Quick Guide for Watching
1.Sof twa re in sta lla tio n & dow nlo ad an d
install APP for smart phones
Search " V3 80 " in the App S tore
or scan The r ight o f qr co de. De tai ls
about th e softwar e, please l ogi n
www.av3 80.cn. .
Search “ V380”in G oogle pla y or And
-ro id Ma rket and in stall it. Or scan
The r igh t of qr code. D etails ab out
the s oft ware, ple ase login
And roi d
www.av3 80.cn..
2.Add & w atc h
The way to c onn ect c ame ra with Int ern et:
The firs t way:Q uic k WIFI Config( thi s fun ction is no t
suppor ted b y iph one )
By clic king“Qu ick
WIFI Co nfig”,t he
smart p hone can
searc h thedevi ces
autom aticall y.
Scan QR co de
to insta ll.
The seco nd wa y:Sou nd Wav e Con fig(ple ase p ay at ten tion
to the voi ce pr omp t)( suitabl e for i pho ne and Androi d pho ne)
Choos e the LAN
you wan t to
conne ct and ente r
the pas sword ,th en
click “ save”.
The dev ice will ap pear in
the mai n interfa ce, click
it to wat ch the imag e
con trol
def initi ons
ima ge
inv ersio n
scr eensh ot
sou nd
voi ce inte rcom
1 2 3
①Ple ase fir st use th imble t o inser t the “r eset ” butto n (or wait u ntil
hea ring th e promp t of “soun d wave se tting s tart”,the ngo to s tep② )
②Ple ase let y our sma rt phon e close t o the dev ice and c lick to s end
sou nd wave .
③A fter h earin g the pro mpt of “ conf igura tion up date” ,c lick “ nex t”
Cli ck “+” bu tton at
the t op-ri ght of th e
mai n inter face an d
cho ose”S ound
Wav e Conf ig”. Ente r
pas sword f or the
LAN y ou want t o
con nect, then cl ick
“ne xt”
The third way:H o t conf i gurat i on (no t e that
voic e p romp t )(su ita ble fo r iphone an d Andro id phon e)
Open th e pho ne WI FI,
To connec t the I PC ho t MV *
The beg inn ing o f the h ot sp ots.
The connection is su cce ssf ul
Open th e pho ne to t he cl ien t.
Click on t he search
equipm ent
Click on th e picture o n the right o f the device
configu ration, i nto the net work Settings,
select co nfigure p ublic swi tch routing mode.
Select th e router, yo u use the WIF I
passwor d input. Cl ick save, p lease pay atte
-ntion to t he voice pr ompt,Co nfiguration is successf ul,
you can use t he public f or a visit.
Config uration i s success ful ,
return t o click on th e device
3.Video playback
Sea rch the r ecord f iles
las t
scr eensh ot
Cho ose dev ice.
pro gress
sou nd
nex t
sto p\pla y
The r ecord f iles
rec ord pla yback
4.Device settings
Aft er choo sing de vice,
you c an conf igure i t.The
int roduc tion to v ariou s
fun tions i s as foll ows.
①Net work Se tting :
AP mo de and st ation m ode can b e inter chang ed;
as" MV*", and you c an sear ch it on th e "WLAN " of smar t
pho ne's se tting .)
wit h Inter net.;
②Rec ord Set ting:
rec ord the s ound;aud io reco rd:
sta ndard -defi nitio n(VGA ), hig h-def initi on(72 0P)rec ord res oluti on:
(cho ose hig h-de fini tion r ecor d,with bi g recor d files a nd shor t stora ge
tim e in memo ry card)
③Ala rm & Prom pt:
5 6 7
④Dat e & Time: abl e to adj ust tim e of devi ce;
dev ice hot spot(Th e devic e will tr ansmi t a WIFI si gnal, such AP mo de :
the d evice i nterc onnec ts with r outer s o as to con nect Sta tion mo de :
24- hour re cord;aut omati c recor d:
not r ecord u ntil th e image c hange s;rec ord-o n-ala rm:
swi tch for p ushin g notif icati on imag e;dis arm swi tch :
mas ter swi tch for a ll voic e promp ts;voi ce mast er swit ch:
swi tch for m oveme nt alar m voice;ala rm voic e promp ts:
abl e to choo se Chin ese or En glish;voi ce lang uage:
;ext ernal a larm IO m ode
⑤Use r Manag ement :abl e to mod ify the u serna me and pa sswor d of
cam era;
⑥Vers ion inf ormat ion: able t o obtai n infor matio n of devi ce syst em and
har dware ;
①Net work Se tting ②Rec ord Set ting
③Ala rm& Pro mpt
⑤Use r Manag ement
5.Mor e fun cti ons
6.Modify and delete
settin g of receiv ing
notifi cation im age
able to up date late st
versio n of APP
automa tically o nline
able to se t gesture
passwo rd to unloc k
softwa re
Cal l out the d evice m anage ment
int erfac e by pres sing an d holdi ng the
dev ice ent ry:
abl e to dele te one de vice ①Del ete:
ent ry indi vidua lly
use rname a nd pass word of t he devi ce
(i f you en ter er ror us ernam e and
pas sword ,you c an mod ify it h ere di rectl y,
rat her tha n addin g anoth er devi ce entr y)
dev ice ent ries.
abl e to modi fy ID num ber, ②Mod ify:
abl e to dele te mult iple③Bat ch Dele te: