Globalegrow E Commerce L3 User Manual

Smart LED Light Strip
Quick Start Guide
Quick Start:
1. Co nnect t he USB co nnect or to a pow er sour ce ( Powe r bank( 5V2A) o r USB charger(5V2A) ). Th e smart L ED ligh t strip w ill lig ht up in wa rm whit e to indi cate it i s ready for network se tup.
3.Make sure you have at least 2 bars of Wi-Fi signal there.
4. Download the free iHaper App from the App sto re and log in.
5. Tap “ + ” scan t he QR cod e, and th en foll ow the st eps to ad d the dev ice to th e Home an d Room. Please keep the QR code for future use.
6. Name this product to h elp you identify it in the Home app and to control it with Siri. For exa mple, you can name your Smart LED Light Strip “ Room Light ”, then launch Siri and speak “ Turn on the Room Light ”.
7. Adjust the brightness by pressing and holding the icon for 2 seconds or just asking Siri, e.g., “ S et the ro om ligh t to 50%” o r “ Dim the r oom lig ht ”.
8. Create a scene which control multiple accessories at the same time. Tap t he scen e to turn it on or off, o r just as k Siri. F or exam ple, if y ou assi gn the “ Go od Nigh t ” comma nd to the sce ne of tur ning off room li ght and t urnin g the liv ing roo m light , when yo u speak “ Good ni ght” to S iri, ev eryth ing is done.
9. Change the light color and adjust the brightness and saturation by tapping and holding the icon for 2 seconds or just asking Siri, e.g., “ Set roo m light to green ” or “ Set ro om ligh t brightness to 50% ”.
- The use o f a HomeK it - enab led acc essor y need th e follo wing pe rmiss ions:
Setti ng > iClo ud > iCloud Drive > Turn On Setti ng > iClo ud > Keychain > Turn On Setti ng > Priv acy > Hom ekit > iH aper > Turn On
- Controlling this HomeKit-enabled accessory automatically and away from home requires an Apple TV with tv OS10. 1 or late r or an iPa d with iO S 10.1 or l ater se t up as a hom e hub.
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