PART LIST....................................................Page 13
SCHEMATIC AND BOARD LAYOUT.............. Page 20
FIGURE 1. Location of operating controls...... Page 4
The 1332A Power Supply is a high perfomance single
output DC power supply for industrial and laboratory
use. Performance with economy have successfully
been combined to provide a compact, fully solid state
The output is continuously variable from 0 to 32V and can
supply 5A max, and can be adjusted continuously throughout the output range. The front panel CURRENT control
can be used to establish the output current limit (overload
or short circuit). When the supply is used as a constant
voltage source the VOLTAGE controls can be used to limit
the output voltage. When the unit is used as a constant
current source, CURRENT controls can be used to limit
the output current. The unit will automatically cross over
from constant voltage to current mode and vice-versa, if
the output current or voltage exceeds these preset limits. Output voltage and current are continuously monitored on two front panel meters.
The load terminals are provided on the front panel. Either
the positive or negative output terminal may be grounded
or the power supply can be operated floating at upto a
maximum of ±300VDC above ground.
All the outputs are floating i.e. neither the output positive
terminal nor the negative terminal (nor any point within the
regulator circuitry) is connected to ground.
The power supply is designed to operate in ambient
temperature of upto 40°C and full output may be drawn
continuously provided free air circulation is allowed.The
unit works from mains supply of 115V/230VAC, 47-63 Hz
with selectable Switch.