The Model 7200 has two distinct features that distinguish it
from most metal & valve locators. First it has a “motion”
mode, which allows the user to freely swing the locator while
searching, greatly reducing the amount of time it takes to
sweep an area. Second is a feature that, while in “pinpoint”
mode, allows the user to distinguish between ferrous and
non-ferrous metals. The following instructions will guide
you in how to access each mode individually and enhance
your ability to locate your desired objects quickly and
1. 720 0 L ED Display:
On/Off Battery Indicator Light: Large Mass Indicator:
(When Battery is low, light blinks) Indicates “Large Masses”
Metal Indicator:
Senses the
Amount of metal
Content in the
Object being
Iron Indicator: Senses the amount of Iron
content in the object being located
2. Trig ge r C o m man ds:
The trigger of the 7200 has only three possible
commands. Below is a quick list of each command and
its function.
Si n g le Cl ick – Turns unit on and/or resets “motion” mode
Cli c k Hold – Resets and retunes “pinpoint” mode
Dou ble C lic k – Turns unit off
3. “M otion” Mod e:
“Motion” mode was designed and engineered to
eliminate ground effects and false signals often
associated with this type of locator, while
simultaneously allowing the operator to move the
locator freely and at an increased pace without getting
erroneous readings commonly found with other metal
locating devices.
- Ac tivatin g
To activate “motion” mode at any time the locator is
on, simply click the trigger once. A single, quick
click of the trigger will always reset the unit to
“motion” mode.
- Se a rchin g
To search while in “motion” mode, sweep the
detection head evenly above the ground you are
surveying at the recommended distance of about 2”4”. When the disc passes over a metal object, the
7200 will emit a short beep with a rising pitch. In
“motion” mode this response will always be the
same, regardless of the size of the object being
located (Eg. whether you pass over a sprinkler head or
a manhole cover, the unit will respond only with a
short beep).