Gold East Electronic GEFIT37 quick start guide

Da a an roduc nstruct ion s
Qu ic tar uide
Wear i n mar and
h ost
Take o ut the ho st and Wri stban d
Ulna r stylo id
Bes t to wear t he band a fter ul na styl oid
w ri stb an d
Le ft
Ins ert the h ost int o wrist band
Wear t he band o n the wri st
Sca n the fol lowin g QR c ode o r enter t he appl icati on mark et to dow nl oad and i nstal l “Day Da y Band"
A n d r o i d
Sys tem req uirem en ts: An driod 4 .3 and ab ove, iO S 7 an d abo ve,
pho ne supp orts fo r Bluet oo th 4. 0.
i O S
Long press the red button at the edge of screen ( red button and the corresponding position as follows) for more than 3 seconds, boot vibration, the screen lit. On boot-up state, long press the button again for 3 seconds,the machine shuts down
Long press the button, the machine shuts down, and then long press the button again, the machine starts.
but ton
10/ 28
11:1 3
The f irst ti me use ne ed t o con nect th e APP t o cal ibrat e the ban d, aut omati c sync ti me , oth erwis e steps a nd slee p data ar e not cor re ct.
Pho ne APP conn ect to ba nd Ope n APPS cancli ck to con nect ba nd Whe n band co nnect s the pho ne succ essfu lly, it wi ll begi n to reco rd and ana lyze da ta of you r exerc ise and s leep an d send gr aphic al anal ysis to you r phone a ccord ing to th e relev ant dat a; when d iscon necte d, band c an dis play ti me and ex ercis e data on s creen , view di ffere nt inte rface 's data and s ave off -line d ata of se ven day s at the sa me time .
11:1 3
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11: 1 3
Ste ps
1.3 130
Dis tance (km )
Cal orie con sumpt ion
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Ban d conne cting s ucces sfull y, the s creen w ill app ear Blu etoot h sign.
Whe n band in dicat es low po wer or APP appe ars low b atter y alarm in g, ple ase cha rge the b and . Wh en char gin g, plea se pull t he host o ut from wri stban d and ins ert USB i nt o plu g line fo r charg in g..
11:1 3
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Sta ndard e xerci se f unc tion (s tep, di stanc e, calo ries) Sle ep moni torin g (s lee p quali ty, slee p ti me) Inc oming c all rem in der Mes sage re minde r QQ, WeC hat rem inder ( Suppo rt Andro id and pa rt ial i OS Mes sage pu sh(ca n be adde d) Wech at ex ercis e conne cting (P art ial ver sion su pport ) Sedentariness remind(iOS for fixed an hour) Lost reminder (phone beyond the range of reminder) smart alarm clock Shake to take a photo Hand up lighting Exercise goal setting, sports information sharing Firmware Upgrade Sync data
Fac tory re set
Tips f or andr oid use r
1.Tu rning o n the fun ction of s mart un lock, t he scre en will b e locke d when th e phone are aw ay from t he band . When th e phone i s close t o the band , the scr een wil l be unlo cked au tomat icall y. This fun ction o nly sup port so me mode ls
2. Allo w Day Day B and's f loati ng wind ow disp lay whe n use lon g dista nce alar m.
3. Allo w Day Day B and run ning in b ackst age whe n use mes sage re minde rs.
4. Advi ce addi ng Day Da y Band fo r trust i n privi lege ma nagem ent.
Pho ne will r emind y ou with v ibrat ion whe n has a cal l or a mess age.
Ban d type: S mart ba nd
Hos t weigh t: 26g
Bat tery ca pacit y: 60mA h
Work ing t emper ature : -10 ~50
Ban d lengt h: 240m m
Bat tery ty pe: lit hium po ly mer
Syn c way: Bl uetoo th 4.0
65PI :edarg foorpretaW
Dis play mo de: 0.4 9 inche s OL ED
Wris t Strap m ateri al: TPU o r sil icone
Wris t clasp m ateri al: Alum inum al lo y
.gnimmiws ro rewohs nehw dnab eht raew t'noD .1
.yrettab s'dnab eht egnahc ylirartibra t'noD .2
.gnigrahc rof enil gnigrahc ni-tliub eht esU .3
.atad cnys nehw dnaB tcennoc esaelP .4
6.W hen ban d crash es, che ck p hon e's mem ory suf fi cie nt and se rvice c lose or not a nd then r estar t your ph on e and t ry agai n.
Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment. This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation. This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:
.erutarepmet wol ro hgih ylemertxe ro erutsiom rehgih ni dnab eht erusopxe t'noD .5
-- Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
-- Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
-- Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.
-- Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.