Language Recordings has produced the Messenger-II player because of the worldwide demand from
missions and churches for a compact, reliable cassette player that is not dependent on batteries or other
costly power sources.
The purpose of this service manual is to provide the necessary technical information, parts lists and
drawings for those who will be doing in-service repairs and maintenance to these players.
The technical descriptions have been kept as simple as possible and have been prepared with the nontechnical person in mind. As well as providing this Service Manual and any necessary spare parts, we
believe in the concept that “prevention is better than cure”, and we strongly recommend that where any
“Messenger-II” players are put into use that those using them should be given careful instructions in the
basic care and maintenance of those players.
(See ‘Care of Cassette Players’ on operating instructions leaflet).
The Messenger-II Player is produced in two different ‘formats’:
a. Player Designation: LRI-03M = Plain Mabuchi i.e. Mabuchi Generator.
b. “ “ LRI-03MP = Mabuchi with Power i.e. Mabuchi Generator plus Mains Power Transformer.
Introduction.................................................................................. 1
Equipment & Specifications for Testing...................................... 2
Trouble Shooting Procedure........................................................ 3-5
How to Order Parts...................................................................... 6
Messenger-II Disassembly and Servicing.................................... 7-8
Messenger-II Player Assemblies - Drawing M-02....................... 9
Case Assembly - Parts List and Drawing M-03........................... 10-11
Generator Assembly - Parts List and Drawing M-04................... 12-13
Mechanism Assembly - Parts List and Drawing M-05................ 14-15
A.C. Power Supply Assembly - Parts List and Drawing M-06.... 16
Circuit Board Assembly - Parts List and Drawing M-07............. 17
Circuit Board Overlay and Schematic Diagram M-10................. 18
Circuit Diagram M-09.................................................................. 19
Generator and Power Wiring Diagram......................................... 20-21
Replacing Generator leads, helpful tips........................................ 22-23
Trouble-Shooting Guide............................................................... 24
a. Multimeter - With approx. 2-3v A.C. range, full deflection. e.g. A meter with a sensitivity of at least
b. Dummy Load - 7.5 ohms resistance and lead; or external speaker(8ohms).
c. D.C. Power Test Lead - To allow measurement of voltage & current. (Ref. Figure 1&3)
d. Test Tapes - 6.3 KHz at 15dB for Head Azimuth.
- 1 KHz at OdB for current consumption & output level.
e. 6v regulated power supply or 6v battery pack, (Fig. 1&3)
Note: Language Recordings is prepared to supply any of the above equipment to those who do not have
ready access to such.