Operating Instructions
METRATESTERâ4, 5 and 5-F
Tester for DIN VDE 0701-1:2000 and 0702:1995
(8) (9) (10) (11) (12)
(6) (5)
(take-up spool at back of housing for mains cable)
(2) Signal lamp for testing the
mains protective conductor
(3) Alligator clips for attachment
to the test probe (3a) (3a) Test probe (4) Contacting surface for contact finger (5) Measuring range selector switch (6) Connector jack/terminal for testing for
the absence of voltage at conductive
parts at the DUT per DIN VDE 0701
Part 240 (7) Mains outlet (8) Test socket
(9) Connector jack/terminal for DUT
phase conductors (wired parallel to the socket)
(10) Connector jack/terminal for DUT
protective conductor (wired parallel
to test socket) (11) LCD display (description see page 29) (12) Carrying handle (13) Error lamp (METRATESTER (14) Infrared interface
(METRATESTER (15) Transmission key
5 only)
5-F only)
5/5-F only)
(8) (9) (10) (11) (12)
(6) (5)
Residual Current
Display text subject to change without notice.
mA I
mA I
5/5-F Display
Secondary Current
Indication of Limit Values for DIN VDE 0702: 1995
<2.0 >0.3
>7.0 >15
>0.25 >0.5
Insulation Resistance
Equivalent Leakage Current
Leakage Current/ Contact Current
KS 13 Accessory Cable Set
Contents Page
1 Safety Features and Precautions .................................................................................. 6
2 Applications ...................................................................................................................7
3 Operating and Display Elements ...................................................................................7
3.1 Error and Limit Value Messages ....................................................................................................... 8
4 Mains Connection ..........................................................................................................9
4.1 Connecting the Tester ...................................................................................................................... 9
4.2 Testing Protective Conductor Potential ............................................................................................. 10
4.3 Measuring Mains Voltage ................................................................................................................ 10
4.4 Connecting the Device Under Test to the Test Instrument ................................................................. 11
4.4.1 Safety Class I DUT with Mains Plug ................................................................................................ 11
4.4.2 Safety Class II DUT ........................................................................................................................ 11
4.4.3 DUT Without Mains Plug or Safety Class III DUT ............................................................................... 11
4.4.4 3-Phase DUT ................................................................................................................................. 11
4.5 General Measuring Procedures ....................................................................................................... 12
4.6 Residual Current Monitoring (for METRATESTER
5 Testing Devices per DIN VDE 0701, Part 1: 2000 ........................................................ 13
5.1 General ......................................................................................................................................... 13
5.2 Visual Inspection ............................................................................................................................ 15
5.3 Measuring Protective Conductor Resistance ..................................................................................... 15
5.4 Measuring Insulation Resistance ..................................................................................................... 16
5.5 Measuring Equivalent Leakage Current ............................................................................................ 16
5.6 Measuring Contact Current ............................................................................................................. 17
5.7 Measuring Residual Current (METRATESTER
5/5-F only) .............................................................. 12
5/5-F only) ................................................................... 17
6 Testing Devices per DIN VDE 0702:1995 .....................................................................18
6.1 General ..........................................................................................................................................18
6.2 Measuring Protective Conductor Resistance .....................................................................................18
6.3 Measuring Insulation Resistance ......................................................................................................19
6.4 Measuring Equivalent Leakage Current .............................................................................................20
6.5 Measuring Contact Current ..............................................................................................................20
6.6 Measuring Residual Current (METRATESTER
5/5-F only) ...................................................................20
7 Testing Data Processing Systems and Office Machines per DIN VDE 0701, Part 240 .21
7.1 General ..........................................................................................................................................21
7.2 Visual Inspection .............................................................................................................................21
7.3 Protective Conductor Test ................................................................................................................21
7.4 Testing for the Absence of Voltage at User Accessible, Exposed Conductive Parts ...............................23
8 Measuring Load Current from the Mains Outlet ..........................................................24
10.1 Applications ....................................................................................................................................26
10.2 Initial Start-Up .................................................................................................................................26
10.3 Using the Radio Interface .................................................................................................................26
10.4 Radio Interface Characteristic Values ................................................................................................26
5 Infrared Interface .............................................................................25
5-F Radio Interface .............................................................................26
11 Technical Data .............................................................................................................28
12 Maintenance ................................................................................................................30
13 Repair and Replacement Parts Service
DKD Calibration Lab
and Rental Instrument Service ....................................................................................31
14 Product Support ..........................................................................................................31

1 Safety Features and Precautions

The tester is manufactured and tested in accordance with the following standards:
IEC/EN 61010-1/ VDE 0411-1 Safety regulations for electrical measuring, control,
and DIN VDE 0404 Devices for the technical safety inspection of electrical equipment;
When used for its intended purpose, the safety of the user, the test instrument and the device under test (electrical equipment) is assured.
Read the operating instructions carefully and completely before placing your test instrument into ser­vice, and follow all instructions contained therein. Make sure that the operating instructions are avail­able to all users of the instrument.
The tests may only be conducted under the supervision of a qualified electrician. The user must be in­structed by a qualified electrician in the perfomance and evaluation of the test.
Observe the following safety precautions:
The device may only be connected to a mains outlet rated at 230 V which is protected with a fuse or circuit breaker rated at max. 16A.
No measurements within electrical systems are allowed.
Be prepared for the occurrence of unexpected voltages at devices under test. For exam­ple, capacitors may be dangerously charged.
Make certain that connector cables are not damaged, e.g. damaged insulation, interrup­tions etc.
Devices under test may only be connected to the mains outlet after they have successfully completed safety testing in accordance with DIN VDE 0701 or DIN VDE 702!
regulating and laboratory devices – general requirements
Part 1: general requirements, and Part 2: periodic device testing
Repair, Parts Replacement and Balancing
Voltage conducting parts may be exposed when the device is opened. The device must be disconnected from all sources of voltage before repair, replacement of parts or balancing. If repair or balancing of an open, live device cannot be avoided, this may only be performed by trained personnel who are familiar with the dangers involved.
Errors and Extraordinary Strains
If it may be assumed that the device can no longer be operated safely, it must be removed from service and secured against unintentional use. Safe use can no longer be relied upon,
if the device demonstrates visible damage,
if the device no longer functions,
after lengthy periods of storage under unfavorable conditions,
after excessive, transport related strains.
Branding of the METRATESTER has been approved by VDE testing authorities.
4 and 5 testers with the VDE GS mark

2 Applications

The tester is intended for the testing and measurement of repaired or modified electrical devices in accordance with DIN VDE 0701 or DIN VDE 702. These regulations require the measurement of protective conductor resistance, insulation resistance and equivalent leak­age current for repaired or modified electrical devices, as well as testing for the absence of voltage at exposed, conductive parts for data processing systems and office machines.
Testing for the absence of voltage at the mains connection protective conductor and line volt­age measurements can also be performed with this instrument. The device under test can be connected to mains power at the mains outlet integrated into the tester, which provides for the measurement of power consumption and the testing of functions.
Limit values displayed at the instrument make reference to periodic testing requirements set forth in VDE 0702: 1995.

3 Operating and Display Elements

(1) Mains Plug
The tester is connected to the 230 V mains outlet with the mains plug. If no earthing contact socket is available, or if only three-phase current is available, the KS13 cable set can be used to establish a connection.
The mains connection must be fused. Maximum nominal rating: 16 A!
(2) PE Signal Lamp for Protective Conductor Testing
The PE signal lamp lights up, if a potential difference of between the contacting surface (4) and the earthing contact at the mains plug (1).
(3) Alligator clip (gripper clip for attachment to the test probe)
Connect the housing of the device under test with the alligator clip for measurement of pro­tective conductor resistance.
(4) Contacting Surface for Contact Finger
The PE signal lamp (2) lights up, if a potential difference of protective conductor at the mains plug (1) and the contacting surface. The contacting surface is electrically isolated from all terminals, as well as from the measuring circuit, and thus conforms to protection class II!
(5) Measuring Range Selector Switch
Measuring ranges can be selected with the measuring range selector switch. Displayed val­ues at intermediate switch positions have no significance.
(6) Connector Jack/Terminal for Measurement of Contact Current at Conductive
Components at the Device Under Test
This terminal is intended for the measurement of contact current at exposed conductive parts which are not connected to the protective conductor (see chapter 7.4, page 23).
(7) Mains Outlet
The DUT can be connected to the integrated mains outlet for the measurement of power consumption and functions testing. METRATESTER Overcurrent protection is provided by the mains fuse or circuit breaker, see (1).
5/5-F: Residual current measurement is performed in this way as well.
³ 100 V occurs
³ 100 V occurs between the PE
(8) Test Socket
The DUT is connected to the test socket for the measurement of protective conductor resis­tance, insulation resistance and equivalent leakage current in accordance with DIN VDE 0701 and DIN VDE 0702, if the DUT is equipped with a mains plug.
(9) Connector Jack/Terminal for DUT Phase Conductors
This terminal is wired in parallel to the two short-circuited phase conductor terminals at the test socket (8). The DUT phase conductors can be connected to this jack/terminal, if the DUT is not equipped with a mains plug.
(10) Connector Jack/Terminal for DUT Protective Conductor
This terminal is wired in parallel to the p rotective conductor terminal a t the test socket (8). The DUT protective conductor can be connected to this jack/terminal, if the DUT is not equipped with an earthing contact plug. Beyond this, exposed conductive parts at the device under test must be connected to this jack for insulation testing and the measurement of equivalent leakage current.
(11) LCD Display
Measured values are displayed in digital form at the LCD.
(12) Carrying Handle
The carrying handle can be folded out.
(13) Error Lamp
The red error lamp indicates that limit values have been exceeded during the measurement of protective conductor and insulation resistance, equivalent leakage, contact and leakage cur­rent, as well as residual current. The limit values apply for periodic testing in accordance with DIN VDE 0702:1995.
KS 13 Accessory Cable Set
The KS 13 cable set consists of a adapter socket with three permanently connected cables, 3 measurement cables, 3 plug-on pick-off clips and 2 plug-on test probes. With the KS 13 the tester and the DUT can be connected, even if no earthing contact socket is available for the mains connection, or no earthing contact plug is present at the DUT.

3.1 Error and Limit Value Messages

Error Message METRATESTERâ4/5/5-F Condition PE Signal Lamp
Protective conductor potential, at mains U
³ 25 V If contact surface is contacted
The following limit values apply for DIN VDE 0702: 1995
Error Messages
Protective conductor resistance R
Insulation resistance R
Equivalent leakage current I
Leakage current / contact current (substantiation of absence of voltage)
Residual current I
Condition Red Error Lamp
>0.3 ·
>1 · ·
<0.5M · ·
<2.0M ·
>7.0mA ··—
>15mA ···
IA>0.25mA ··—
>0.5mA ···
³ 3.5 mA · ·
Continuously Lit
Limit Values
are Displayed
Acoustic Signal
Residual Current Limit Value Violations
The METRATESTER itoring function. If the red error lamp lights up and no message regarding a limit value violation appears at the display, residual current at the mains outlet is dangerously high – regardless of the selector switch setting. If this is the case, it is advisable to measure residual current (dif­ferential current) by turning the selector switch to the “I Only the displayed numeric value should be considered when evaluating residual current with the selector switch in the “I of residual current monitoring for values of as low as approximately 3.2 mA. The error lamp lights up in any case as of 3.5 mA.
5/5-F is equipped with a selector switch independent, residual current mon-
” position.
” position. The error lamp may be caused to light up as a result

4 Mains Connection

4.1 Connecting the Tester

Connect the tester to the 230 V mains with the mains plug (1). If no earthing contact
socket is available, or if only a three-phase socket is available, connection of the phase conductors, the neutral conductor and the PE conductor can be accomplished with the help of the adapter socket. It includes 3 permanently connected cables and is included with the KS 13 accessory cable set.
L1 N
L2 L3 N
L2 L3 N
The mains connection must be fused! The fuse may not exceed a rating of 16 A! The pick-off clips on the cables at the adapter socket may only be connected in the voltage-free condition!
If mains voltage is present, characters are displayed at the LCD regardless of the position of the measuring range selector switch, even if no DUT has been connected. Thus the presence of characters at the display indicates the presence of voltage – independent of measuring range selector switch position. The mains voltage value is indicated at the display in the “250 V~” selector switch position. In all other switch detent positions, characters are displayed which have no correlation to a measured value, if a DUT has not been connected.
only possible in TN-C systems

4.2 Testing Protective Conductor Potential

Bring the contact finger into contact with the contacting surface (4) and, at the same
time, with a grounded object (e.g. a water pipe). The PE signal lamp (3) must not light up! Potential between the mains plug protective conductor (1)
The PE signal lamp (3) does not light up, if no mains voltage is present between L and N at the mains plug (1), or if L and PE are reversed at the mains connection. If, after having connected the DUT in accordance with chapter 4.1, page 9, you determine, that no characters are displayed at the LCD, the mains connection should first be inspected – e.g. with the PROFiTESTâ0100S-II tester.
However, if the PE signal lamp (3) lights up when contact is made with the contacting surface (4), potential between the protective conductor at the mains plug (1) and the contacting sur­face (4) is
Stray voltages may occur due to handling of the DUT, which cause the PE signal lamp (3) to light up. For example, this may occur if a device is held in the hand which has been connected to the test socket (8) due to the resultant occurrence of a capacitive voltage divider. Touch a grounded object as described above in this case.
If testing of protective conductor potential indicates that voltage is present at the mains protective conductor, no measurements may be performed with the tester. In such a case
voltage is also present at the exposed earthing contacts of the mains outlet (7) and at the jack (6), which may represent a hazard for the user. Immediately disconnect the tester from the mains and arrange for the correction of the mains connection error. Voltage at the mains protective conductor also distorts measured values for the following tests: – Measurement of contact current per DIN VDE 0701:2000 or DIN VDE 0702:1995 – Absence of voltage per DIN VDE 0701-240:1986 (chapter 7.4, page 23) – Residual current measurement (METRATESTERâ5/5-F only)
and the contacting surface (4) is then £ 100 V.
³ 25 V, i.e. voltage is present at the protective conductor.

4.3 Measuring Mains Voltage

Set the measuring range selector switch to “250 V~”Read the measured value at the LCD.
Mains voltage must lie within the allowable range of 207 to 253 V.
+ 22 hidden pages