Severe dehydration and excessive water loss may cause false low
results. If you believe you are suffering from severe dehydration,
consult a healthcare professional immediately.
If you get your blood glucose results lower or higher than usual, and
do not have symptoms, rst repeat the test. If you have symptoms
or continue to get results higher or lower than usual, follow the
treatment advice of your healthcare professional.
Apply only capillary whole blood sample to the absorbent hole.
Applying other substances to the absorbent hole will cause
inaccurate results.
If you are experiencing symptoms that are not consistent with your
blood glucose test results and you have followed all instructions
described in this owner’s manual, call your healthcare professional.
A red blood cell count (hematocrit) that is very high (above 60%) or
very low (below 20%) can cause false results.
The following WILL NOT affect results:
Elevated blood triglyceride, reducing substances such as uric acid
and ascorbic acid when occurring in expected blood concentration,
or acetaminophen, dopa, methyldopa, L-dopa and tolbutamide
occurring in expected blood concentrations.
This system may be used at altitudes up to 10,742 feet (3,275 m)
without an effect on test results.
Inaccurate results may occur in severely hypotensive individuals or
pa tients in shock. Inaccurate low results may occur for individuals
expe riencing a hyperglycaemic-hyperosmolar state, with or without
ketosis. Critically ill patients should not be tested with blood glucose