GMC MotorHome, 1974 MotorHome User Manual

1973-1978 GMC Motorhome Information Page 1
Internet Idiot’s Guide for
GMC MotorHome Information
Revised July 2014
GMC MotorHome Information Page 2
Internet Links to:
A comprehensive look at the history of the 1973-1978 GMC Motorhome
Purchasing a GMC Motorhome – Buyer’s Checklist
Manuals, Wiring Diagrams, Floor Plans, Paint Codes, etc.
Rebuilding the Olds 403 and 455
GMC MotorHome Generator (Troubleshooting the Onan)
GMC Motorhome Parts and Service Suppliers, Publication Listings and Service Parts Cross References
GMC Technical Information, GMC Photo Archive and GMC Motorhome Registry
GMC Clubs Nationwide
GMCnet – Your link to the GMC Community
Black List – Indispensable list of folks willing to help in case of trouble on the road.
A CAD rendering of a 1974 GMC MotorHome
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There is a vast amount of information available on the Internet about the GMC MotorHome built from 1973 through 1978: History, how-to-repair info, suppliers, service and repair facilities, service parts, clubs, vendors, etc. The problem is where to start searching without having to spend hours surfing the Internet. Personally, as a newbie, I spent many hours looking on the Internet for different types of GMC motorhome information and wished there was a concise reference guide to this type of information. Since I could not find one, I decided to create my own — 1973-1978 GMC MotorHome Information.
This Guide was specifically designed with the idea to save newbies time in searching for GMC motorhome information that is readily available on the Internet. It is also a handy reference guide for all GMCers who want to quickly find Internet links of GMC motorhome information.
A lot of GMCers travel with a computer in their coaches. I suggest you keep a copy of this guide so you can take it with you on the road. Chapter 4 in the Guide lists GMC MotorHome suppliers and service/repair facilities. In the event you do not have an internet connection you will still be able to access business names, addresses, and phone numbers that may be very helpful in case of a breakdown on the road.
Hopefully, this Guide will help you speed up your internet searches!
Happy travels!
Gary Bovee 1978 GMC Royale Red Bluff, CA
Internet links listed in this document are intended solely for the purpose of communicating thoughts, ideas, opinions and procedures to and from GMC owners and vendors. There is no attempt to replace or supersede recommendations from General Motors Corporation or any other component manufacturer. This author does not guarantee or evaluate the accuracy of any information found on any of the Internet links listed in the Idiot’s Internet Guide to Finding 1973-1978 GMC MotorHome Information. Any use made of such information is entirely at your own risk. The author of this document is not responsible for any losses, damage or injury resulting from its use, or reliance on information provided. Furthermore, the author of this document assumes no liability for implementation of the information provided to repair or alter vehicles. Vendors listed are provided without recommendation.
GMC and the GMC logos, historically and contemporary, are trademarks of General Motors.
This document is produced through the collaborative efforts of Gary Bovee and Byron Songer. Gary did the research and seeks to make it as accurate as possible. The Guide is, therefore, edited and changed on a quarterly basis. Byron is responsible for the general layout and the use of some of his illustrations. The illustrations are copyrighted by Mr. Songer and used, herein, with his permission.
© Copyright 2014 - Gary Bovee
Revised July 2014
GMC MotorHome Information Page 4
Chapter 1 ..................................................................... History of the GMC MotorHome 5
Chapter 2 Purchasing a GMC Motorhome
Buyers’ Checklist; Links and Tips for Searching for a GMC Motorhome; Restoration Costs and
Restoration Project Links ................................................................................... 6
Chapter 3 Now that I Purchased a GMC Motorhome, What Next?
Manuals, Wiring Diagrams, Floor Plans,
..................................................................................................Paint Codes, etc. 7
Chapter 4 .......................................................Rebuilding the Olds 403 and 455 Engines 8
Chapter 5 .......................... GMC MotorHome Generator (Troubleshooting the Onan) 9
Chapter 6 .............................................. GMC Full Service, Parts and Repair Facilities 10
Chapter 7 .................................................................... GMC Suppliers and Publications 12
Chapter 8 Web Sites Full of GMC Information – Technical info, archive, motorhome registry 19
Chapter 9 ............................. GMC Motorhome Clubs – GMC clubs around the USA 20
Chapter 10 GMCnet – Your Link to the GMC Community;
.............................................Take part in discussions and/or ask questions 22
Chapter 11 Black List - Roger Black’s indispensable list of folks
................................................willing to help in case of trouble on the road 23
Chapter 12 ................................................................................. Promoting the GMC TZE 24
Bonus ............................................................... Editorial Comment and DVD Label 25
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GMC MotorHome Information Page 5
Chapter 1
History of the GMC MotorHome
If you are interested in the history of the GMC MotorHome, below are some excellent links.
✦" Link to the GMC Heritage Center —
An historical view of the GMC MotorHome at the GM Heritage Center, the official on­line resource of GM’s history. Written by Bill Bryant, well-know GMC history buff.
✦" The Story of a Classic —
Another great article by historian Bill Bryant; reprinted from a three-part series run in Family Motor Coaching, the magazine of FMCA
✦" GMC MotorHome: Remembering the Classic —­remembering-a-classic
Todd Moning, a staff writer for Family Motor Coaching magazine, provides a look at the GMC’s reputation for quality and originality, something owners take pride in.
✦" No Reservations Needed: The 1973 to 1978 GMC Motorhome –
Rich Truesdell, a writer for an online magazine geared toward the auto enthusiast, provides his view of the fascinating aspects of the GMC MotorHome. (Note: This is the second and updated printing of the article produced by the author updated with photo from the GM archives).
✦" A Brief History of the GMC Motorhome —
✦" Telling the World about the GMC Motorhome —
✦" Motorhome Brochures by GMC and Others —
✦" Wikipedia: GMC MotorHome —
✦" Web address for the TZE Interpreter —
✦" The GMC MotorHome from Start to Finish –
Bill Bryant, GMC Historian, has assembled a great collection of CDs after many years of effort obtaining the history of the GMC MotorHome. Over 500 images detail the history, development, designs, prototypes, concepts, manufacturing, pricing, sales literature, memorabilia, collectables, and much, much more.
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#1 FAN
GMC MotorHome Information Page 6
Chapter 2
Purchasing a GMC MotorHome
Buyers’ Checklist; Links and Tips for Searching for a GMC MotorHome; Restoration Costs and Restoration Project Links
Following are some tips to look over before you rush out and purchase an over thirty-year-old GMC motorhome.
✦" So You Want to Buy a GMC —
✦" Buyer’s Checklist —
✦" Links and Tips for Searching for Your Prospective GMC Motorhome —
✦" Cost to Restore a GMC —
Note: It may be necessary to copy and paste the URL into your browser window.
✦" Restoring a Vintage RV Like the GMC —
This is a reprint of an article by Jim Bounds that first appeared in RV Adventure.
The illustration at left is a parody of Grant Wood’s famous painting, “American Gothic”. The painting originally is of a farmer and his spinster daughter standing in front of the family house with a gothic-shaped window on the second floor. The house is still standing in Iowa. Mr. Wood used his dentist and his sister for models. This parody was used as a basis for GMCMI’s 30th anniversary convention held at Amana Colonies in Iowa. For more information about other parodies see
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GMC MotorHome Information Page 7
Chapter 3
Now that I Purchased the GMC, What Next?
Manuals, Wiring Diagrams, Floor Plans, Paint Codes, etc.
This chapter is loaded with links to information that cover a very broad range from getting that old sleeping giant started, things to check before hitting the road, spare tools to take along, re­pair manual and wiring diagrams, paint codes, specifications (capacities and dimensions & 455 Engine).
✦" Waking a Sleeping Giant —
Note: It may be necessary to copy and paste the URL into your browser.
✦" Pre-Travel Checklist and Other Documents —
✦" Tools and Spares for the Trip —
✦" Top Safety Maintenance/Upgrades Before You Hit the Road —
✦" Repair Manuals —
✦" Wiring Diagrams —
✦" GMC Dimensional Drawings —
✦" Weight Diagrams —
✦" GMC Floor Plans —
✦" GMC, Coachman and Midas Interiors —
✦" GMC Paint Codes; 1973 thru 1977 —
✦" GMC Paint Codes; 1976 thru 1978 —
✦" Specifications (Dimensions, capacities & 455 Engine) —
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Chapter 4
Rebuilding the Olds 403 & 455 Engines
There is one person who stands outs more than any other when it came to an extensive knowledge about Oldsmobile engines. That person was Joe Mondello.
Joe Mondello probably knew more about Oldsmobile engines than anyone else on the planet when it came to making horsepower. Mondello became knows as “Dr. Oldsmobile“ based on the fictional character who wore a white jacket in the Oldsmobile performance ads.
GM officials took note of his cylinder head savvy and was tapped to design many of GM’s cylinder heads. His cylinder head designs were used by the Who’s Who of racing’s greatest such as Carol Shelby, Don “Big Daddy” Garlits, Don “The Snake” Prudhomme, Tom “The Mongoose” McEwen as well as many others.
Mondello was also a GMC motorhome enthusiast later in life. He and has wife, Mary, were Eastern States and Dixielanders members in addition to attending a couple of GMCMI conventions. He had a wealth of knowledge about Oldsmobile engines and he enjoyed sharing it with club members at rallies.
I recently came across an article written by Mondello titled “Rebuilding Your First Engine.” This is a six part article with step-by-step instructions on how to rebuild Oldsmobile engines. It’s a great article, full of information for those of you yearning to learn all you can about rebuilding your Olds engine.
Get the article in PDF from this clickable link.
I also discovered, for you hardcore grease monkeys, Mondello Oldsmobile V8 Engine Technical Reference Manual.
This manual is complete with casting numbers, factory specifications, high performance blueprinting specifications, drawings, charts, tables, photographs and much more. The book is a must for any engine builder or Oldsmobile enthusiast, whether their interest is in racing or restoration. It contains 80 pages of little known facts and tips for rebuilding Oldsmobile engines that will make serious horsepower and stay alive, as well. Complete Engine Building Tips contains step by step detailed instructions for the person who wants to learn by doing or for the experienced engine builder who needs a quick reference guide. It covers every aspect of Oldsmobile V8 engines from 1964 to 1990, except the
It is available from MONDELLO Performance Products, Inc. $26.00.
Go to
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+ 18 hidden pages