Golden Vision Technology Developing XYTA R9820 F4 User Manual

Thank you for using smart cameraYI IOT
1.Product introduction
Packing list: YI IOT Smart Camera × 1, Manual × 1, USB Power Cord × 1, Power Adapter × 1,Screw Accessories Package x 1
Thank you for using smart cameraYI IOT
YI IOT Smart Camera
USB Power Cord
Screw Accessories Package
Power Adapter
Basic Parameters
Product Name: Smart Camer aYI IOT Lens: 110°wide ang le Pixel:2.0 MP Video Compre ssion: H.26 4 High Profile Image Enhancement: Dig ital Wide Dynamic 3D Noise Reduction Local storage: MicroSD c ard Wireless En cryption: W EP/WPA/WPA2 Encryption Power input: 5V 1.6A Total power consumption: 3.5W (Max ) Wireless st andard: 2.4 G 802.11 b/g/n Support Platform: Android/ iOS
Component d escriptio n
Reset Butto n Press and hol d Reset for about 5 seconds. When the horn sounds short voice, the re set is successful. It is recomme nded to inser t 8-64GB high-speed Micro SD card, other wise it will not be able to store, vi ew historical video and support Import ant functions such as firmwar e upgrading.
2.Install APP
Download APP: s can the Q R code below to d ownlo ad and instal l.
Register an d login : open the APP to registera nd logi n according YI IOT to the pr ompt s.
3. Add The Device
Please make sure that there is a available Wi-Fi and the Internet is connected. Find the USB port on th e bottom of t he device and plug in t he power cord to power it on,plea se wait 20 seconds un til you hea r "DiDiDi" The n go to APP h ome p age , cli ck the "+" on t he ma in sc ree n,C onfi gur e acc ord ing to the instr uct ion s in th e APP. You ca n con figure mul tip le cam era s at the same time
4.APP Video Browsing Details
⑤ ⑥
① ② ③
Preview modeRecordingMute buttonIntercom button
⑦ ⑧ ⑨
More se tt ingsCloud StorageFloating windowFull screen preview
SnapshotHistory file(Make sure
insert Micro SD card )
5.Matters Need Attention
Try to k eep awa y fro m the m et al sp ace ;
Avo id th e fur nitur e , mic row ave ove n blo cke d;
Avo id th e spa ce wher e the a udi o, vide o and d ata l in es ar e wou nd, a nd
kee p the s pa ce aw ay fr om th em a s lar ge as p oss ib le;
Ens ure t ha t as cl ose a s pos si ble t o the c ove ra ge of w ire less Wi -Fi
In th e new n et wor k env iro nm ent , ple ase p re ss th e res et hole a bou t 5
sec ond s, Aft er h ear ing t he horn s oun ds sh ort voi ce an d the n conne ct
to th e net wo rk
YI IOT Smart camera Three packs of certificates
The YI IOT Smart camera after-sales s ervice is st rictly based on the "Pe­ople's Re public of Ch ina Consum er Rights Act" an d "China The “Product Quality Law of the Peop le’s Republ ic of China” implements the after -sale s three-package ser vice. The ser vice conte nt is as follows:
1. Within 7 days from the date of your rece ipt, this product has a perfo r­ mance failure listed in the "Product Performance Failure Chart"The situation is determi ned by the after-sales service center, and return or replacement servi ce can be enjoyed for fre e;
2. Within 8 to 15 day s from the date of your receipt, this p roduct has the performance listed in "Product P erformance Failure Table"The fault conditio n is determined by the after-sales service center and c an be exchanged for free or repaired service;
3. Within 12 mont hs from the date of your receipt, thi s product hasexp er­ ienced the performance failures listed in the “Product Performance Failure Table” The situation is determined by the after-sales service center and free r epair service is available.
Product performance failure table
Performance failure
Damaged shell due to structural or material problems
The new device cannot be turned on normally.
The new device can not take video, connect the phone, the
button is invalid (inserting Mirco SD card)
New device camera image fuzzy imaging abnormality, abn­ormal video
Non warranty regulation
1.Una uthori zed repairs, mi suse, co llisio ns, negl igence, abuse, fluids, accidents, alterati ons, ina ccurac ies Use ac cessories other than th is pro­duct, or t ear, alter s ticker s, secur ity labels
2.Has exceeded three packs of validity
3.Damage caused by force majeure;
4.Does not meet the pe rformanc e failures l isted in the "Product Perform­ance Failures";
5.Due to human f actors, this product and its accessories have cau sed the performance failures listed in the “Product Pe rformance Failure Table”.
08 09
Th e n ame a nd co n ten t o f the h a rmf ul su b sta n ces i n the p r odu c t
Part Name
shell Board charger annex This form is based on the provisions of SJ/T 11364
This p roduct conf orms t o RoHS e nvironmen tal pr otec tion r equiremen ts. At presen t, there is no mature technology in the world to replac e or redu ce the lead con tent in the elec tron ic ceramic s. porcelain, optic al glas s, steel and co pper a lloy.
○ ○
Harmful Substance
Maintenance records
Maintenance time
Fault conditions
Fault cause
Trouble shooting
Return and exchange proof
Date of validity
Original device ID
New device ID
maintenance personnel signature
Maintenance Department seal
Maintenance records
Maintenance time
Fault conditions
Fault cause
Trouble shooting
Return and exchange proof
Date of validity
Original device ID
New device ID
maintenance personnel signature
Maintenance Department seal
Maintenance voucher of intelligent
Customer: Mobile:
Model: camera ID:
Device store: Date of purchase:
Store address:
Store contact number:
Maintenance voucher of intelligent
Customer: Mobile:
Model: camera ID:
Device store: Date of purchase:
Store address:
Store contact number:
FCC Caution. Thi s de vice co mp lies wi th p art 15 of t he F CC Rule s. O perat io n is subje ct t o the fol lo wing tw o co nditi on s: (1) Th is devi ce m ay not ca us e harmf ul i nterf er ence, a nd ( 2) this d ev ice mus t ac cept an y in terfe re nce recei ve d, incl ud ing int er feren ce t hat may c au se unde si red ope ra tion.
Any Ch an ge s or modi fic ation s no t expre ss ly appr ov ed by the p ar ty respo ns ible fo r co mplia nc e could v oi d the use r' s autho ri ty to ope ra te the e qu ip ment.
Not e: T his equ ip ment ha s be en test ed a nd foun d to c omply w it h the limit s fo r a Class B d ig ital de vi ce, pur su ant to pa rt 1 5 of the FC C Rules . These l im its are d es igned t o pr ovide r ea sonab le p rotec ti on again st h armfu l in terfe re nce in a re si denti al i nstal la tion. T his equip me nt gene ra tes use s an d can rad ia te radi o fr equen cy e nergy and, if n ot i nstal le d and use d in a ccord an ce with t he i nstru ct ions, m ay cause h ar mful in te rfere nc e to radi o co mmuni ca tions . Ho wever, t he re is no gua ra ntee th at i nterf er ence wi ll n ot occu r in a p artic ul ar insta ll ation . If t his equ ip ment do es c ause ha rm ful int er feren ce t o radio or te le vi sion re ce ption , wh ich can b e de termi ne d by turn in g the equip me nt off and o n, t he user i s en coura ge d to try to c or rect th e inter fe rence b y on e or more o f th e follo wi ng meas ur es:
-Reor ie nt or rel oc ate the r ec eivin g an tenna .
-In cr ea se the se pa ratio n be tween t he e quipm en t and rec ei ver.
-Conn ec t the equ ip ment in to a n outle t on a c ircui t di fferen t fr om that t o which t he r eceiv er i s conne ct ed.
-Cons ul t the dea le r or an exp er ience d ra dio/T V te chnic ia n for hel p.
*RF war ni ng for Mo bi le devi ce : Thi s eq ui pment c om plies w it h FCC rad ia tion ex po sure li mi ts set fo rt h for a n un co ntrol le d envir on ment. T his equ ip ment sh ou ld be ins ta lled and ope ra ted wit h mi nimum d is tance 2 0c m betwe en t he radi at or & your bo dy.