Quick Start Guide
Global Caché
Network Adapter
The GC-100-12 and GC-100-18 Network Adapters connect diverse and previously unconnected devices and appliances in a
network-based home, school or business. Using many commonly needed controls and sensor inputs in one box, the GC-100
provides an easy way for controlling real-world devices, reducing the time and complexity of an installation by eliminating
piggybacked components and multiple power supplies. By simply sending commands over the network, your audio/visual
equipment is turned to the proper volume by infrared (IR), shades are lowered with relays, and your favorite DVD is selected
through serial communications; and all started with the push of a button. As a result of using open standards (for example,
TCP/IP), any networked device, such as your PC, can send and retrieve GC-100 data. With the GC-100, a variety of devices
can be connected to control and monitor the environment over a network or even the Internet.
The GC-100 is designed to work with many of the popular control software packages. These packages contain software
drivers needed for the proper operation of the GC-100, as well as, an easy-to-use interface for configuring your automated
environment. It is required that such a package be employed when using the GC-100 product family.
Getting started is simple. All it requires is connecting power, configuring the unit, and attaching cables. This guide provides
a step-by-step method to get you up and running quickly and easily with a discussion of each connector's pin out, web page
configuration, and specification.
Power is supplied by an AC wall adapter rated for 9V to 18V DC@300mA. Shortly after applying power all the IR
indicators will momentarily turn on then off signifying completion of the self-test. The GC-100 is ready for operation after
the power (PWR) indicator is on and not blinking which signifies a self-test fault.
LAN connection is used for all communication over the network and for configuring the GC-100. Accessing the GC-100 is
initially achieved using its default IP address The best method for configuring the GC-100 is to communicate
over an isolated network, directly to a networked PC utilizing a cross-over LAN cable or an isolated hub with standard LAN
cables. The PC must also be on the same network with an address such as The LINK indicator on the LAN
connector will light when the cabling is plugged in properly. After establishing a link, the GC-100's internal web pages are
accessible from a browser at address:
A suitable static IP address can now be entered for your network environment, making sure the GC-100's IP address is
outside the network's DHCP partition, if DHCP is used. In addition, the default gateway address and subnet mask will need to
be set before installing the GC-100. Once the GC-100 is on your network, further configuration can be accomplished through
the new IP address. Except for serial, all data commands are sent over TCP/IP Port 4998. This includes infrared, sensor, and
relay commands. Each serial connection has a unique port number for communication, starting with Port 4999 for serial 1,
Port 5000 for serial 2 and so on.
Factory defaults can be set during power up by connecting pins 7 and 2 on serial connector 1 with a wrap back connector or
a flat bladed screw driver. (Refer to the Serial DB9 Connector diagram for pin locations.) IR indicator 1 will blink on then
off, signifying the GC-100 has been set to factory defaults, including Configuration Lock, which defaults to disabled.
Web pages are used to configure the GC-100 for proper operation in a particular environment. Parameters are selected by
pull down menus and put in effect after executing "Apply." The GC-100 resets, blinking all indicators on then off, to
complete the update.
Serial communication utilizes a male (9 pin) DB9 connector with active signals on the pins shown in the diagram.
Unfortunately, serial standards are not always adhered to and special attention must be given when connecting serial cables.
There are three areas that must be correct for proper serial communication: cable configuration; baud rate (communication
speed), and parity; and, if used, flow control signals must be asserted (greater than +3V). At a minimum, to send and receive
serial data TxD, RxD, and Gnd must be connected to the other serial device. These signal locations will depend on the mating
connector’s type and gender. Typically, communications can be established by a trial and error method of swapping the TxD
and RxD lines. (Incorrect wiring will not harm RS232 drivers.) Also, flow control must be disabled or asserted for
communications to start. If erroneous characters are transmitted, it is usually an indication of an incorrect baud rate setting.
Pin 5
Pin 4
Pin 8
Pin 3
Pin 7
Pin 2
Serial DB9 Male Connector
There are two types of flow control: RTS/CTS for data flow and DTR/DSR for modem control. The GC-100 does not use
modem flow control and will always assert the DTR line and ignore DSR. When data flow control is used, the GC-100 will
stop its transmission when its CTS signal is asserted by the other device. When receiving data the GC-100 may assert RTS to
signal the other device to stop its transmission. In a typical control environment, serial devices usually communicate with
short and infrequent commands. Hence, some serial devices may not have flow control signals. This is usually not a concern,
since a serial input buffer is much larger (256 bytes) than the transmitted data commands. In these cases, the GC-100 flow
control should be disabled. However, to avoid potential character loss, it is a good rule to use flow control when it is available
on serial devices. The GC-100 performs flow control by asserting RTS when the input buffer goes beyond 192 bytes, and deasserting RTS when it falls below 64 bytes. In either case, the GC-100 records all serial buffer overflows and maintains a
count on the Network web page.
The serial device attaching to the GC-100 will most likely employ a DB9 or 25 pin connector. Below is the standard wiring
configuration for a serial cable. It is not guaranteed that the standard has been followed, but it is a good starting place.
IR and Sensor Indicator Relay
GC-100-12 Front Panel
GC-100 DB9 DB9 DB25 DB25
DB9 male male female male female
RxD 2 3 2 3 2
TxD 3 2 3 2 3
Gnd 5 5 5 7 7
Data Flow Control
RTS 7 8 7 5 4
CTS 8 7 8 4 5
Modem Controls
DTR 4 6 4 6 20
DSR 6 ignored by the GC-100
IR output and sensor input share a common connector and indicator on the GC-100. Each 3.5mm audio connector is
independently configured using the internal web pages. Each connector has three contacts configured as either an infrared (IR)
output, Control-S output (IR/no carrier) or sensor input, as shown below.