All rights reserved. No Part of this book shall be reproduced, stored in a retrieval
system, or transmitted by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying recording,
or otherwise, without written permission from the publisher. No patent liability is
assumed with respect to the use of the information contained herein. While every
precaution has been taken in the preparation of this book, the publisher assumes no
responsibility for errors or omissions. Neither is any liability assumed for damages
resulting from the use of the information contained herein.
Global Specialties specifically warns the user of this instrument that it is intended for
use in a classroom or laboratory environment for the purpose of learning and
experimentation. When building experimental circuits, it may emit interference that will
effect radio and television reception and the user may be required to stop operation until
the interference problem is corrected. Home use of this equipment is discouraged since
the likelihood of interference is increased by the close proximity of neighbors.
Interference can be reduced by the following practices.
1) Install a commercially built RFI power filter in the power line at the point where the
cord enters the unit.
2) Avoid long wires. They act as antennas.
3) If long wires must be used, use shielded cables or twisted pairs which are properly
grounded and terminated.

Thank you for selecting this Global Specialties product. You won't be disappointed!
Since 1973, Global Specialties has been the recognized leader in technical education
courses, training equipment and tutorial materials. Our electronics and microcomputer
teaching systems have proven to be effective in secondary schools, technical schools,
colleges, universities and industrial training departments throughout the world.
We have been leaders in the development of integrated teaching systems and
completely packaged courses which include everything required for effective
instruction. Comprehensive textbooks and laboratory manuals have been written in
a comfortable, non-intimidating style by experienced professional educators,
specifically for use with our equipment.
Each course is designed to make selections appropriate for a variety of educational
levels and course goals. Instructor's guides, audiovisual aids and other
enhancements provide additional teaching efficiency and flexibility.
The central concept upon which we base our entire product line is education
through application. We believe that relevant scientific and technical education is
best when it involves permitting students to learn by actually doing. Our courses,
equipment, instruments and tutorials have been developed with the hands-on
You can count on Global to stand behind every product we sell. We offer a full
three-year parts and labor warranty on every assembled product in our line. This
means that any Global product which performs improperly can be returned for
prompt repair or replacement, with no questions asked. Low per-student cost,
durable and trouble-free hardware and proven tutorial materials combine to make
technical and scientific courses from Global Specialties the most effective,
economical way to upgrade your lab & curriculum.