GLP German Light Products GmbH instruction version 1.05 5
1.1 Safety Instructions
The IIMMPPRREESSSSIIOONN is a High-Tech Product. To guarantee a
smooth operation, it is necessary to respect the following rules.
The manufacturer of this device will not take responsibility of
damages through any disregard of the information in this
manual. Warranty claims also will be cancelled in case the
system casing is opened.
1. Make sure before putting the system into operation, that the fan and the air
inlets are clean and not blocked by anything.
2. It must be assured that the system-head can rotate unhindered throughout
his complete rotating range. A safety distance of at least 0.5 m to any easily
inflammable material (e.g. decoration material) must be adhered.
3. Attention! Don’t touch the device during the operation. This can cause
injuries or damages.
4. The system doesn’t contain any maintainable parts. Don’t open it!
5. It is necessary to wait at least 15 minutes after disconnecting the AC before
changing the optical carrier. Pay attention to possibly hot parts of the
system. -- Danger of BURNING --
6. Never look directly into the beam of light or one of the LEDs. Never use
optical apertures with a distance less than 0.5 m to observe the beam of
light. LED Class 2M. You'll risk a serious injury of your eyes and in
particular of your retina.
Attention: LED Class 2M can cause injuries of your eyes even
without optical instruments in front of them or within a distance
of less than 0.5m and short exposure time.
Hence: Avoid direct radiation of your eyes!
7. To allow a secure operation, follow also the Installation guide described in
chapter 2. Operating the IIMMPPRREESSSSIIOONN without suitable safety aids like
Safety cables or clamps/hooks can increase the risk of an accident.
8. Repair-, maintenance- and installation work shall be done by qualified or
GLP certified staff only. You need to pay attention to the common rules of
technology that are not explicit mentioned in this manual.
9. Use only original spare parts. Any structural modification on the system will
terminate all warranty claims.