How to update your data base
The SC-200 is able to be updated speed camera change. Please link the service
website to do the update, it is easy to download the database and update it to your
Please go to the SCDB website for the latest speed
camera database.
Please use the coupon (voucher) code to register the website, you will get one year
free service from registered date, after a registration, you can find the company
logo in the plug in ,and click in ,you can find the product page for database download .
About database update
If you want to keep the service after one year, you must to pay some fee to the SCDB,
about the detail, please refer to the related information on the SCDB website.
Please follow these step by step instructions to update your database, all these
procedures are listed below
I. Register SCDB for database
II. Download the update database
III. Install the Advisor USB driver
IV. Install the Advisor application tool in your PC
V. Upgrade your database of the SC-200 by application tool