This manual assists the reader in the application of the 4.3L V6 90 Degree family of engines to
Transportation Vehicles, Marine and Industrial applications. It gives an overview of the engine, its
features, and systems. Details are provided on typical interfaces between the engine, related
subsystems, and the vehicle.
The performance of the engine is dependent on the specific application. It is recommended that the
owner of this document be contacted before specific application decisions are made.
The figure 2.1-I shows the 4.3L V6 90 Degree Engine.
The model year 2001 for 4.3L V6 90 Degree Engine has one version: L35.
This Engine has specific values of power and torque, which allow for a very wide range of
application up to 15000 Lbs. GVW.
The more distinctive common features of this family of engines are:
Rated Power200223hp
Rate Power Speed46004800rpm
Rated Torque260275Lb. ft
Rated Torque Speed28003800rpm
Torque Extension Speed Range
(From Peak Torque to Peak Power)18001000rpm
Exhaust Restriction at Rated Power8.85 to 8.580in hg
(Better than)@ 4600 rpmPiezometer
Inlet Restriction at Rated Power w/Filter-0.890in hg
Recommended Fuel8787Octane = (R+M)/2
Water Pump Type:CentrifugalCentrifugal
Water Pump Maximum Flow @ Engine RPM:76.576.5GPM @ 4600
Maximum Sustained Coolant Temperature:262262F
Thermostat Setting
Starts to Open180180F
Full Open262262F
Bearing TypeBall/RollerBall/Roller
Impeller MaterialCast ironCast iron
Housing MaterialCast ironCast iron
By Pass Recirculation TypeExternalExternal
Water Jackets full length of CylinderYesYes
Water Jackets all around CylinderYesYes
Water Jackets open at head faceNoNo
Surge Tank SystemNoNo
Coolant Fill LocationDeaeration TankDeaeration Tank
Circulation Thermostat TypeBypassBypass
- direction of rotation :CCWCCW
- drive ratio (relative to crankshaft)1.251.25
2.3.2 Fuel Requirements
The 4.3L V6 90 Degree Engine System meets the emissions standard established in the FMVS
and EPA regulations with fuel quality in accordance with the API standards.
The engine must operate on the following types of fuels:
Unleaded Gasoline 87 (R+M)/2 (ASTM D4814),
Unleaded Gasoline 87 (R+M)/2 with up 15 % MTBE (Methyl Tertiary-Butyl Ether),
Canadian Gasoline 87 (R+M)/2 (CGSB 3.5-92) w/ MMT @ 18 mg/L manganese,
Reformulated Gasoline,
Premium Unleaded 91 (R+M)/2,
Export Gasoline as low as 80 (R+M)/2,
South American Gasoline with Peroxide contamination to 2.5%
Methanol mixes with gasoline to 15 %,
Ethanol mixes with gasoline to 25 %, Brazilian fuel system (SCPI) required.
Leaded Gasoline. Special cylinder heads required- NM8
The performance of the 4.3L V6 Engine is specified in the following paragraphs.
The Fig shows the following performance characteristics for the L35 engine: Power,
Torque and Speed Range.
The engine will deliver the power and torque levels within +/-5% (after run in) as shown in
Engine as shipped from the engine plant is to conform to a common state of dress as described
below. The following components are installed at the engine plant:
Harmonic balancerCrankshaft sensor
Direct drive accessories (not belt driven)E.G.R. system
Engine lift bracketsEngine oil
Engine oil dipstick and tubeExhaust manifold(s)
Exhaust manifold heat shields (As required)Engine Fuel system
Heater hose nipplesCoolant temperature sensor/switch
Manifold air pressure sensorOil pressure sensor/switch
Oil filter (except remote mounted)Transmission alignment dowels
Water pumpFlywheel and or Flexplate
Crankcase ventilation system
2.6.1 VIN Identification Labeling
There are two places for the stamping of the V.I.N.: one is provided side by side on the left hand
side of powertrain and the other is in rear face of cylinder case.
2.6.2 Emissions Certification Labeling
A vehicle emission control label that meets the format and content requirements of Federal
Regulation 40 CRF 86.095-35 and CARB Regulation Title XIII California Code of Regulations
Section 1965 shall be attached to the vehicle subsystem in the location required by the
regulations above.
Incomplete Vehicles manufactured in two or more stages shall meet the certification labeling
requirements of the regulations above.
Emissions Certification is not provided for Marine Industrial Applications.
2.6.3 Engine Identification - Broadcast Codes
The 4.3L V6 Engine has an identification number cast into the cylinder case front LH side.
Also, an Engine Verification Label is applied to the rear of the left bank cylinder head. This is the
single label location for passenger car engines. In addition to the LH rear head location, the
truck engines have another identical label applied to the oil pan (near the bottom of the engine)
on the right side.
The labels show the following information:
• First Two characters: 10 - Indicates an engine not a transmission.
• Next 3 characters: Broadcast code (engine configuration which includes a cross reference to
model year of build):
- Model year (1st letter)
characters: Julien Date of Build
• Last 4 Characters: Sequence number of build on that date.
Translated the engine verification number shown in the sample label below identifies an engine,
broadcast code (XJB) (1999 5.3L Federal Auto), built at Romulus on February 10 , 1999;
sequence number 1034.
KL5Gaseous Fuel Compatible
NA1Below 8500# GVW
NA3Emission System - Japan
NA4Above 8500# GVW
NB6Emission System - Calif.Tier 1 (-K18 on CK Manuals)
NC1Emission System - Calif. LEV(+K18 on CK / -K18 on M/L)
NC8Emission System - Calif. ULEV(-K18 on ML)
NF2Emission System - Federal Tier 1(-K18 on CK & P)
NF4Emission System - Clean Fuel Fleet
NF7Emission System - Federal N LEV
NM2Emission System - Leaded Fuel(Export for ML & P)
NM8Leaded Fuel System Compatible(Export for ST)
The transmission shall be attached to the rear end of the engine, which provided the flange face
attachment illustrated in the figure 3.1.1- I.
Figure 3.1.1-I: Transmission attachment Automatic Transmission
The 4.3L V6 engine could be mated to either: the GM Automatic Transmission Hydra Matic
4L60E or the GM Automatic Transmission Hydra Matic 4L80E
Figure 3.2.1-I to 3.2.1-XVIII shows the PCM Engine to Automatic Transmission Mechanization
Diagram. Manual Transmission and Clutch
The GM Manual Transmission recommended is a Five Speed Manual (MW 3)
The following engine-transmission, clutch interface issues must be considered:
Manual transmissions require the engine crankshaft pilot bearing to be able to support up to 920
lbs (4292 N) of radial load due to transmission internal gear forces.
3.1.2Engine Interface to PCM ( Vehicular and Marine/Industrial Application)
The 4.3L V6 90 Degree Engine uses the Powertrain Control Unit (PCM) to control the engine,
automatic transmission, the vehicle performance parameters and the onboard diagnostic system. Inputs from the Engine to the PCM
The following Inputs are internal engine parameters and must be supplied to the Powertrain
Control Module:
Barometric Pressure (Or Manifold Absolute Pressure) - POA Engine Assembly
Mass Airflow Sensor (Air Cleaner/Air Duct)
Engine Speed
Crankshaft Sensor and Camshaft Sensor
Knock Sensor
Air intake Temperature Sensor (POA MAF) - (Only for the GMT-800 Truck)
Engine Coolant Temperature ECT Sensor-POA Engine Assembly
Engine Oil Pressure Sensor Outputs from PCM to the Engine
Fuel Injectors Management – (Injection Pulse Width Signal)
Idle Air Control Motor (IACV)
Ignition Control Coil Module
Linear EGR Valve Solenoid
Evap. System
Purge Solenoid
Secondary Air (AIR) System
A/C Control
Serial Data
3.1.3PCM Interface to Transmission
The PCM uses an Electronic Transmission Control Algorithm to monitor and control the transmission.
This algorithm is actually a combination of four algorithms, these algorithms monitor and control
the various aspects of the transmission shifting. Input Algorithm:
The Input Algorithm samples all external sensors and scale these values. Shift Control Algorithm:
The Shift Control Algorithm determines which gear ratio the transmission is currently in and
changes the state of the control solenoid to accomplish a shift.
The shift pattern is controlled by a set of tables. These contain the vehicle speed at which the
shift is to occur as a function of throttle position.
In the manual mode, the current gear may be determined by the operator’s movement of the
gearshift selector lever. Shift Quality Algorithm:
The Shift Quality Algorithm determines shift quality (or firmness).
This is accomplished by controlling the pressure control solenoid, which regulates the torque
signal modulation pressure.
This pressure is determined by a table that is based on vehicle speed and Throttle position.
Garage Shift quality (shifting from Park or Neutral to Drive or Reverse when the vehicle is
stationary) is also controlled by torque signal pressure.
The TCC algorithm determines when the torque converter clutch is applied or released, using
a set of tables. These tables also determine and control the rate of application and release of
the TCC based on Throttle position Inputs from Transmission to PCM
The following are external Inputs coming from the Transmission to the PCM:
Transmission Speed Sensor
Transmission Fluid Temperature Sensor
Transmission Range Pressure Sensor Output to the Transmission from PCM
TCC Solenoid
Transmission Shift solenoids
Pressure Control Solenoid
3.1.4PCM Interface to Vehicle External Inputs of the Engine
The following are external Inputs coming from the vehicle to the PCM:
A/C Status
Ignition Voltage
Serial Data (Diagnostics)
Brake/ Clutch Status
4WD Lo Switch (If Applicable)
Diagnostic Enable
Cruise Control Inputs
Tow/Haul Input Switch Output to the Vehicle:
Data link Connector
MIL “Service Engine Soon” Lamp
“Service Throttle Soon” (STS) Lamp
3.1.5b PCM Pin Out and Pin In – Marine and Industrial Applications
Marine Applications use a different control module : MEFI – 4 Multiport Electronic Fuel Injection.
Interfaces as those described for vehicles application, OBD II, and Emissions requirement are
not longer needed.
Table A.1 shows the connector pin out for MEFI Electronic Control Module (ECM) Part Number
12569494 Rev B.
The engine is provided with exhaust manifolds for vehicles and Industrial Applications.
The exhaust manifold system includes the manifold, fasteners to the cylinder head, and
partial or full cover type heat shield. The exhaust manifold may also incorporate provisions
for EGR attachment.
Vehicle Exhaust System
The 4.3L V6 90 Degree Engine shall be attached to the vehicle and interface with the
Vehicle Exhaust System.
The Vehicle Exhaust System will be designed or adapted considering the following Issues:
Vehicle Exhaust System Back pressure: All performance parameters specified in paragraph: were measured with a maximum exhaust restriction of 8.5” of Hg.
Thermal Management of Exhaust
Thermal management of exhaust
The following issues must be considered:
a. Location of Catalytic Converter: The location of the catalytic converter is determined by
resolving three competing needs. The first need is to locate the converter such that it is
close enough to the engine so that sufficient heat is transferred to the converter via the
exhaust stream so as to initiate catalytic activity and therefore constituent conversion
soon enough to meet emission requirements. The second need is to locate the catalytic
converter far enough downstream from the engine in the vehicle’s exhaust system so that
the converter will not be damaged during extended duration high exhaust gas stream
temperature excursions resulting from high speed and load operation of the engine. The
third need is to locate the converter in a position in the chassis where it will package with
sufficient clearance to surrounding components or systems to prevent heat related
failures in those systems or components.
b. Location of Oxygen Sensor(s)
All OBD II compliant exhaust systems contain enough oxygen sensors to guarantee
proper monitoring of the exhaust gases. Each engine cylinder bank requires an oxygen
sensor for air/fuel ratio control. An oxygen sensor is required behind each catalytic
converter for diagnosis purposes. Post converter oxygen sensors are also implied for
slow air/fuel ratio trim. Oxygen sensor wiring connections must be located to as to avoid
moisture contamination.
c. Converter Volume and Flow
d. Location of muffler
e Vibration/shock of catalytic converter
f. Material life for exhaust system through catalytic converter
g. Thermal Characteristics
h. Exhaust Leakage
The exhaust system must be leak free for the emission useful life of the vehicle.
In order to have a working definition of leak free, the exhaust system is divided into three
Zone A (A/F Control)Cylinder head / exhaust manifold interface to
Zone B (Converter Feedstream)Control oxygen sensor to converter
Zone C (Diagnostic Feedstream)Converter to 12 inches downstream of the
Maximum allowable leakage in each zone is 2 liters/minute at 15 kPa.
Exhaust back pressure shall not exceed 8.5 inches of Hg at rated speed and load. Lower
exhaust back pressure is desired from a performance and fuel economy standpoint. Packaging
The vehicle assembly plant attaches the exhaust pipe to the manifold with the proper
fasteners and a gasket or seal. Exhaust manifold takedowns will be 2 or 3 fastener designs.
Consult GM application engineer.
The current exhaust manifolds are made from Nodular Iron with incorporated and
detachable heat shields.
Fasteners at the manifold takedown must be capable of withstanding temperatures up to
800°C and will require stainless steel or sermagard coated steel. The gasket/seal must also
withstand these temperatures and will require stainless steel or stainless steel with mica or
The heat shield provided on the exhaust manifold will reduce radiant heat to nearby critical
components and reduce or minimize the number of separate shields required by the vehicle.
Figure 3.2.1-I to 3.2.1-XVIII shows the PCM Engine to Vehicle Mechanization Diagram with this
interface. The following table shows the different Cruise Control Modules and Components used
with the L35 engine and GM platforms.
Figure 3.2.1-I to 3.2.1-XVIII shows the PCM Engine to Vehicle Mechanization Diagram with this
interface. The following table shows the different Pedal Accelerator Assemblies and
Components used with the L35 engine and GM platforms.
Figure 3.2.1-I to 3.2.1-XVIII shows the PCM Engine to Vehicle Mechanization Diagram with this
interface. The following table shows the different Fuel Lines, Fuel Tank and Evaporative
Assemblies and Components coupled to the L35 engine per GM platforms.
The engine is released with an accessory drive system whose components are dimensioned
and released as indicated in the paragraphs 3.1.11 to 3.1.16.
The maximum torque from the front crankshaft pulley is 150 ft lb., regardless of the engine
speed; so it is recommended that the Belt System Drive maximum Torque requirement not to
exceed 140 ft lb.
For torque values above 140 ft. lb. the customer shall provide different PTO assembly.
3.1.11 Standard Accessory Descriptions
GMPT accessory drive design release engineer will provide attachment points and drive of these
components on the engine.
The following table 3.1.11-I shows the different combinations of components coupled to the L35
engine accessory drive brackets per GM platforms.
3.1.12 Cooling Fan
Cooling Fan assembly is not part of the engine scope or extent of supply.
Cooling fan is designed, dimensioned and released by the GM - HVAC engineering group taking
in consideration the Heat Rejection (indicated in the paragraph 3.4.5) needed to evacuate from
the engine through the radiator assembly.
If the Fan is driven from the crankshaft front pulley and the maximum torque values specified in
paragraph 3.1.10 shall be taken in consideration.
3.1.13 Alternator
Alternator is not part of the engine scope or extent of supply.
Alternator is designed, dimensioned and released by the GM - Electrical engineering group
taking in consideration all vehicles electrical power needs.
If the alternator is driven from the crankshaft front pulley and the maximum torque values
specified in paragraph 3.1.10 shall be taken in consideration.
3.1.14 Power Steering Pump
Power Steering Pump is not part of the engine scope or extent of supply.
Power Steering Pump is designed, dimensioned and released by the GM - Chassis engineering
group taking in consideration the vehicles drive needs.
If the power steering pump is driven from the crankshaft front pulley and the maximum torque
values specified in paragraph 3.1.10 shall be taken in consideration.
3.1.15 AC Compressor
AC Compressor assembly is not part of the engine scope or extent of supply.
AC Compressor is designed, dimensioned and released by the GM - HVAC engineering group
taking in consideration the Vehicle Air Conditioned needs.
AC Compressor is driven from the crankshaft front pulley and the maximum torque values
specified in paragraph 3.1.10 shall be taken in consideration.
3.1.16 Crank Shaft Nose Load
Crankshaft maximum load at the nose will not exceed 140 Lbs.