Golden Technologies · 401 Bridge Street · Old Forge, PA · Tel: 800-624-6374 · Fax: 800-628-5165 ·
Thank you for purchasing your Companion Scooter. We are honored you have chosen
Golden Technologies for your mobility needs. Please note, unless otherwise specified, the
term Companion refers to each of the models listed below:
Companion I — 3 wheel scooter
GC240 — 300 lb. load capacity
Companion II – 3 wheel scooters
GC340 – 350 lb. load capacity
Companion II – 4 wheel scooters
GC440 – 350 lb. load capacity
Standard Packing List:
1 Owner’s Manua l
1 Consumer Instructional DVD
2 Batter y Cables wi th Hardwar e
1 Front Basket
1 Seat with Arms
2 Keys
Seat Post Nut and Bolt
We ask that you read this manual completely before operating your new Companion.
Golden Technologies, Inc. is not and cannot be held responsible for any damage or
injury incurred due to improper or unsafe use of the Golden Companion scooter.
Golden Technologies, Inc. specifically disclaims responsibility for any bodily injury or
property damage that may occur during any use that does not comply with applicable
federal, state, or local laws or ordinances.
Compan ion Owner' s Manual: GC240, GC340, GC440
I. INTRODUCTION................................................................................................................... 4
Features and Benefits ................................................................................................................. 5
Accessories for the Companion Scooter...................................................................................... 6
II. SAFETY ............................................................................................................................... 7
III. EMI/RFI ............................................................................................................................ 11
IV. YOUR GOLDEN COMPANION ...................................................................................... 12
Congratulations on the purchase of your new Golden Companion scooter. The Companion,
the Companion II, and the four-wheel Companion II all combine cutting edge technology
with attractive designs that are also highly functional in today’s world. We at Golden
Technologies, Inc. know that you have chosen a scooter that will give you years of
dependable operation and also will enhance the quality of your life by providing you with the
mobility to experience an active daily life-style.
Even though your new Companion is both user-friendly and designed for maximum
maneuverability in even the tightest spaces, we ask that you please read, understand and
follow all of the instructions and suggestions in this manual before you operate your
Companion for the first time. The safe use of your new scooter is very important to us.
If you feel that you do not understand the instructions and suggestions presented in this
owner’s manual, or if, for any reason, you do not feel capable of performing the activities
necessary to assemble, disassemble, operate, or maintain your Companion, please contact
your local Golden Technologies, Inc. representative or call Golden Technologies, Inc.
Technical Support Services at (800) 624-6374.
Golden Technologies, Inc. cannot be held responsible for personal injury or property damage
resulting from the unsafe or the improper use of any of our broad range of health and
personal mobility products. Also, Golden Technologies, Inc. cannot be held responsible for
personal injury or property damage resulting from attempts to follow instructions,
suggestions, and guidelines presented in this owner’s manual.
Our Research and Development Department, our Quality Control Department, and our
Engineering Department have used the latest product specifications and the latest product
design information to produce this owner’s manual. Golden Technologies, Inc. reserves the
right to implement changes into our product lines when those changes become desirable or
necessary. If changes are implemented into our product line, there may be minor differences
between the product you purchased and the illustrations and instructions in this owner’s
Please fill out and mail the enclosed warranty registration card. We at Golden Technologies,
Inc. would appre ci ate hearing about the dependability of yo ur Companion and about the
convenience of mobility it has provided for you. We would also appreciate hearing about the
service you received from your local Golden Technologies, Inc. dealer or representative.
Golden Technologies, Inc. Phone: (570) 451-7477
401 Bridge Street Fax: (570) 451-7494
Old Forge, PA 18518 Toll free: (800) 624-6374
For more information about our products and services or to send us your comments, please
visit our website at
Companion 4
Compan ion Owner' s Manual: GC240, GC340, GC440
Features and Benefits
Your Golden Companion scooter shipping carton contains an informational DVD that highlights the features and benefits of your Companion scooter as well as important safety and
operating instructions. Please view this video and read the Owner's Manual in its entirety
for complete safety and operating instructions.
Control Panel: Easy to read
display feat ures backlit battery
gauge; two horn buttons; t he
key switch; and the r ed butt on
that turns the headlight and taillights on and off.
Off-board charger: The char ger
port is located c onv eniently on the
tiller behi nd a prot ec tive cover.
Tiller: Easy to use tiller
offers infinite adjustment
with its angle adj ustm ent
lever and can be adjusted
without bending over.
Delta Ti lle r ha nd le : Offers
cushioned hand rests for
comfort and dual throttle control levers f or easy ri ght or
left hand use.
Slide Seat Mechanism: A standard feature, every Companion scooter features a
mechanism that allows the seat to slide
forward or backward for easier access to
the tiller and control panel and comfort.
Adjustable Armrests: Your Com-
panion scooter features width, height
and angle adjustable armrests to find
the most comfortable position as well
as to make transfers easier.
Automatic Tiller Lock: The tiller
will automati c ally lock when
folded down complet ely so that it
does not swing from side t o si de
during transport .
Headlights (and tail lights): A
standard feature, the headlights
and taillights feature bright, longlasting LED bulbs. The headlight
is angle-adj ustable.
Tie-Downs: The tie-downs are import ant f or
transportation. Two (2) tie downs are locat ed
on the front of the scooter, on each side of
the front tire, and t wo (2) are loc ated at the
rear of the scooter on each side of the anti-tip
Tires: Every Compan-
ion scooter comes with
non-marking, nonscuffing ti r es.
Seat Swivel: A standard feature,
every Companion scoot er seat c an
swivel to the left or ri ght f or easy transfers or to sit more comfortably at a table or desk.
Seat Lift (optional): Your Companion scooter may be equipped
with the seat lift, which will raise
your seat up to 5”. The switch for
the seat lift is conv eni ently located on the tiller.
Companion 5
Compan ion Owner' s Manual: GC240, GC340, GC440
Accessories for the Companion Scooters
A variety of accessories are available for your Golden Companion Scooter*. Please contact
your Authorized Gold e n Technol ogies' Dealer for more information.
• Amputee Leg Supports
• Cane Holder Tube
• Cup Holder
• Deluxe Pack N' Go
• Forearm Crutch Holder
• Mirror
• Oxyg en Tank Holder
• Quad Cane Holder
• Rear Basket
• Safety Flag
• Scooter Cover
• Touch-up Paint
• Walker Holder
*Some accessories require a mounting bracket or mounting clips. Please check with your
dealer to find out if the accessory you would like to order requires a mounting bracket or
mounting clip.
Companion 6
Compan ion Owner' s Manual: GC240, GC340, GC440
Your Golden Companion is a battery-operated personal mobility vehicle. Please exercise
caution and consideration when you are operating it. Driving your Companion carefully and
thoughtfully will help ensure your personal safety and the safety of other people.
NOTE: Before learning to operate your Companion, have your authorized Golden
Technologies, Inc. dealer determine if it is advisabl e for you to practice getting on and off
your Companion and operating it in the presence of an attendant.
• Check to be certain that the power is turned off. See section V. “Operation” in this
manual. This will eliminate the possibility of accidentally activating the paddle controls
and causing injury to yourself or to others.
• Check to be certain that your Companion’s brake handle is in the engaged position. See
section VII. “Disassembly” in this manual.
• Flip up the armrests.
WARNING: When getting on or off your Companion, keep your weight toward the middle of the deck. Putting most or all of your weight on the edge of the deck may cause
an unstable condition.
Position the seat for safe and easy mounting. See section V. “Operation.”
• Return tiller to full upright position
• Carefully place one foot on the approximate center of the deck and seat yourself
comfortably and securely on the seat.
• Fasten the lap belt, if your scooter is so equipped.
• Flip down or replace the armrests.
Make certain that the power is turned off and the key is removed.
• Return tiller to full upright position
• Flip up or remove the armrests.
• Unfasten the lap belt.
• Carefully place one foot on the ground, transfer your weight to that leg, and slowly come
to a standing position.
• Step away from the scooter.
Your Companion has been rated to a maximum payload (operator and anything else being
carried on the Companion) of 300 pounds for the Companion I and 350 pounds for the
Companion II. Exce ed i ng the maximum weight rating will void the warranty.
WARNING: Exceeding the maximum weight rating may result in injury to yourself and
to others.
Companion 7
Compan ion Owner' s Manual: GC240, GC340, GC440
• For maximum stability, lean forward in your Companion’s seat while proceeding up
ramps, inclines, curbs, or any low rise. See figure 1.
• Drive with caution when attempting to negotiate any incline, even handicap access
• Always climb or descend an incline by driving straight up or straight down the face of
the slope. See figure 2.
• Do not traverse or drive across the face of an incline in any direction. See figure 3.
• Do no t attempt to neg otiate an i n c li n e that is cov ered with snow, ice, cut o r we t grass,
leaves, or any other potentially ha zardo us materi al.
• Do not back down an incline.
• Try to keep your Companion moving when climbing an incline. If you do come to a stop,
restart and accelerate slowly and carefully.
• Do not try to descend or climb a slope whose gradient is greater than recommended.*
*Ma ximum rec omme nd ed inc lin e is 8°
WARNING: If, while you are driving down a slope, your scooter starts to move faster than you
feel is safe, release the throttle control lever and allow your Companion to come to a stop. When
you feel that you again have control of your scooter, push the thrott le control lever forward and
continue safely down the remainder of the slope.
Lower speed setting
• Whenever it is safely possible, drive forward down any ramp, low rise, or incline.
Golden Technologies, Inc. does not recommend that you drive your scooter in reverse down
any incline, ramp, curb, or low rise. Backing down any slope may create a very hazardous
Companion 8
Compan ion Owner' s Manual: GC240, GC340, GC440
If it is necessar y to back down a slope follow one of two procedures.
NOTE: When using either of the fol lo wing procedures to back down a slope, Golde n Technolo g ies,
Inc. strongly adv ises that you have the assistance of anot her pers on.
Procedur e 1 - Under Power
1. Set the key switch to the “Off position. See section V. “Operation.”
2. Dismount your Companion.
3. Set the key switch to the “On” position. See section V. “Operation.”
4. While standing alongside your scooter, carefully operate the controls at the lowest speed setting. See section
V. “Operation.”
5. Slowly and car efully back your scooter down the incline.
6. Carefully remount your Companion and resume normal operation.
Procedure 2 - Emergency (No Power)
1. Set the key switch to the “Off” position. See s ection V. “Operation.”
2. Dismount your Companion.
3. Set the freewheel lever to “Disengaged.”
4. While standing alongside the scooter, carefully manually maneuver it down the slope.
5. When you have reached a level surface at the bottom of the slope, position the freewheel lever in the
enga ged position. See s ectio n VII. “D isassembly.
6. Carefully remount your Companion and resume normal operation.
WARNING: When your scooter is in freewheel mode, the brake is rele ased. T he weig ht of the scooter o n a
slope may cause y ou to lose contro l of the scooter. If you do not feel ca pable of manually contro l li ng y our
scooter dow n the s lope, reques t ass istance o r do not att empt to use this Proc edure.
Motor Braking System
Your scooter is equipped with a system that uses the motor to aid in braking. This Motor Brake system is designed to work when the key is in either the On position or the Off position. When the key is in the On position,
the freewheel is in the engaged position, and the scooter is under power, the motor will help slow down the
scooter as soon as you take your hand off of the throttle lever.
When the key switch is in the off position and the fr eewheel is in the disengaged position, the motor brake system will keep you from pushing the scooter too fast (i.e. down a slop e). You may notice this whe n pushin g the
scooter. The scooter will move freely until you reach a certain speed. You will then encounter some r esistance as
th e motor b rak e sys tem is a cti vate d.
Always c heck w i th your physi cian to deter mine if any of the me dicati ons y ou are ta king
may affect your judgement and/or your ability t o operate your Companion. Al so ch e ck with you r physic ian
concerning your physical ability to op erate a scooter.
WARNING: Do not connect or allow anyone except an authorized Golden Technologies, Inc.
representative to conn ect any electrical or mechanical device to your Companion. Unauth orized
accessories will void the warranty an d may cause injury.
Companion 9
Compan ion Owner' s Manual: GC240, GC340, GC440
Please use your Golden Companion sco oter often and allow it to expand the horizons of your daily life.
The more mobility you r Golden Compan ion b rings to yo u, t he happi er you w ill b e, and the more
satisfied we at Golden Techno logies, Inc. will be! But as with all things, especial l y motor operated
vehicles, observing a few ru les and safety considerations will help ensure safe scoot er op eration. So
please follow the rules below.
NOTE: Please remember that while on your Golden Companion, you are a
motori zed pedestr ian. You mus t observe and ob ey all pedes t ri an rules and
regulations for the locale in which you are riding.
Read completely and understand this owner’s manual before assembling, operating,
transporting, or disassembling your Golden Companion.
• Always operate your Golden Companion with thought, care, and safety.
• Do not attempt to use your Companion on an escalator. Always use an elevator.
• Do not carry passengers under any circumstances.
• Do not mount or dismount your Golden Companion unless the brake is engaged.
• Always make sure that the key switch is set to “Off” before mounting or dismounting
your scooter.
• Do not back your Golden Companion down an incline or across an uneven surface.
• Do not turn your scooter suddenly at full speed.
• Always make sure the seat is locked forward before operating your Companion.
• Always come to a full stop before changing direction from forward to reverse or from
reverse to forward.
• Do not operate your Companion where you could not safely or legally walk.
• Do not climb ramps or curbs that exceed your scooter’s capacity.
• Always approach curbs and inclines straight on.
• Always turn on your scooter’s lights when operating near traffic, at night, and in any
• poorly lit area.
• Always be aware of and careful near mechanical pinch points especially when
assembling and disassembling your scooter.
• Never sit on your Companion when it is being transported.
• Always fasten down your Companion securely with an approved tie-down system while
transporting your scooter.
• Never operate your vehicle if it is not functioning properly.
• Always use caution when driving on soft or uneven surfaces such as grass, gravel. Also
use caution on decks where there is no railing.
• Never drive on the roadway, except when you must cross the street.
• Always cross streets at intersections and use crosswalks or the most direct route,
making sur e that your path is clear and tha t you are visible to motor traf fic.
• Never drive your Companion up or down a step or curb that is higher than the ground
clearance on the spec page.
• Never back up or down a step or curb.
• Do not drive your Companion in icy or salted conditions.
• Never operate your Companion while you are under the influence of alcohol.
Companion 10
Compan ion Owner' s Manual: GC240, GC340, GC440
The rapid development of electronics, especially in the area of communications, has
saturated our environment with electromagnetic (radio) waves that are emitted by television
transmitters, cellular phones, citizen’s band radios (CBs), amateur radios (ham radios),
wireless computer links, microwave transmitters, paging transmitters, etc. These
electromagnetic (EM) waves are invisible and increase in strength the closer one gets to the
source of transmission. When these energy waves act upon electrical devices and cause
them to malfuncti o n or to function in an erratic or unc ontrolled manne r, they are referred to
as Electromagnetic Interference (EMI) or Radio Frequency Interference
All electrically powered vehicles, including scooters are susceptible to Electromagnetic
Interference/Radio Frequency Interference (EMI/RFI). This interference could result in
abnormal, unintended movement of your Golden Companion.
WARNING: Unintended movement or brake release could cause an accident or injury.
The FDA has determined that each make and model of scooter can resist EMI/RFI to a
certain level. The higher the level of resistance, the greater the degree of protection from
EMI/RFI—measured in volts per meter (V/m). The FDA has also determined that current
technology is capable of providing 20 V/m of resistance to EMI/RFI, which would provide
useful protection against common sources of interference. This product has been tested and
has passed at an immunity level of 20 V/m.
Do not turn on or use hand-held personal electronic communication devices such as
cellular phones, walkie-talkies, and CB radios while your scooter is turned on.
• Be aware of any nearby transmitters (radio, television, microwave, etc.) on your intended
route and avoid operating your scooter close to any of those transmitters.
• Turn off the power if your Companion is going to be in a stationary position for any
length of time.
• Be aware that adding accessories or components or modifying your scooter may make it
more susceptible to EMI/RFI.
• If unintended movement or brake release occurs, turn your scooter off as soon as it is
safe to do so.
• Report all incidents of unintended movement or brake failure to Golden Technologies,
Inc. Technical Service at (800) 624-6374.
WARNING: Turn off your scooter as soon as it is safely possible if unintended or
uncontrollable motion occurs or if unintended brake release occurs.
Companion 11
Compan ion Owner' s Manual: GC240, GC340, GC440
Please fill in your Companion’s information below. This information will be useful in the
event that you ever need to contact Golden Technologies, Inc. concerning your scooter.
Your Compa nion
Model ________________ Serial Number (under carpet—right rear)
Date of Purchase __________________ Body Color
Place of Purchase________________________________________________________
Please remember to fill in and return your warranty registra ti on card in the back of this
Companion 12
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