72-page professionally written lab manual
authored by university professor, Enoch
Hwang, PhD.
11 hands-on labs correlated to an
introductory digital logic course.
Sturdy blow molded carrying case making
the entire lab lightweight and portable.
Attractive and easy to use system draws
students in to the beauty of digital logic and
embedded systems design.
Complete kit with 9V wall adapter and 100
machined pin hookup wires. No need to buy
anything else.
All gate elements are pre-mounted and fully
Expandable breadboard allows the system to
grow as students' knowledge increases.
Perform experiments using standard TTL
Well regulated 5V power (Vcc) and ground
(GND) points.
Each gate element is presented in its easy to
visualize graphic form.
DL-010 Combinational Logic Trainer
Innovative Training Solutions globalspecialties.com
Embedded Systems Design Series
Digital Logic Trainers
Some of the logic
circuits that can be
implemented with this
trainer include:
2-to-4 decoder with and
without enable
3-to-8 decoder with and
without enable
2-to-1 multiplexer
4-to-1 multiplexer
8-to-1 multiplexer
Full adder
4-bit adder
4-bit adder/subtractor
4-bit carry-look-ahead
2-bit ALU
8-to-3 Encoder
4-bit BCD to 7-segment
Any custom
combinational circuit as
derived from a truth
table with up to four
Many custom
combinational circuits
with more than four
Global Specialties’ DL-010 is first in its series of
embedded systems design trainers. The DL-010
teaches students the basics of combinational
digital logic design, which is the foundation of
microprocessor and microcontroller designs.
With the DL-010, all necessary logic components
are included and pre-mounted for fast, easy
implementation of combinational logic circuits,
which are used as the building blocks of
microprocessors. These circuits include
multiplexers, decoders, encoders, full adders,
adders/subtractors, comparators, and ALU’s.
Global Specialties’ logic trainer simplifies the
teaching process by eliminating the need to
discretely wire IC’s as all gate elements are pre-
mounted, de-coupled and de-bounced, ready for
immediate classroom use. Students can spend
their time directly on logic training.
Most importantly, the trainer includes a 72-page
professionally written training manual featuring
an overview of digital logic and 11 hands-on labs
enhancing any textbook currently in use.
The DL-010 is a complete and ruggedly packed
trainer that will provide a solid learning platform
to individuals and classroom students.

270 tie point Bread Board
Technical data subject to change without notice
Analog &
Innovative Training Solutions globalspecialties.com
©2012 Global Specialties 22820 Savi Ranch Parkway Yorba Linda, CA 92887 1-800-572-1028
Embedded Systems Design Series
Digital Logic Trainers
Training Manual
Chapter 1: Combinational Logic Design
Model DL-010
Chapter 2: Microprocessors
Introduction to Microprocessors
Combinational and Sequential Circuit
Chapter 3: Digital Logic Circuits
Basic Logic Gates
Digital Circuits
Identifying Combinational Circuits
Analysis of Combinational Circuits
Boolean Algebra
Simplifying Combinational Circuits
Synthesis of Combinational Circuits
Chapter 4: Labs
Basic Gates, Lights and Action!
Designing Combinational Circuits
Full Adder
4-bit Adder
4-bit Adder/Subtractor
2-bit Arithmetic and Logic Unit (ALU)
BCD to 7-Segment LED Decoder
Logic Trainer