Gold Medal 5024 User Manual

5024 - 4 Square Belgian Waffle Baker
Pricing, specifications and availability are subject to change without notice. Images are for representation purposes only and may depict items that are sold separately.
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For success on the midways, at special events or in tourist
attraction areas, create a high ticket dessert on a 4" x 4" (10 x
10 cm) Belgian Waffle. Fast 3 minute cook cycle makes
about 70 to 80 waffles per hour. Retail at $2.50 to $3.50 each
and you can see potential for three busy Four Square Bakers!
The dessert with a slab of ice cream, strawberry syrup and
whipped cream, has a food cost of about 30ยข--a selling price
of $2.50. Also great for use on a breakfast buffet.