Global DSC-5300 User Manual

Brief Introduction ....................................................................................................... I!
Chapter 1 Accidence ................................................................................................ 1!
1.1 Accidence of Panel and Display Information ................................................................. 2!
1.2 Function Checking .......................................................................................................... 5!
1.3! Probe ................................................................................................................... 7!
Chapter 2 Functions Instruction and Operation ........................................................ 9!
2.1 Menu and Control Button ............................................................................................. 10!
2.2 Connector ...................................................................................................................... 12!
2.3 Auto Setup .................................................................................................................... 12!
2.4 Default Setup ................................................................................................................ 14!
2.5 Universal Knob ............................................................................................................. 15!
2.6 Vertical System ............................................................................................................. 15!
2.7 Horizontal System ......................................................................................................... 30!
2.8 Trigger System .............................................................................................................. 33!
2.9 Acquiring Signals System ............................................................................................. 49!
2.10 Display System ........................................................................................................... 55!
2.11 Measure System .......................................................................................................... 59!
2.12 Storage System ........................................................................................................... 72!
2.13 Utility System ............................................................................................................. 85!
2.14 Online Help Function ................................................................................................ 109!
Chapter 3 Prompting Messages and Troubleshooting ......................................... 110!
3.1 Prompting Messages: .................................................................................................. 110!
3.2 Troubleshooting .......................................................................................................... 112!
Chapter 4 Service and Support ............................................................................ 114!
4.1 Maintain Summary ..................................................................................................... 114!
4.2 Contact GLOBAL SPECIALTIES ............................................................................. 114!
Appendix A: Default Setup ................................................................................... 115!
Appendix B: Daily Maintain and Cleaning ............................................................ 117!
Chapter 1 Overview
DSC-5300 Series Digital Oscilloscope is mini-type and portable bench type instruments,
which could be used for measuring as the GND voltage.
This Chapter shows you how to operate following tasks:
Accidence of panel and Display information
Simple checking of functions
Matching probes attenuation coefficient
Probe compensation
1.1 Overview of Panel and Display Information
1.1.1 Front Panel
It is important for you to understand the DSO’s front panel before operating it. The
following contents are the brief introduction for the front panel function, which is useful
to be familiar with the operation of the DSC-5300 Digital Storage Oscilloscope in short
The oscilloscopes provides an easy-to-use front panel to convenience users to operate
them, the panel contains knobs and buttons. There is a list of five ashen buttons as menu
operational buttons on the right of display screen. You can set different options of the
current menu in virtue of them. Other buttons are function buttons; you can enter
different function menus or obtain given function application in virtue of them.
Picture 1.1-1 DSC-5300 Front Panel
Menu!On/Off,!! Menu!Softkeys!
1.1.2 Back and Side Connections
The following images show back and side panel connection locations.
Picture 1.1-2 DSC-5300 Back and Side panel
1. Handle
2. AC Power Input Terminal
3. USB Device Connector
4. Pass/Fail Output Connector
5. LAN Port
6. Lock Hole
1.1.3 User display interface
Picture 1.1-3
1.Product Logo
Global Specialties is the registered trademark of our company.
2. Trigger status
Armed. The oscilloscope is acquiring pre-trigger data. All triggers are ignored in this
Ready. All pre-trigger data has been acquired and the oscilloscope is ready to accept
a trigger.
Trig’d. The oscilloscope has seen a trigger and is acquiring the posttrigger data.
Stop. The oscilloscope has stopped acquiring waveform data.
Auto. The oscilloscope is in auto mode and is acquiring waveforms in the absence of
Scan. The oscilloscope is acquiring and displaying waveform data continuously in scan
3. USB Host connected mark.
4. Waveform memory
Show the position of the current waveform in the memory of the oscillsocpe.
5. Trigger position.
Turn the HORIZONTAL POSITION knob to adjust the trigger position of the
6. Show the LAN port.
Indicates the LAN port is connected.
Indicates the LAN port is disconnected.
7. Show the Channel symbol.
8. Readout shows trigger signal frequency..
9. Readout shows the trigger level value and trigger type..
10.Readout shows the trigger delay of waveform.
11. Readout shows the main time base setting.
12. Icon shows the channel setting.
13. Icon shows the channel offset position.
14. Icon shows the trigger level position
1.2 Function Checking
When you check whether or not the oscilloscope could work smoothly, please operate
as following:
1. Power On the oscilloscope.
Press “DEFAULT SETUP” to show the result of the self check. The probe default
attenuation is 1X.
Picture 1.2- 1
2. Set the switch to 1X on the probe and connect the probe to channel 1 on the
oscilloscope. To do this, align the slot in the probe connector with the key on the CH 1
BNC, push to connect, and twist to the right to lock the probe in place. Connect the probe
tip and reference lead to the PROBE COMP connectors
Picture 1.2-2
3Press “AUTO” to show the 1 KHz frequency and about 3V peak-peak square wave
in couple seconds
Picture 1.2-3
4. Press “CH1” two times to cancel the channel 1, Press“CH2” to change screen into
channel 2, reset the channel 2 as step 2 and step 3.
1.3 Probe
1.3.1 Probe Safety
A guard around the probe body provides a finger barrier for protection from electric
Picture 1.3-1
Connect the probe to the oscilloscope and connect the ground terminal to ground before
you take any measurements.
1.3.2 Probe Attenuation Setting
Probes are available with various attenuation factors which affect the vertical scale of
the signal. The Probe Check function verifies that the Probe attenuation option matches
the attenuation of the probe.
Note● To avoid electric shock when using the probe, keep fingers behind the guard
on the probe body.
To avoid electric shock while using the probe, do not touch metallic portions of
the probe head while it is connected to a voltage source. Connect the probe to
the oscilloscope and connect the ground terminal to ground before you take any
You can push a vertical menu button (such as the CH 1 MENU button), and select the
Probe option that matches the attenuation factor of your probe.
Be sure that the attenuation switch on the probe matches the Probe option in the
oscilloscope. Switch settings are 1X and 10X.
1.3.3 Probe Compensation
As an alternative method to Probe Check, you can manually perform this adjustment to
match your probe to the input channel.
1. Set the Probe option attenuation in the channel menu to 10X. Set the switch to 10X
on the probe and connect the probe to channel 1 on the oscilloscope. If you use the
probe hook-tip, ensure a proper connection by firmly inserting the tip onto the probe.
2. Attach the probe tip to the PROBE COMP 3V connector and the reference lead to the
PROBE COMP Ground connector. Display the channel and then push the “AUTO”
3. Check the shape of the displayed waveform.
Note: The default setting for the Probe option is 1X.
Note: When the attenuation switch is set to 1X, the probe limits the bandwidth of the
oscilloscope to 6MHz (according to Probe spec). To use the full bandwidth of the
oscilloscope, be sure to set the switch to 10X
Over Compensated Under
Compensated Correctly Compensated
Picture 1.3-3
4. If necessary, adjust your probe. Repeat as necessary.
Chapter 2 Functions Instruction and Operation
To use your oscilloscope effectively, you need to learn about the following oscilloscope
Menu and control button
Auto Setup
Default Setup
Universal knob
Vertical System
Horizontal System
Trigger System
Acquiring signals System
Display System
Measuring waveforms System
Utility System
Storage System
Online Help function
2.1 Menu and Control Button
Showing as the following picture:
Picture 2-1
Channel buttons (1, 2): Press a channel button to turn that channel ON or OFF and
open the channel menu for that channel. You can use the channel menu to set up a
channel. When the channel is on, the channel button is lit.
MATH: Press to display the Math menu. You can use the MAH menu to use the
oscilloscopes Math functions.
REF: Press to display the Ref Wave menu. You can use this menu to save and recall
four or two reference waveforms internal memory.
HORI MENU: Press to display the Horizontal menu. You can use the Horizontal menu
to display the waveform and zoom in a segment of a waveform.
TRIG MENU: Press to display the Trigger menu. You can use the Trigger menu to set
the trigger type (Edge. Pulse, Video, Slope, Alternative) and trigger settings.
SET TO 50%: Press to stabilize a waveform quickly. The oscilloscope can
set the trigger level to be halfway between the minimum and maximum
voltage level automatically. This is useful when you connect a signal to the
EXT TRIG connector and set the trigger source to Ext or Ext/5.
FORCE: Use the FORCE button to complete the current waveform acquisition
whether the oscilloscope detects a trigger or not. This is useful for Single acquisitions
and Normal trigger mode.
SAVE/RECALL: Press to display the Save/Recall menu. You can use the Save/Recall
menu to save and recall up to 20 oscilloscope setups or waveforms in internal memory
(up to 20 waveforms) or on a USB memory device (limited by memory capacity of USB
device). You can also use it to recall the default factory settings, to save waveform data
as a comma-delimited file (.CSV), and to save or print the displayed waveform image.
ACQUIRE: Press to display Acquire menu. You can use the Acquire menu to set the
acquisition Sampling Mode (Sampling, Peak Detect, Average).
MEASURE: Press to display a menu of measurement parameters.
CURSORS: Display the Cursor Menu. Vertical Position controls adjust cursor position
while displaying the Cursor Menu and the cursors are activated. Cursors remain
displayed (unless the “Type” option is set to “Off”) after leaving the Cursor Menu but
are not adjustable.
DISPLAY: Press to open the Display menu. You can use the Display menu to set grid
and waveform display styles, and persistence.
UTILITY: Press to open the Utility menu. You can use the Utility menu to configure
oscilloscope features, such as sound, language, counter, etc. You can also view
system status and update software.
DEFAULT SETUP: Press to reset the oscilloscope’s settings to the default
factory configuration.
HELP: Enter the online help system.
AUTO: Automatically sets the oscilloscope controls to produce a usable display of the
input signals.
RUN/STOP: Continuously acquires waveforms or stops the acquisition.
NoteIf waveform acquisition is stopped (using the RUN/STOP or SINGLE
button), the SEC/DIV control expands or compresses the waveform.
SINGLE: Acquire a single waveform and then stops.
2.2 Connector
Picture 2-2
Channel Connector (CH1, CH2): Input connectors for waveforms display.
EXT TRIG: Input connector for an external trigger source. Use the Trigger
Menu to select the “Ext” or “Ext/5” trigger source.
Probe Component: Voltage probe compensation output and ground. Use
to electrically match the probe to the oscilloscope input circuit.
2.3 Auto Setup
The DSC-5300 Digital Storage Oscilloscopes have a Auto Setup function that identifies
Note: If you connect a voltage source to a ground terminal, you may
damage the oscilloscope or the circuit under test. To avoid this, do not
connect a voltage source to any ground terminals.
the waveform types and automatically adjusts controls to produce a usable display of
the input signal.
Press the AUTO button, and then press the menu option button adjacent to the desired
waveform as follows:
Picture 2-3
Table 2-1 Auto Set function Menu:
Multi-cycle sine
Auto set the screen and display several cyc signal.
Single-cycle sine
Set the screen and auto display single cyc signal.
Rising edge
Auto set and show the rising time.
Falling edge
Auto set and show the falling time.
Undo Setup
Causes the oscilloscope to recall the previous setup.
Auto set determines the trigger source based on the following conditions:
If multiple channels have signals, channel with the lowest frequency signal.
No signals found, the lowest-numbered channel displayed when Auto set was invoked
No signals found and no channels displayed, oscilloscope displays and uses channel
Table 2-2 Auto set the function item
Acquire Mode
Adjusted to Sampling
Display Format
Display Type
Set to Dots for a video signal, set to Vectors for an FFT spectrum; otherwise, unchanged
Vertical Coupling
Adjusted to DC or AC according to the input signal
Bandwidth Limit
VOLTS/DIV adjustability
Signal inverted
Horizontal position
Trigger type
Trigger source
Auto detect the channel which has the input signal
Trigger slope
Trigger mode
Trigger coupling
Trigger holdoff
Trigger level
Set to 50%
2.4 Default Setup
The oscilloscope is set up for normal operation when it is shipped from the factory. This
is the default setup. To recall this setup, press the DEFAULT SETUP button. The options,
buttons and controls that change settings when you press the DEFAULT SETUP button,
refer to appendix B.
The DEFAULT SETUP button does not reset the following settings:
Language option
Saved reference waveform files
Saved setup files
Display contrast
Calibration data
2.5 Universal Knob
Picture 2-5 Universal Knob
You can use the Universal knob with many functions, such as adjusting the holdoff
time, moving cursors, setting the pulse width, Setting the Video Linage, adjusting
the upper and lower frequency limit, adjust X and Y masks when using the pass/fail
function etc. You can also turn the “Universal” knob to adjust the storage position of
setups, waveforms, pictures when saving/recalling and to select menu options.
2.6 Vertical System
The vertical control could be used for displaying waveform, rectify scale and position.
Picture 2.6-1
Volt/div Knob
Vertical Position Knob
2.6.1 CH1, CH2 Channel
Table 2-1 CH1, CH2 function menu 1:
DC passes both AC and DC components of the input signal. AC blocks the DC component of the input signal and attenuates signals below 10 Hz. GND disconnects the input signal.
BW limit
Limits the bandwidth to reduce display noise; filters the signal to reduce noise and other unwanted high frequency components.
Coarse Fine
Selects the resolution of the Volts/Div knob Coarse defines a 1-2-5 sequence. Fine changes the resolution to small steps between the coarse settings.
1X,5X 10X,50X 100X, 500X,1000X
Set to match the type of probe you are using to ensure correct vertical readouts.
Next Page
Page 1/3
Enter the second page of the menu.
Table 2-4 CH1, CH2 function menu 2:
on off
Turn on invert function. Turn off invert function.
Digital Filter
Press this button to enter the “Digital Filter menu”.(See table 2-5)
Next Page
Page 2/3
Enter the second page of the menu.
Table 2-5 Digital Filter function menu:
Digital Filter
On Off
Turn on the digital filter. Turn off the digital filter.
Setup as LPF (Low Pass Filter). Setup as HPF (High Pass Filter). Setup as BPF (Band Pass Filter). Setup as BRF (Band Reject Filter).
Turn the “Universal” knob to set upper limit.
Turn the “Universal” knob to set lower limit.
Return the digital filter main menu.
Setting CH1, CH2 Channels
Each channel has its own separate Menu. The items are set up separately
according to each channel.
1. Choosing Coupling
Take the CH1 for example; the tested signal is a sine wave signal with DC deflection:
Press“CH1”“Coupling”“AC”, Set to AC couple mode. It blocks the DC component
of the input signal.
Press“CH1”“Coupling”“DC”, Set to DC couple mode. Both DC and
AC component could be obstructed.
Press“CH1”“Coupling”“GND”, Set to GROUND mode. It disconnects the input
Picture 2.6-2
2. Bandwidth Limiting
Take the CH1 for example; the tested signal is a pulse signal with the high frequency
Press “CH1”“BW Limit” “On”Set the band width Limited to open state. The high
frequency component which is higher than 20 MHz obstructed.
Press“CH1”“BW Limit” “Off”, Set bandwidth Limited to close state, the High
Set to DC Coupling
DC Status
Frequency component in the tested signal could pass.
Picture 2.6-3
3. Adjust Sensitivity
Vertical scale adjusting has Coarse and Fine two modes, Vertical sensitivity range is
2mV/div10V/div scale.
Take the CH1 for example:
Press “CH1”“Volts/Div”“Coarse”. It is the default setting of Volts/Div, and it makes
the vertical scaling in a 1-2-5-step sequence from 2mv/div, 5mv/div, 10mv/div to 10v/div.
Press “CH1”“Volts/Div”“Fine”. This setting changes the vertical to small steps
between the coarse settings. It will be helpful when you need to adjust the waveform
vertical size in smooth steps.
Picture 2.6-4
Set BW to 20MHz
BW Limit Symbol
Set to Coarse
4. Setting Probe Attenuation
In order to assort the attenuation coefficient, you need to response in the channel
operation Menu. If the attenuation coefficient is 10:1, the input coefficient should be set
to 10X, so that the mistake of the Volts/div information and measure testing should be
Take the CH1 for example, when you use the 100:1 probe:
Press“CH1”“Probe” “100”
Picture 2.6-5
5. Inverting waveforms
Take the CH1 for example:
● Press“CH1”→Next Page“ page1/3” →“Invert”→“On”:
Attenuation Factor
Status of 50X
Picture 2.6-6
6. Using the Digital Filter
Press “CH1”“Next Page page1/3” “Filter”, display the digital filter menu. Select
“Filter Type”, then select “Upper Limit” or “Lower Limit” and turn the “Universal” knob to
adjust them.
Press “CH1”“Next Page page1/3” “Filter” “Off”. Turn off the Digital Filter
Picture 2.6-7
Press “CH1” “Next Page page1/3” “Filter” “On”. Turn on the Digital Filter
Picture 2.6-8
2.6.2 Using Vertical “Position” Knob and “Volt/div” Knob
Vertical “POSITION” Knob
1. Use the Vertical “POSITION” knobs to move the channel waveforms up or down on
the screen. This button’s resolution is variety as per the vertical scale.
2. When you adjust the vertical position of channels waveforms, the vertical position
information will display on the left bottom of screen. For example “Volts
3. Press the vertical “POSITION” knob to set the vertical position to zero.
“Volts/div” Knob
1. Use the “Volts/div” knobs to control how the oscilloscope amplifies or attenuates the
source signal of channel waveforms. When you turn the “volts/div” knob, the
oscilloscope increases or decreases the vertical size of the waveform on the screen with
respect to the ground level;
2. When you press the “Volt/div” Knob, you can switch “Volt/div” option between “Coarse”
and “Fine”. The vertical scale is made sure by the 1-2-5 step in the Coarse. Increase in
the clockwise, reduce in the anticlockwise. In the fine mode, the knob changes the
Volts/Div scale in small steps between the coarse settings. Increase in the clockwise,
reduce in the anticlockwise.
2.6.3 Math Functions
Math shows the results after +,-,*, / and FFT operations of the CH1 and CH2.
Press the MATH button to display the waveform math operations. Press the MATH
button again to remove the math waveform display.
Table 2-6 MATH function menu:
+ - * / FFT
Math operates between signal source CH1 and CH2.
on off
Invert the MATH waveform. Turn off MATH Invert function.
Adjust the vertical position of the math waveform by using universal knob.
Adjust the range of the math waveform by using universal knob.
Table 2-7 MATH function instruction
CH1 waveform adds CH2 waveform.
The channel 2 waveform is subtracted from the channel 1 waveform.
The channel 1 waveform is subtracted from the channel 2 waveform.
Channel 1 multiply Channel 2.
Channel 1 divides Channel 2.
Channel 2 divides Channel 1.
Fast Fourier Transform.
Picture 2.6-9 Math Waveform
1. FFT Spectrum Analyzer
The FFT process mathematically converts a time-domain signal into its frequency
components. You can use the Math FFT mode to view the following types of signals:
Analyze the Humorous wave in the Power cable.
Test the Humorous content and distortion in the system
Show the Noise in the DC Power supply
Test the filter and pulse response in the system
Analyze vibration
Table 2-8 FFT function menu 1:
FFT Option
CH1, CH2
Select this channel as the FFT source.
Hanning Hamming Rectangular Blackman
Select FFT window types.
1X 2X 5X 10X
Changes the horizontal magnification of the FFT display.
Next Page
Page 1/2
Enter the second page of FFT menu.
Table 2-9 FFT function menu 2:
FFT Option
Scale Vrms
Set Vrms to be the Vertical Scale unit.
Set dBVrms to be the vertical Scale unit.
Split Full screen
Display FFT waveform on half screen. Display FFT waveform on full screen.
Next Page
Page 2/2
Return the first page of FFT menu.
To use the Math FFT mode, you need to perform the following tasks:
1. Set up the source (time-domain) waveform.
Press the AUTO button to display a YT waveform.
Turn the vertical “POSITION” knob to move the YT waveform to the center vertically
(zero divisions).
Turn the horizontal “POSITION” knob to position the part of the YT waveform that you
want to analyze in the center eight divisions of the screen.
The oscilloscope calculates the FFT spectrum using the center 1024 points of the
time-domain waveform.
Turn the “Volts/div” knob to ensure that the entire waveform remains on the screen.
Turn the “S/div” knob to provide the resolution you want in the FFT spectrum.
If possible, set the oscilloscope to display many signal cycles.
To display FFT correctly, follow these steps:
1. Push the “MATH” button.
2. Set the “Operation” option to FFT.
3. Press “Source” button to select “CH1” or “CH2” according to input signal channel.
4. According to Nyquist law, turn the “S/div” knob to adjust the sampling rate (This
parameter is displayed behind the time base parameter) is at least double than input
signal frequency.
2. Displaying the FFT Spectrum
Press the MATH button to display the Math Menu. Use the options to select the Source
channel, Window algorithm, and FFT Zoom factor. You can display only one FFT
spectrum at a time. You can select “Full screen” or “Split” in “Display” option to display
FFT waveform on full screen or display channel waveform and its FFT waveform on half
screen at a time.
Picture2.6-10 FFT function
3. Select FFT window
Windows reduce spectral leakage in the FFT spectrum. The FFT assumes that the YT
waveform repeats forever. With an integral number of cycles, the YT waveform starts
and ends at the me amplitude and there are no discontinuities in the signal shape A
non-integral number of cycles in the YT waveform causes the signal start and end points
to be at different amplitudes. The transitions between the start and end points cause
discontinuities in the signal that introduce high-frequency transients.
According to the tested options and source speciality, make sure the window you
need to use.
Table 2-10 FFT window instruction
Satisfied Test content
Best frequency resolution, worst magnitude resolution. This is essentially the
Symmetric transients or bursts. Equal-amplitude sine waves with fixed frequencies. Broadband random noise with
same as no window.
a relatively slowly varying spectrum.
Better frequency, poorer magnitude accuracy than Rectangular. Hamming has slightly better frequency resolution than Hanning.
Sine, periodic, and narrow-band random noise. Asymmetic transients or bursts.
Best magnitude, worst frequency resolution.
Single frequency waveforms, to find higher order harmonics.
4. Magnifying and Positioning an FFT Spectrum
You can magnify and use cursors to take measurements on the FFT spectrum. The
oscilloscope includes an “FFT Zoom” option to magnify horizontally, press this option
button to select “1X”, “2X”, “5X” or “10X”. Moreover, you also can turn the “Universal”
knob to magnify FFT waveform horizontally in a 1-2-5 step. To magnify vertically; you
can turn the “Volts/div” knob.
5. Measuring an FFT Spectrum Using Cursors
You can take two measurements on FFT spectrums: magnitude (in dB) and frequency
(in Hz). Magnitude is referenced to 0 dB, where 0 dB equals 1 VRMS. You can use the
cursors to take measurements at any zoom factor. (Refer to cursor measure2.11.2)
Use horizontal cursors to measure amplitude and vertical cursors to measure
If you input a sine signal to channel 1, follow these steps:
1. Measure FFT Amplitude
1) Input a sine signal to channel 1, and press the “AUTO” button.
2) Press the “MATH” button to enter the “MATH” menu.
3) Press the “Operation” option button to select “FFT”.
4) Press the “Source” option button to select “CH1”.
5) Press CH1 button to display CH1 menu.
6) Turn the “S/div” knob to adjust sampling rate (at least double bigger than frequency
of input signal).
7) If FFT display on full screen, press CH1 button again to remove channel waveform
8) Press the “CURSOR” button to enter “Cursor” menu.
9) Press the “Cursor Mode” button to select “Manual”.
10) Press the “Type” option button to select “Voltage”.
11) Press the “Source” option button to select “MATH”.
12) Press the “CurA” option button; turn the “Universal” knob to move Cursor A to the
highest point of the FFT waveform.
13) Press the “CurB” option button, turn the “Universal” knob to move Cursor B to the
lowest point of the FFT waveform.
14) The amplitude (T) displays on the top of the left screen.
Picture 2.6-11
2. Measure FFT Frequency
1) Press the CURSOR button.
2) Press the “Cursor Mode” button to select “Manual”.
3) Press the “Type” option button to select “Time”.
4) Press the “Source” option button to select “MATH”.
5) Press the “CurA” option button, turn the “Universal” button to move Cursor A to the
highest position of the FFT waveform.
6) The value of CurA displaying on the top of the left screen is FFT highs frequency.
This frequency should be the same as input signal frequency.
Picture 2.6-12
2.6.4 Using Ref
The reference control saves waveforms to a nonvolatile waveform memory. The
reference function becomes available after a waveform has been saved.
Table 2-11 REF function menu
CH1,CH2, CH1 off CH2 off
Choose the waveform display to store.
Choose the reference location to store or recall a waveform.
Stores source waveform to the chosen reference location.
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