
Observe all safety instructions and warnings attached to the machine.
See to it that safety instructions and warnings attached to the machine are al ways complete and perfectly
In the event of safety-relevant modifi cations or changes in the behaviour of the machine during operation,
stop the machine immediately and report the mal func tion to the competent authority/person.
Never make any modifi cations, additions or conversions which might affect safe ty without the supplier’s
approval. This also applies to the installation and ad just ment of safety devices and valves as well as to
welding work on load-bearing elements.
Spare parts must comply with the technical requirements specifi ed by the man u fac tur er . Spare parts from
original equipment manufacturers can be relied to do so.
Replace hydraulic hoses within stipulated and appropriate intervals even if no safety-relevant defects
have been detected.
Adhere to prescribed intervals or those specifi ed in the operating instructions for routine checks and
For the execution of maintenance work, tools and workshop equipment adapted to the task on hand are
absolutely indispensable.
The personnel must be familiar with the location and operation of fi re ex tin guish ers.
Observe all fi re-warning and fi re-fi ghting procedures.
2.4 Selection and qualifi cation of personnel
Any work on and with the machine must be executed by reliable personnel only. Stat u to ry minimum age
limits must be observed.
Employ only trained or instructed staff and set out clearly the individual re spon si bil i ties of the personnel
for operation, set-up, maintenance and repair.
Make sure that only authorized personnel works on or with the machine.
Defi ne the machine operator’s responsibilities - also with regard to observing traffi c reg u la tions - giving
the operator the authority to refuse instructions by third parties that are con tra ry to safety.
Do not allow persons to be trained or instructed or persons taking part in a gen er al training course to
work on or with the machine without being permanently supervised by an ex pe ri enced person.
Work on the electrical system and equipment of the machine must be carried out only by a skilled electrician
or by instructed persons under the supervision and guidance of a skilled electrician and in accordance
with electrical engineering rules and regulations.
Work on the hydraulic system must be carried out only by personnel with special knowledge and expe-
rience of hydraulic equipment.
2.5 Safety instructions governing specifi c operational phases
Standard operation
Avoid any operational mode that might be prejudicial to safety.
Take the necessary precautions to ensure that the machine is used only when in a safe and reliable
state. Operate the machine only if all protective and safety-oriented devices, such as removable safety
devices, emergency shut-off equip ment, sound-proofi ng el e ments and exhausters, are in place and
fully functional. Before beginning work, familiarize yourself with the surroundings and cir cum stanc es of
the site, such as obstacles in the working and travelling area, the soil bearing capacity and any barriers
separating the construction site from public roads.
Check the machine at least once per working shift for obvious damage and de fects. Report any changes
(incl. changes in the machine’s working behaviour) to the competent organization/person immediately.
If necessary, stop the ma chine immediately and lock it.
In the event of malfunctions, stop the machine immediately and lock it. Have any de fects rectifi ed imme-
During start-up and shut-down procedures always watch the indicators in ac cord ance with the operating
Before starting up or setting the machine in motion, make sure that nobody is at risk.
Special work in conjunction with utilization of the machine and main te nance and re pairs during operation; disposal of parts and consumables
Observe the adjusting, maintenance and inspection activities and intervals set out in the operating in-
structions, including information on the replacement of parts and equipment. These activities may be
executed by skilled personnel only.
Brief operating personnel before beginning special operations and maintenance work, and appoint a
person to supervise the activities.
In any work concerning the operation, conversion or adjustment of the machine and its safety-oriented
devices or any work related to maintenance, inspection and repair, always observe the start-up and shutdown procedures set out in the operating instructions and the information on maintenance work.
Ensure that the maintenance area is adequately secured.
If the machine is completely shut down for maintenance and repair work, it must be secured against inadvertent
starting by:
- locking the principal control elements and removing the ignition key and/or
- attaching a warning sign to the main switch.
To avoid the risk of accidents, individual parts and large assemblies being moved for re place ment purposes
should be carefully attached to lifting tackle and se cured. Use only suitable and technically perfect lifting gear
and suspension sys tems with adequate lifting capacity. Never work or stand under suspended loads.
The fastening of loads and the instructing of crane operators should be en trust ed to ex pe ri enced persons only.
The marshaller giving the instructions must be with in sight or sound of the operator.
Clean the machine, especially connections and threaded unions, of any traces of oil, fuel or preservatives
before carrying out maintenance/repair. Never use ag gres sive detergents. Use lint-free cleaning rags.
Before cleaning the machine with water, steam jet (high-pressure cleaning) or detergents, cover or tape up
all openings which - for safety and functional rea sons - must be protected against water, steam or detergent
penetration. Special care must be taken with electric mo tors and switchgear cabinets.
After cleaning, remove all covers and tapes applied for that purpose.
FS 130 /FS170
After cleaning, examine all fuel, lubricant, and hydraulic fl uid lines for leaks, loose con nec tions, chafe marks
and damage. Any defects found must be rectifi ed with out delay.
Always tighten any screwed connections that have been loosened during main te nance and repair.
Any safety devices removed for set-up, maintenance or repair purposes must be refi tted and checked imme-
diately upon completion of the maintenance and re pair work.
Ensure that all consumables and replaced parts are disposed of safely and with minimum environmental im-
2.6 Warning of special dangers
Electric energy
Use only original fuses with the specifi ed current rating. Switch off the machine immediately if trouble
occurs in the electrical system.
Work on the electrical system or equipment may only be carried out by a skilled electrician himself or by
specially instructed personnel under the control and supervision of such elec tri cian and in accordance
with the applicable electrical engineering rules.
The electrical equipment of machines is to be inspected and checked at reg u lar in ter vals. Defects such
as loose connections or scorched cables must be rec ti fi ed immediately.
Necessary work on live parts and elements must be carried out only in the pres ence of a second person
who can cut off the power supply in case of danger by actuating the emer gen cy shut-off or main power
switch. Secure the working area with a red-and-white safety chain and a warning sign. Use insulated
tools only.
Gas, dust, steam, smoke
Carry out welding, fl ame-cutting and grinding work on the machine only if this has been expressly au-
thorized, as there may be a risk of explosion and fi re.
Before carrying out welding, fl ame-cutting and grinding operations, clean the machine and its surroundings
from dust and other infl ammable sub stanc es and make sure that the premises are adequately ventilated
(risk of explosion).
Operate internal combustion engines and fueloperated heating systems only on adequately ventilated
premises. Before starting the machine on enclosed premis es, make sure that there is suffi cient ventilation.
Observe the regulations in force at the respective site.
Hydraulic and pneumatic equipment
Work on hydraulic equipment may be carried out only by persons having special knowledge and expe-
rience in hydraulic systems.
Check all lines, hoses and screwed connections regularly for leaks and obvious damage. Repair damage
immediately. Splashed oil may cause injury and fi re.
Depressurize all system sections and pressure pipes (hydraulic system, com pressed-air system) to be
removed in accordance with the specifi c instructions for the unit concerned before carrying out any repair
Hydraulic and compressed-air lines must be laid and fi tted properly. Ensure that no con nec tions are in-
terchanged. The fi ttings, lengths and quality of the hoses must comply with the technical requirements.
During operation, all sound baffl es must be closed.
Always wear the prescribed ear protectors.
Oil, grease and other chemical substances
When handling oil, grease and other chemical substances, observe the product-related safe ty regulati-
Be careful when handling hot consumables (risk of burning or scalding).
2.7 Machinery and equipment used at frequently changing places of
It is not allowed to move the machine with rotating blade outside of the area in which cutting works
have to be performed!
For loading only use lifting gear and tackle of suffi cient capacity .
Appoint a competent marshaller to assist in the lifting operations.
Lift machinery and equipment properly with suitable lifting gear and only in ac cord ance with the operating
Only use suitable means of transport of adequate carrying capacity.
Fasten the loads safely using the suitable fi xing points.
Before or immediately after completion of the loading operations the machine must be secured by means
of recommended/supplied devices against un in ten tion al changes of po si tion and a corresponding warning sign attached to the machine. Before recommissioning the machine these devices must be prop er ly
Carefully refi t and fasten all parts to be removed for transport purposes before recommissioning the
For recommissioning only proceed in accordance with the operating in struc tions.
3. Description
3.1 Intended use-description
Operate the fl oor saw only using tools in ac cord ance with the manufacturer’s instruction. Using other
tools is considered contrary to its des ig nat ed use. The manufacturer cannot be held liable for any damage
resulting from such use. The risk of such misuse lies entirely with the user.
Operate petrol driven fl oor saws only with motor fuel the engine manufacturer specifi es.
Information: Unconditional observe the owner’s manual of the engine manufacturer, which is added!
3.2 Chief constituent
1. Frame
2. Engine
3. Push bow
4. Water tank 30 l
3.3 Safety devices
Danger: During cutting or displacing the fl oor saw, all safety de vic es shown
below must be mounted!
5. Blade guard
6. Cutting depth indicator
7. V-belt guard
8. Pointer unit
FS 130 /FS170
Blade guard
V-belt guard
3.4 Technical data
FS170 SFS170 SD
Ø450 mm -
Ø450 mm -
Ø100 mm - 3,94"Ø100 mm - 3,94"
1000x570x800 mm -
FS 130 E
FS 130 DFS 130 E
FS 130 B
Ø450 mm -
Ø400 mm -
Ø400 mm -
Ø400 mm -
- 40,55x23,23x39"
1030x590x990 mm
manual start
Foot pedal
FS 130 B
Max. cutting
Ø400 mm -
Max. blade-Ø
140 mm - 5,5"140 mm - 5,5"140 mm - 5,5"140 mm - 5,5"160 mm - 6,3"160 mm - 6,3"160 mm - 6,3"
25,4 mm - 1"25,4 mm - 1"25,4 mm - 1"25,4 mm - 1"25,4 mm - 1"25,4 mm - 1"25,4 mm - 1"
Flange sizeØ90 mm - 3,54"Ø90 mm - 3,54"Ø90 mm - 3,54"Ø90 mm - 3,54"Ø100 mm - 3,94"
Blade shaft
1000x570x800 mm - 39,37x22,44x31,5"
Watertank 16l or 30l for dry cutting diamond blades
Connection for external water supply wet cutting diamond blades
SStarting de-
V-belt tensioncontinuous
Cutting depth
Cutting depth
Water supply
engine 3600 rpm,
FS170 SFS170 SD
7,4kW (10HP)
1 Cylinder, air-
3600 rpm,
9,6 kW (13HP)
engine GX390K1
No load =
108 dB(A)
Full load =
No load =
104 dB(A)
Full load =
No load =
117 dB(A)
No load =
114 dB(A)
95 dB(A)
100 dB(A)
Full load =
88 dB(A)
98 dB(A)
Full load =
FS 130 E
FS 130 DFS 130 E
3000 rpm
5,5kW (7,5HP),
3-phase electric
400V, 50 Hz, 16A,
3000 rpm
5,5kW (7,5HP),
3-phase electric
400V, 50 Hz, 16A,
1 cylinder, air-
engine, 6,6kW
(9HP), 3600 rpm,
No load =
101 dB(A)
Full load =
No load =
101 dB(A)
Full load =
No load =
108 dB(A)
Full load =
No load =
117 dB(A)
No load =
117 dB(A)
No load =
117 dB(A)
85 dB(A)
100 dB(A)
Full load =
85 dB(A)
100 dB(A)
Full load =
95 dB(A)
100 dB(A)
Full load =
FS 130 /FS170
FS130 B
FS130 B
4000 rpm,
engine EX270D
engine GX270SX
6,6 kW (9HP)
3600 rpm,
6,6 kW (9HP)
Empty weight
No load =
No load =
135 kg - 297 lbs135 kg - 297 lbs135 kg - 297 lbs137 kg - 301,4 lbs137 kg - 301,4 lbs135 kg - 297 lbs161 kg - 354 lbs
94 kg - 206,8 lbs94 kg - 206,8 lbs105 kg - 231 lbs100 kg - 220 lbs100 kg - 220 lbs104 kg - 229 lbs120 kg - 264 lbs
a = 4,5 m/s² a = 4,5 m/s²a = 9,5 m/s²a = 2,5 m/s²a = 2,5 m/s² a = 4,5 m/s²a = 9,5 m/s²
ISO 5349
VDMA 03/2006
4. Transport
Injury hazard: Down
coming parts!
It is not allowed to move the machine with rotating blade outside of the area
in which cutting works have to be performed!
Injury hazard: Down
coming parts!
4.1 Preparation
Before trans port ing dismount the blade and low er the fl oor saw until to the stop.
Danger: Only use the lifting eye for lifting the fl oor saw!
4.2 Transporting
Check that all parts of the fl oor saw are well fastened
before transporting. Use boards for load and unloading
on a truck. Secure the fl oor saw on the loading area.
Injury hazard:
Sharp edges!
Lifting eye
For loading only use lifting gear and tackle of suffi cient
ca pac i ty (kerb weight of the fl oor saw). Lift the fl oor saw
using the lift ing eye.
5. Installation and operation
5.1 Installation
Place the fl oor saw on an even, fi rm and stable ground. Have the working area well lightened. Keep the
working area clean, cluttered areas invite injuries. Op er at ing the fl oor saw on enclosed premis es, make
sure that there is suffi cient ven ti la tion. Observe the regulations in force at the respective site.
Observe the manufacturer’s information for connecting power and water supply.
Lay all hydraulic lines or cables that damages will be prevented.
Blade mounting
- Mount the blade to the manufacturer’s odds
(Observe the min. fl ange-Ø; use only original screws or nuts).
- Use only blade diameters which are allowed by the manufacturer.
5.2 Initiation and operation
Information: Unconditional observe the owner’s manual of the engine manufacturer!
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