Golden Vision Technology Developing G3604B1080PH User Manual

Quick Guide for Watching
1.Softwara installation&download and install APP for smart phones
Search "V380"in the App Store install app
Search "V380"in Google play install app
安卓手 机
2.User r egis tration / l ogin
3.Conf igur ation and w atch
Mode 1:W IFI Sm artlink
Dei ves whi ch supp ort Sma rtlin k confi gurat ion can i ssue a vo ice pro mpt"w aitti ng for wi fi smar tlink con figur ation ".The de fault s ettin g of Othe r devic es like o utdoo r camer as is APHot spot Mo deand i t can b e confi gured a ccour ding to " AP Quick C onfig urati on"or " Hotsp ot Conf igura tion" .
Import ant No te:
1.Th e WIFI Ca mera de fault M ode is: WIFI sm art Lin k
2.if y ou want t o chang e the WIF I route r,you ne ed to res et the WIFI C amera :Push t he WIFI C amera " Reset "butt on for1 0 sec onds( some mo del PTZ Ca mera’ s reset b utton a t the Bott om of the C amera ),the n the Cam era wil l resto re the def ault set ting.
3.You c an set th e Camer a to work a s the ind epend ed Acces s
Poi nt(Ho tpot)b y push th e "rese t"but ton on th e camer a for 1~2 s econd s if the Ca mera sm artli nk mode ,or cha nge the mod e by APP’s "N etwor k setti ng"
Firs t, user s hould m ake sur e tha t the Mobi le pho ne has alr eady co nnect ed to the p roper WIFI r outer Ac cess po int
Ste p 1: Cli ck the "WI FI Smar t Link" Men u,the u l show as b elow pic ture:
Ste p 2: lnp ut the Acc ess poi nt Rout er’s pas sword ( make us re that i ts SSID i s corre ct)an d click t he "Ne xt"bo tton
Afte r you don e that, the WIF I Camer a will tr y to conn ect the Ac cess Po int Rou ter wit h the SSI D and p asswo rd you ha ve inpu ted.T he pros ess wil l take 30 ~60 sec onds af ter the W IFI Came ra con nect th e WIFI Acce ss Poin t route r succe ssful ly the WI FI Came ra ID wil l be adde d to the de vi ce li st Last, you can c lick th e item on t he devi ce list ,then y ou can se e the liv e video
① ② ③ ④ ⑤
Image captureSound monitoring Voice intercom
Lens direction Image mode
Mode 2:AP mode configuration
1.Op en the ph one WIF I, Hot sp ots of co nnect ion equ ipmen t(MV* i s a hot spo t at the beg inni ng).
2.On AP P, click" Add net worki ng equi pment "
3.C lick on t he "loc al sear ch", se arch ou t the equ ipmen t after cl icki ng "add s elect ed equi pment ", cli ck "add e quipm ent, eq uipme nt conf igura tion an d netwo rk sett ings, ch eck the " stati on mode " , sel ect the WI FI rout er, and fi ll in the r outer 's WIFI p asswo rd, and s ave, he ar the vo ice pro mpt" rou ting co nnect ion equ ipmen t compl ete the " compl ete con figur ation
Mode 3:Quick AP config(this mode can not be suported by iphone iphone user have to connect the camera AP by manual
With A P Mode sel ected ,plea se cli ck "Dev ice Unl inked "on you r app ,clic k "AP Quic k Setup "and the d evice w ill be ap peare d. (Be cause t he defa ult sett ing of out door ca meras i s AP Hotspo t Mod e,ple ase lon g-pre ss the Res et key to ac tivat e AP Hotpo t Mod e.)
4.Video play back
Choo se devi ce
Ser ach the re cord fi les The re cord fi les
Rec ord play back
scr eensh ot
las r
stop /play
play back mode
prog ress bar
soun d
5.Device settings
Afte r choos ing de vice, you c an conf igure i t.The int roduc tion to va riou s fun tions i s as follo ws
1.N etwork S ettin g:
AP mod e and sta tion mo de can be i nterc hange d;
Set th e Camer a work as a i ndep ended Ac cess Po int(H otpot ),(Th e wifi Ca mera wo rk AP mod e:
as a WIF I Access P oint, the pre fix is" MV",e x,"MV 31000 000")
Set th e Camer a work as w ifi sta tion, the cam era wil l conne ct the wi fi rout er you Sta tion mo de:
sel ected a nd you ca n acces s you cam era by in terne t
2.R ecord Se tting :
rec ord,w ith big r ecord f iles an d short s torag e time in m emory c ard)
3.A larm& Prompt :
4.D ate&Ti me:
abl e to adju st time o f devic e;
5.U ser Man ageme nt:
abl e to modi fy the use rnam e and pas sword o f camer a
con tinui us reco rding ;aut omati c record :
rec ord wit h alarm e vent;rec ord-o n-ala rm:
rec ord the s ound;aud io reco rd:
stan dard -defi nitio n(VGA) ,high -defi nitio n(72 0P/96 0P)(c hoose h igh-d efini tion rec ord res oluti on:
clo se or Ope n the ala rm;d isarm s witch :
mas ter swi tch for al l voice p rompt s;voi ce masr er switc h:
swi tch for mo vemen t alarm v oice;ala rm voic e promp ts:
ena ble the v oice pr omptsvoi ce lang uage:
6.S tatic IP c onfig urant ion:
Equ ipmen t can be st atic IP is s et to man ual con figur ation o r autom atic co nfigu ratio n
7.Ve rsion in forma tion:
abl e to obta in info rmati on of dev ice sys tem and ha rdwa te
1.N etwor k Setti ng 2.R ecord S ettin g
4.U ser Man ageme nt
5.S tatic I P Con figur aton
3.A larm& Promp t
6.D etect u pdate
6.More functions
7.Modify and delete
Mob ile pho ne alar m notic e set ting
Vie w,to sha re,de lete pi cture s, vie w,dele te the vi dro
Ser ver Area S elect ion
Che ck devi ce conf igura tion ins turct ion and FA QS
Set ting th e AP P’s pass word
Upd ate lat est ver siono f AP P aut omati cally o nline
1.De lete :able to d elet e one dev ice ent ry indi vidua lly
abl e ti modi fy ID numb er,use rnam e and pas sword 2.Ed it: of the d evice (if you e nter er ror use rname a nd pass word , you c an modi fy it her e direc tly,rat her tha n addin g anoth er dev ice ent ry)
Pro tectio n,rem oval of e quip ment ca n be3.Ar m:
pla yback t he snap p icute 4.Me gs:
Lon g press t he devi ce ID to pr oceed b ulk del etion s(On 5.
the a ndroi d mobil e phone s do not su pport t his ope ratio n)
This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: 1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and 2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.
Note: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:
Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna. Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver. Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is
connected. Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.
CautionChanges or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user's authority to operate the equipment.