1.1.1 How to send SMS and ask TR-151 for sending back its
configuration by SMS?
You can send SMS to TR-151 to ask it to send SMS with its configuration setting.
The format of the SMS is “?7,IMEI,0,Return_Phone_Number!”
Format Description
? Start sign
7 Function code
IMEI IMEI code of the TR-151
0 Report type of reading configuration
Return_Phone_Number The phone number for receiving TR-151 configuration.
! End sign
TR-151 will return 3 pieces of SMS with its configuration.
For details, please refer to TR-151 Configuration Content
1.1.2 How to send SMS and ask TR-151 for sending back its
configuration by GPRS?
You can send SMS to TR-151 to ask to send message to GPRS server with its configuration
The format of the SMS is “?7,IMEI,9!”
Format Description
? Start sign
7 Function code
IMEI IMEI code of the TR-151
9 Report type of reading configuration
! End sign
TR-151 will return 3 messages with its configuration.
For details, please refer to TR-151 Configuration Content
1.1.3 How to send GPRS command and ask TR-151 for sending back
its configuration by SMS?
You can send command by GPRS server to TR-151 to ask it to send back SMS with its
configuration setting.
The format of the SMS is “$7,IMEI,0,Return_Phone_Number!”
Format Description
$ Start sign
7 Function code
IMEI IMEI code of the TR-151
0 Report type of reading configuration
Return_Phone_Number The phone number for receiving TR-151 configuration.
! End sign
TR-151 will return 3 pieces of SMS with its configuration.
For details, please refer to TR-151 Configuration Content
1.1.4 How to send GPRS command and ask TR-151 for sending back
its configuration by GPRS
You can send command by GPRS server to TR-151 to ask it to send back message with its
configuration setting.
The format of the SMS is “$7,IMEI,9!”
Format Description
$ Start sign
7 Function code
IMEI IMEI code of the TR-151
9 Report type of reading configuration
! End sign
TR-151 will return 3 messages with its configuration to GPRS server.
For details, please refer to TR-151 Configuration Content
1.2 Write Configuration
1.2.1 How to configure TR-151 by SMS?
You can send SMS to configure following parameters into TR-151. There are 8 settings as
z SMS Default Return Phone Number
z Maximum GPS Fixing Time
z Default Report Mode Setting
z SOS Numbers
z Motion setting
z Sleeping setting
z GPRS setting
z Normal Setting
Report type Format Return message
SMS Default
Return Phone
Maximum GPS
Fixing Time
Default Report
Mode Setting
SOS Numbers ?7,IMEI,4,SOS1,SOS2,SOS3,Return_Phone_Number! ?7,IMEI,OK!
Motion Setting ?7,IMEI,5,Regular_Report_interval,Motion_report_Interval,Sensitivity,Mo
Set how many report will be sent.
Number_of_Reports = 0 Æ continuous report
Number_of_Reports = X Æ X times report
Report_Format: Ask TR-151 to return message by Format0 or Format1.
Report_Interval: Time interval of sendin g data report. The unit is second.
Return_Phone_Number: TR-151 will send confirmed message back to this Return_Phone_Number.
If you keep Return Phone Number blank, TR-151 will send report to SMS Default Return Phone Number.
If Return Phone Number and SMS Default Return Phone Number are both blank, TR-151 will send report to
caller ID.
Return Phone Number For Default Report Mode: Return phone number for default report mode. TR-151 will
Motion Setting: If you send this command, the default report mode will turn to Motion mode
GPRS setting
send report to this number after it is turned on when Default Report Mode is set to
immediate report or period report.
Item Description
GPRS user name
GPRS user password
GPRS Server Host Name
The communication port for connecting GPRS network
The APN of GPRS network station
The account for connecting GPRS network
The password for connecting GPRS network
The DNS for connecting GPRS network
The fixed IP or Domain Name for the computer running the TR
Management Center (It should be a physical IP or a domain
1. The value of GPRS port is between 1 and 65,535, and the default is 5000.
2. GPRS APN is different from each GPRS network provider. You have to get the APN from
your GPRS network provider.
3. GPRS Server Host Name is the physical IP address of the PC that you installed the call
center or a domain name. The IP is for connecting the GPRS network. It should be a
physical IP.
4. In Taiwan, GPRS user name, GPRS user password, GPRS DNS1, and GPRS DNS2 are
not necessary items. You have to consult with your GPRS network provider about those
Normal Setting:
Report Method of SOS and battery low: 1=SMS
Echo_EN: Enable TR-151 to send “Return Message”=0 Æ Enable Enable TR-151 to send “Return Message”=1 Æ Disable
1.2.2 How to configure TR-151 by GPRS server?
You can send command by GPRS server to configure following parameters into TR-151.
There are 8 settings as below.
z SMS Default Return Phone Number
z Maximum GPS Fixing Time
z Default Report Mode Setting
z SOS Numbers
z Motion setting
z Sleeping setting
z GPRS setting
z Normal Setting
Report type Format Return message
SMS Default
Return Phone
Maximum GPS
Fixing Time
Default Report
Mode Setting
SOS Numbers $7,IMEI,4,SOS1,SOS2,SOS3! $OK!
Motion Setting $7,IMEI,5,Regular Report Interval,Motion report
Set how many report will be sent.
Number_of_Reports = 0 Æ continuous report
Number_of_Reports = X Æ X times report
Report_Format: Ask TR-151 to return message by Format0 or Format1.
Report_Interval: Time interval of sendin g data report. The unit is second.
Return_Phone_Number: TR-151 will send confirmed message back to this Return_Phone_Number.
If you keep Return Phone Number blank, TR-151 will send report to SMS Default Return Phone Number.
If Return Phone Number and SMS Default Return Phone Number are both blank, TR-151 will send report to
caller ID.
Return Phone Number For Default Report Mode: Return phone number for default report mode. TR-151 will
Motion Setting: If you send this command, the default report mode will turn to Motion mode
GPRS setting
send report to this number after it is turned on when Default Report Mode is set to
immediate report or period report.
Item Description
GPRS user name
GPRS user password
GPRS Server Host Name
The communication port for connecting GPRS network
The APN of GPRS network station
The account for connecting GPRS network
The password for connecting GPRS network
The DNS for connecting GPRS network
The fixed IP or Domain Name for the computer running the TR
Management Center (It should be a physical IP or a domain
5. The value of GPRS port is between 1 and 65,535, and the default is 5000.
6. GPRS APN is different from each GPRS network provider. You have to get the APN from
your GPRS network provider.
7. GPRS Server Host Name is the physical IP address of the PC that you installed the call
center or a domain name. The IP is for connecting the GPRS network. It should be a
physical IP.
8. In Taiwan, GPRS user name, GPRS user password, GPRS DNS1, and GPRS DNS2 are
not necessary items. You have to consult with your GPRS network provider about those
Normal Setting:
Report Method of SOS and battery low: 1=SMS
3=SMS & GPRS Echo_EN: Enable TR-151 to send “Return Message”=0 Æ Enable Enable TR-151 to send “Return Message”=1 Æ Disable
TR Start sign
1 part
Enable/ Disable SMS Default
Return Phone Number
Maximum GPS Fixing Time The maximum time for getting GPS fix
Motion Mode Regular Report
Motion Mode Motion Report
Sleep Mode Regular Report
Sleep Mode Motion Report
Number of report under
sleep mode
User Name User name
Set Time Zone Time zone
0: Enable, 1:Disable
The regular interval of sending location report under motion mode
The interval of sending location report when TR-151 senses vibration under
motion mode
The regular interval of sending location report under sleeping mode.
The interval of sending location report when TR-151 senses vibration under
sleeping mode
Set how many location report will be sent when TR-151 senses vibration under
sleeping mode
Default Report mode
Period Report interval Interval of periodic report
SMS Report Format 0 or 1. 0 is for end user, and 1 is for call center development
Number of SMS Period
Sensitivity The number of vibration which activates TR-151 to send motion report. The
SOS Number 1 Set SOS Number 1
SOS Number 2 Set SOS Number 2
SOS Number 3 Set SOS Number 3
Default Return Number Return phone number
SMS Return Number Return phone number of SMS report
Motion Return Number Return phone number of Motion mode reporting SMS
Sleep Return Number Return phone number of Sleep mode reporting
GPRS Port The communication port for connecting GPRS network
GPRS user name
GPRS user password
GPRS_DNS2 The DNS2 for connecting GPRS network
GPRS Server Host
The APN of GPRS network station
The account for connecting GPRS network
The password for connecting GPRS network
The DNS1 for connecting GPRS network
The fixed IP or Domain Name for the computer running the TR Management Center
2 Commands
2.1 Immediate Report
2.1.1 Process of making TR-151 make SMS immediate report by SMS
○1 ?0,IMEI,Report_Format,Return_Phone_Number!○
For details, please refer to “How to set TR-151 to immediately report its position by SMS?”
Its latitude and longitude (SMS)
2.1.2 Process of making TR-151 make GPRS immediate report by
○1 ?8,IMEI,Return_Phone_Number! (SMS)○
Its latitude and longitude (via GPRS network)
For details, please refer to “How to make TR-151 to make GPRS immediate report by SMS?”
2.1.3 Process of making TR-151 make SMS & GPRS immediate
report by SMS
○1 ?21,IMEI,Return_Phone_Number! (SMS)○
?21,IMEI,OK! (SMS)
Its latitude and longitude (SMS & GPRS)
For details, please refer to
“How to make TR-151 to make SMS & GPRS immediate report by
2.1.4 Process of making TR-151 make SMS immediate report by
GPRS server
○1 $0,IMEI,Report_Format,Return_Phone_Number!○
Its latitude and longitude (SMS)
○4 $OK!
For details, please refer to
How to make TR-151 to make SMS immediate report by GPRS
2.1.5 Process of making TR-151 make GPRS immediate report by
GPRS server
○1 $8,IMEI!
GPRS server TR-151
○3 Its latitude and longitude
○4 $OK!
For details, please refer to How to make TR-151 to make GPRS immediate report by GPRS
2.1.6 Process of making TR-151 make SMS & GPRS immediate
report by GPRS
○1 $21,IMEI,Return_Phone_Number! ○
Its latitude and longitude (SMS & GPRS)
○4 $OK!
P.S. TR-151 disconnects from GPRS server after it sends the location data.
For details, please refer to How to make TR-151 to make SMS & GPRS immediate report by
GPRS server?
2.1.7 How to make TR-151 to immediately report its position by SMS?
You can send an SMS to ask TR-151 to immediately report its position.
The format of SMS is following as:
The table below explains the content of the SMS.
Format Description
? Start sign
0 Function code
IMEI IMEI code of the TR-151
Report_Format 0 or 1. 0 is for end user, and 1 is for call center development
Return_Phone_Number The phone number for re ceiving the reporting SMS.
! End sign
TR-151 will send an SMS whose format is “?0,IMEI,OK!” to the return phone number to
confirm it has received the request. And then it will start to get fixed the position. After getting
fixed the position, it will send SMS with its location to the return phone number.
Example: Ask TR-151 to send immediate report in format0 to 626-123456.
You have to enter ?0, 355632000166323,0,626123456!
And then you will get ?0,355632000166323,OK!. After TR-151 get fixed of the position, you
will get the position report like Position report
2008/12/15 10:20:39
GPS fixed
1. The unit of coordinates for report format 0 in the immediate report is degree. The unit of
coordinates for report format 1 in the immediate report is degree and minute with a 4-digit
decimal fraction
2. If TR-151 can not get fixed the position within the “Maximum GPS Fixing Time”, it will
return the previous location. When the GPS position is fixed, it will again return the
position data.
3. Please refer “
How to configure TR-151 by SMS?.” to set “Maximum GPS Fixing Time”
2.1.8 How to make TR-151 to make GPRS immediate report by SMS?
You can send an SMS to ask TR-151 to immediately report its position via GPRS network to
TR-151 call center or GPRS server.
The format of SMS is following as:
The table below explains the content of the SMS.
The description of SMS
Format Description
?8 Start sign and function code
Return_Phone_Number The phone number for receiving OK message.
! End sign
TR-151 will send an SMS whose format is “?8,IMEI,OK!” to the return phone number to
confirm it has received the request. And then it will start to get fixed the position. After getting
fixed the position, it will send its location to the TR-151 call center or GPRS server.
Example:Require GPRS immediate report
You have to enter “?8,355632000166323,626123456!”
And then you will get “? 8,355632000166323,OK!”
2.1.9 How to make TR-151 to make SMS & GPRS immediate report
by SMS?
You can send an SMS to ask TR-151 to immediately report its position via GPRS network to
TR-151 call center or GPRS server and to SMS receiver interface like handset.
The format of SMS is as below.
Format Description
?21 Start sign and function code
Return_Phone_Number The phone number for receiving OK message.
! End sign
TR-151 will send an SMS whose format is “?21,IMEI,OK!” to the return phone number to
confirm it has received the request. And then it will start to get fixed the position. After getting
fixed the position, it will send its location to the TR-151 call center or GPRS server and to SMS
receiver interface like handset.
Example:Require SMS & GPRS immediate report sent to 626-123456 and to GPRS server
You have to enter “?21,355632000166323,626123456!”
And then you will get “? 21,355632000166323,OK!”
2.1.10 How to make TR-151 to make SMS immediate report by GPRS
You can send a command by GPRS server to ask TR-151 to make SMS immediate report.
The format of command is following as:
The table below explains the content of the command.
Format Description
$ Start sign
0 Function code
IMEI IMEI code of the TR-151
Return_Phone_Number The phone number for receiving the reporting SMS.
! End sign
0 or 1. 0 is for end user, and 1 is for manageme nt center
TR-151 will send a message “$OK!” to the GPRS server to confirm it has received the request.
And then it will start to get fixed the position. After getting fixed the position, it will send SMS
with its location to the return phone number.
For example: If you’d like to ask TR-151 to send immediate report in format0 to 626-123456.
You have to enter $0, 355632000166323,0,626123456!
And then you will get $,OK!. After TR-151 get fixed of the position, you will get the position
report like
Position report
2008/12/15 10:20:39
GPS fixed
1. If TR-151 can not get fixed the position within the “Maximum GPS Fixing Time”, it will
return the previous location. When the GPS position is fixed, it will again return the
position data.
2. Please refer to “How to configure TR-151 by GPRS server? “ set Maximum GPS Fixing
3. The unit of coordinates for report format 0 in the immediate report is degree. The unit of
coordinates for report format 1 in the immediate report is degree and minute with a 4-digit
decimal fraction
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