Keep this product away from small children and remember that this product is intended for use only by persons who are, at a
minimum, completely comfortable and competent while operating the products.
Do not exceed 50kg’s total weight on your GMX Mini e-Quad Bike does not necessarily mean a person’s size is appropriate to t
or maintain control.
Do not touch the brakes or electric motor on your electric motor bike when in use as they can become very hot.
Always check and obey any local laws or regulations which may aect the locations where GMX Mini e-Quad Bike may be used.
Ride defensively. Watch out for potential objects that could catch your wheel or force you to swerve suddenly or lose control.
Be careful to avoid pedestrians, skaters, skateboards, scooters, bikes, children or animals who may enter your path, and respect
the rights and property of others.
The GMX Minie-Quad Bike is meant to be used only in controlled environments free of potential trac hazards and not on public
streets or sidewalks. Do not ride your electric motor bike in any areas where pedestrian or product trac is present.
Do not activate the speed control on the hand grip unless you are on the electric motor bike and in a safe, outdoor environment
suitable for riding.
These bikes were manufactured for performance and durability but are not impervious to damage. Jumping or other aggressive
riding can over-stress and damage any product, including the electric motorbike, and the rider assumes all risks associated with
high-stress activity.
Be careful and know your limitations. Risk of injury increases as the degree of riding diculty increases. The rider assumes all risk
associated with aggressive riding activities.
Maintain a hold on the handlebars at all times.
Never carry passengers or allow more than one person at a time to ride the electric motor bike.
Never use near steps or swimming pools.
Keep your ngers and other body parts away from the drive chain, steering system, wheels and all other moving components.