GNJ CAPHG28 01 User Manual

Smart phone-BOOK II series
CAPHG28-01 User manual
TABLE OF CONTENTS .............................................. 2
2.4.7 Making a domestic call ......................... 12
ring the alert tone (network dependent). ...... 12
2.4.8 Making an international call ................. 13
2.4.9 Making a call from the list ..................... 13
2.4.10 Making an emergency call ................. 13
2.4.11 Call menu .............................................. 13
3.17 Messaging ................................................................................................................... 23
Messaging lets you send text and multimedia messages to any contact that has an SMS devi ce. The multi media messa ges in clude p hotos , vid eo cli ps (for iPho ne 3GS or ot her ne w styl e pho nes) , co ntac ts in for mati on, and voi ce me mos. Wha t’s more, you ca n se nd mess age s
to several contacts at the same time. ....................................................................................... 23
1 The Basics
1.1 Overview
Thank you for choosing the GAM/GPRS/WCDMA di gital mobile phone. After reading this guide you w ill be able to f ully mas ter the use of you r phone an d appr eciate its f unctions and ease of use. Not only does the Sm art phone-BOOK II seri es and netw ork system p rovide you w ith basic c all s functi ons and cal l r ecords but al so w it h pr actic al m any functi ons a nd serv i ces to improve the time you spend working and playing. The color sc reen m obil e phone c omp li es wi th the GSM/GPRS/WCDMA technol ogy a nd has been approved by certification authorities both at home and abroad. The avail abili ty of s om e servi ces and f eatures des crib ed in thi s m anual dep ends on the networks and your subscription. Therefore, some menu items may not be available in your phone. The shortcuts to menus and features may also vary from phone to phone. Our company reserves the right to revise this manual content without prior notice.
1.2 Safety guide
If your phone is lost or st olen, please co ntact telecom munications authori ties or a
sales agent immediately to hav e a hold on the p hone and the SIM card. This will prevent you economi c losses caused b y unauthoriz ed calls m ade from your m obile phone.
When you contact telecommunications or a sales agent, they need to the IMEI
number of your mobile phone (remove battery to expose number located on the label on back your phone) . Please c opy this number and keep in a safe p lace for future use.
In order to av oid the misuse of your mobile p hone take t he following preventativ e
- Set the PIN number of your mobile phone’s SIM card and change this number immediately if it becomes known to a third party .
- Please keep the phone out of sight when leaving it in a vehicle. It is better to carry the phone with you, or lock it in the trunk.
- Set call barring.
1.3 Safety warnings and notices
Before using your mobile phone, read and understand the following notices carefully
to ensure you will use it safely and properly .
1.3.1 General attention
Only the batt ery and battery charger sp ecified by our company should be used in
your mobile phone. Other product might result in battery leakage, overheating, explosion or fire.
To avoid your phone m alfunctioni ng or catchi ng fire, pl ease do not viol ently impac t,
jolt or throw your phone.
Please do not place the battery, phone or charger in a microwave oven or
high-pr essure equipment. Otherwise it could l ead to unexpected accide nts such as damage to circuit or fire hazard.
Please do not use your phone near flammable or expl osive gases, otherwise it coul d
cause malfunction of your phone or fire hazard.
Please do not subject your phone to high temperatures, high humidity or dusty places;
otherwise this may lead to the malfunction of your phone.
Keep your phone out of the r eac h of small chil dr en. Your p hone i s not a to y. Children
could hurt themselves.
To avoid your phone falling and malfunctioning or being damaged, please do not
place it on uneven or unstable surfaces.
1.3.2 notices when using your phone
Turn off your mobile phone where the p hone is not al l ow ed, s uc h as on the airpor t or
in hospitals. Using the mobile phone in those places may impact the normal operation of electronic devices and medical instruments. Follow relevant regulations when using your m obile phone in t hose places . Your mob ile phone has t he auto tur n-on feature. Check your alarm clock settings to confirm that your mobile phone will not be turned on automatically during flight.
Please do not use your mobile phone near the weak signal or high precision
electronic devices. RF interference might cause malfunctioning of such electronic devices and ot her problems. Special tips m us t be pai d near t he follow i ng equipment: hearing aids, pace makers and other medical electronic devices, fire detectors, automatic doors and other automatic control installations. To find out the effect of mobile phones on a pacemaker or other pieces of electronic medical equipment please contact the manufactures or local sales agents of the equipment.
Please do not subject the LCD to impact or use the screen to strike things, as this will
damage the LCD board and cause leakage of the liquid crystal. There is a risk of blindnes s if the liq uid crystal sub stance gets into the ey es. If this oc curs rins e eyes immediately with clear water (under no circumstances rub your eyes) and go immediately to a hospital for treatment.
Do not dissemble or modify your mobile phone, as it will lead to damage to the phone
such as battery leakage or circuitry failure.
Under very rar e circumstances usi ng the mobile phone in certai n model cars m ay
negatively affect the internal electronic equipment. In order to assure your safety under such circumstances please do not use the mobile phone.
Please do not use needles, pen tips or other sharp objects on the keypad as this may
damage the mobile phone or cause it to malfunction.
In the event of antenna malf unct ion, do not use yo ur p hone as it co ul d b e har m ful to
human body.
Avoid letting the phone come into close contact with magnetic objects such as
magnetic cards as the radiation waves of the mobile phone may erase the information stored on floppy disks, pay cards and credit cards.
Please keep small metal objects, such as thumbtacks far away from the receiver.
When the rec eiver is i n use it becom es magneti c and may attr act these sm all metal objects and thus these may cause injury or damage the mobile phone.
Avoid having the mobile phone come into contact with water or other liquids. If liquids
enter the phone, this could cause a short circuit, battery leakage or other malfunction.
1.3.3 Notices when using battery
The batter y has a lim ited s erv ic e lif e. The r em aining l if e gets s horter as the ti m es of
charging increase. If the battery becomes feeble even after the charging, this indicates the service life is over and you have to use a new specified battery.
Do not dispose of old batter ies wit h everythi ng domest ic g arbag e. Pleas e disp ose of
old batteries at the directed places with specific rules for their disposal.
Please do not throw batteries into a fire, as this will cause the battery to catch fire and
When installing the battery, do not use force or pressure, as this will cause the battery
to leak, overheat, crack and catch fire.
Please do not use wir es, needles or other m etal objects to s hort-cir cuit the batter y.
Also, do not p ut the batter y near necklaces or other metal obj ects as this w ill c ause the battery to leak, overheat, crack and catch fire.
Please do not solder the contact points of the battery, as this will cause the battery to
leak, overheat, crack and catch fire.
If the liqui d in the batteries goes into the eyes, there is a r isk of bli ndness. It this
occurs do not rub the eyes, but immediately rinse eyes with clear water and go to the hospital for treatment.
Please do not disassemble or modify the battery , as this will cause the battery to leak,
overheat, crack and catch fire.
Please do not use or place the batteries near high temperature places such as near a
fire or heat ing vessel as thi s wi l l cause the battery t o l eak , overheat, cr ack an d c atc h fire.
If the battery ov erheats, c hanges c olor or b ecomes distort ed during use, c harg ing or
storage, please stop using and replace it with a new battery.
If the liquid fr om the battery com es in contact wi th skin or clothi ng this could cause
burning of the skin. Imm ediately use clear water to rinse and seek medical tips if necessary.
If the batter y leaks or g ives of f a strang e odor, please rem ove the b attery fr om the
vicinity of the open fire to avoid a fire or explosion.
Please do not let the b atter y becom e wet as this will cause the b atter y to ov erheat,
smoke and corrode.
Please do not use or p lace bat teries i n places of high temp erature s uch as in dir ect
sunlig ht, as this w il l cause the b attery to leak and ov erheat, l ower perf ormanc e and shorten the battery’s life.
Please do not continuously charge for more than 24 hours.
1.3.4 cha r gi ng your phone
Connect the connector of charge to the mobile phone. The battery level indicator
flashes on the screen. Even if the phone has been turned off, the charging image still appear s, indi cati ng that the batt er y is b eing charg ed . If t he p hone i s ov erus ed w hen the current is insufficient, i t may take longer ti me for the ch ar ging indi c ator to appear on the screen after the charging begins.
When the batter y level indi cator does not f lash and indic ates the batter y is full , this
indicates t he chargi ng has been com pleted. If the phone i s off duri ng charging , the chargi ng b eing com plet ed im ag e also ap pear s on t he s creen. The chargi ng p roc ess often takes 3 to 4 hours. Dur ing the charg ing, the battery, phone and char ger gets warm, this is a normal phenomenon.
Upon the completi on of charging , di s connec t t he cha r ger from AC power s ock et, and
from the mobile phone. Notes:
During charging, the phone must be places in well-ventilated environment of 5~
40℃. Always use the charger supplied by your phone manufacturer. Using an
unauthorized charger might cause danger and invalidate the authorization and warranty clauses for your phone.
The standby tim e and call durati on pr ovided b y the m anuf actur er are b ased on ideal
operati ng env ir onment. In pr actic e, t he b attery’s ope rati ng t ime v ar ies dep ending on network conditions, operating environment and usage methods.
Make sure the battery has been installed before charging. It is best not to remove the
battery while charging.
Upon completion of charging, disconnect the charger from your phone and the power
If you have not di sconnect ed the charger from your p hone and the pow er supply, the charger will continue to charge the battery after 5 to 8 hours when the batter level decreases substantially. We advise you not to do like this, as it lowers your phone performance and shortens your phone life.
Notices when using your charger
Please use AC 220 volts. The use of any other voltage will cause battery leakage, fire
and cause damage to the mobile phone and charger.
It is forbidden t o short cir c ui t the c h ar g er, as thi s w i ll caus e el ectrical shoc k, smoking
and damage the charger.
Please do not use the char g er i f the power cord is dam aged, as thi s w ill c aus e fire or
electrical shock.
Please immediately clean any dust gathered on the electrical outlet.  Please do not place vessels with water near the charger in order to avoid water
splashing onto the charger and causing an electrical shortage, leakage or other malfunction.
If the charger comes in contact with water or other liquid the power must immediately
be switched off to avoid an electrical short or shock, fire or malfunction of the charger.
Please do not disassemble or modify the charger, as it will lead to bodily harm,
electrical shock, fire or damage to the charger.
Please do not use the ch arger in the bathr oom or other ex cessiv ely mois t areas, as
this will cause electrical chock, fire or damage to the charger.
Please do not touch t h e char ger, power cord or power soc k et w i th w et hands , as t hi s
will cause electrical shock.
Do not modif y or plac e heavy ob jects on th e pow er cor d, as thi s w ill c ause elec tri cal
shock or fire.
Before cleaning or carrying out maintenance please unplug the charger from the
electrical outlet.
When unplugging charger, do not pul l on the cor d, but rather hold on to th e body of
the charg er, as pul ling on t he cord w i ll damag e the c ord and l ead t o elect ric al shoc k or fire.
1.3.5 Cleaning and maintenance
The mobile p hone, battery a nd charger ar e not water r esistant. Ple ase do not use
them in the bedroom or other excessively moi st areas and li kewise avoid allowing them to get wet in the rain.
Use a soft, dry cloth to clean the mobile phone, battery and charger.  Please do not use alcohol, thinner, benzene or other solvents to w ipe the m obile
A dirty outlet w ill cause poor elec trical contact, lose of power and even inabi lity to
recharge. Please clean regularly.
he alarm clock has been set and
2 Getting Started
2.1 Component name and explanati on
2.1.1 Technical parameters Handset Model Dimension(L×W×T) Weight Lithium-ion battery Model Nominal voltage Maximum charge voltage Capacity Standby durat ion Talk duration
Travel charger Model Input
2.1.2 Icons In the standby mode, the following icons may appear in standby sceen.
Icon Description
Indicate the intensity of network signals
Show missed calls
Location by satellite
Receive a new message
An application is being downloaded
The downloading is over.
T activated
A call is in progress
The phone is playing a song
The phone is being charged
Enable USB
The access is blocked.
Get connected to the wireless network
Turn on the Bluetooth
No SIM card is installed in the phone
GPRS data connection is on
2.2 Key explanations
Key Explanations
Home key At any status, press the key to return
to the standby screen.
Power key Hold down this key to turn your
phone off and on.
Side volume keys During the conversation, press the
two keys to adjust the volume. While playing an audio file, press
the two keys to adjust the volume. Menu key Show options of current menu. Return key Return to the previous menu.
Note: In this guide, the phrase “press the key” refers to pressing and thereafter
releasing a key . “Hold down a key” refers to pressing a key and keeping it depressed for 2 seconds or longer.
The descriptions and functions of keys depend on the model of your phone.
2.3 Using the touchscreen
Yo ur p hone pr ov ides many touch ke ys in the M ain s cr een. To use these keys corr ectl y, calibrate the touch screen in advance. Meanwhile please follow the instructions:
Do not touch the screen with wet hands.
■Do not touch the screen with great forces.
■Do not touch the screen with metallic or conductive objects.
2.4 Connecti ng to the network
2.4.1 Inserting and removing the SIM card
Turn off the phone; rem ove the battery an d unplug other ext ernal power supplies.
Insert the SIM card into the SIM holder as shown in the phone.
When you need to r em ove the SIM card, turn off the phone, rem ov e the b attery a nd
then remove the SIM card from the holder.
Warning: Do tur n off your phone bef ore removi ng the SIM card. Never ins ert or remove the SIM card when an ext er nal power s upp l y is connec ted, as thi s may cause d amage to the SIM card.
2.4.2 Turning your phone on and off
To turn on your phone, hold down the power key on the top of the right side; to turn off
the phone, hold down the power key.
If you have turned on your phone without inserting the SIM card, the phone will prompt you to install the SIM card. With the SIM card already inserted, your phone automatically verifies the availability of the SIM card.
Then, the screen shows the following in order:
Enter PIN1—if you have set the SIM card password.
Enter phone password—if you have set your phone password.
Search for network—the phone searches for the appropriate network.
Notices: If when you turn on the m obi le phone, an exclam ation m ark ap pears on the scr een and does not di s ap p ear, this i s possib ly caused by misoperat i on, th at i s, you pr es s the p ower key and the vol ume up key at the sam e time. Suc h misoperati on activates the recovery mode, hence t he occ urr ence f excl am ation m ark. If you jus t turn off the p hone, nex t tim e when you turn it on, it will still come to the recovery mode. Solution: Press the hom e key when the excl amation m ark and robot ap pear, a menu will pop up . Use the menu key to select “robot system now” to restart the phone.
2.4.3 Unlocking the SIM card The PIN 1 (personal identification number) secures your SIM card from being misused by others. If you have selected this function, you must enter the PIN1 code each time you turn on the p hone so t hat you m ay unlock t he SIM card and t hen make or answ er calls . You can deactivate SIM card protection (see “S af ety settings ”). In this case, the misuse of your SIM card cannot be prevented.
Press the Hang Up key to turn your phone;
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