GLG multispot 330 CMY User Manual

Please read these user manual carefully before use
Multispot 330 CMY
Co ngratulatio ns on cho osin g our comp a ny p rodu c t! We tha nk you f o r your cu sto m.
b e e n d e signe d and ma d e w ith to ta l qu a lity to en sure e xc e l len t p e rf o rm a nce and
b e s t me e t yo ur e xp ectat io ns and requ irements .
Ca re fully read this us er ma nual in its enti re ty an d ke ep it safe for fu t ur e re f er ence .
It is es senti al t o kno w th e info rm atio n and comp ly with t he i n structi o ns given in this
ma n ual t o ens ur e th
e fitting is insta lled, used and servic ed c or rect ly an d saf e l y.
My co m p any disc laim s a l l liab ili t y for dam age to the fi tting or to othe r pr o p e rt y or
p e r s o ns der ivin g fro m in st a llatio n , use a n d main t e nanc e th a t have not b ee n car r ied
out in c onfo rm ity with t h is u ser m anual, wh ich must always acc omp a n y th e fitt in g .
My co m p any re serve s the righ t to mod ify th e ch aracteri s ti cs stated in t h is user
ma n ual at any tim e and w ithou t prior n o t i ce.
1. 2
2. 3
3. 5
4. 6
5. 7
6. 8
8. 15
9. 16
10 . 16
11. 17
12. 18
Safety i n form a tion............ . . . ............... . . .............. . . . . ............... . . . .............. . . . ...............
Techn ic al inform a tion............ . . . ............... . . . ............... . . .............. . . . . ............... . . . .........
A ttac hmen t ... . . . ............... . . .............. . . . . ............... . . . ............... . . ............
Installation and c o nne c ting............ . . . .....
... . . . ............... . . .............. . . . . ............... . . . ........
Con trol pane l.......... . . .............. . . . . ............... . . . ............... . . .............. . . . . ............... . . . .......
Me nu setting........... . . . ............... . . . ............... . . .............. . . . . ............... . . . ............... . . .......
C hannel function.......... . . .............. . . . . ............... . . . ............... . . .............
... . . . .................
... . . . ............... . . .............. . . . . ............... . . . ............... . . .. ...... .
... . . . ............... . . .............. . . . . ............... . . . ............... . . . ....... .
... . . . ............... . . ... ..... . . .... .... . . ..... . . . . ....... . ..................... .... . . . .... ... . . . ..
... . . . ............... . . .............. . . . . ..................
Com p a n y i n f or m a ti o n .... . . . ............... . . . .....
... . . . ............... . . .............. . . . . ....................
a n d body siz e
C ircuit conne cting diagra m
Duty exo n e r ative and c o pyrig ht protec tio n
C le aning a n d ma i n te nance s
Troube s hoot in g
GLG Lighting
Ins tallation
Make sure all parts for fixing the projector are in a good state of repair. Make sure the point of anchorage is stable before positioning the pro jector.
hooked onto the fitting and secured to the framework, so that, if the primary support system fails,the fitting falls as little as possible. If the safety chain gets used, it needs to be replaced with a genuine spare.
The safety chain must be properly
Minim um distance from flammable materials
The p rojector must
be positIoned so that any flammable materials a re at least 0.2 metres from
every point on the surface of the fitting.
Mounting surfaces
It is permissible to mount the fitting o n normally flammable surfaces.
Maximum ambient temperature
Do not opera te the fixt ure if the ambient t emperat ure (Ta) exceeds 33 .
Protection against electrical shock
Connection must be made to a power supply system fitted with efficient earthing ( appliance according to standard EN 60598-1). It is,moreover, recommended to protect the supply lines of the projectors from indirect contact and/or shorting to earth by using appropriately sized residual current devices.
Class I
Connection to mains supply
Connection to the e lectricity mains must be carried out by a qualified electrical installer. Check that the mains frequency and voltage correspond to those for which the projector is designed as given on the electrical dat a label. This label also g ives the inpu
t power t o which you need to refer to evaluate the maximum number
of fittings to connect t o the electricity line, in order to avoid overloading.
Temperature of the external surface
The maximum temperature that can be reached on the external surface of the fitting, in a thermally steady state, is 45 .
Before starting any maintenance work or cleaning the projector, cut off power from the ma ins supply. After switching off, d o not remove any parts of the fitting, to
avoid getting burnt for at least 30 m inutes. After this time the likelihood of the lamp exploding i s virtually nill. The fitting is designed to hold in any splinters produced by a lamp exploding. The l enses must be mounted and, if visibly Damaged, they have to be replaced with genuine spares.
The fitting mounts a high-pressure lamp th at need s an external igniter. This igniter is fitted onto the apparatus.
-Carefully read the "operating instructions" provided by the la
mp manufacturer.
-Immediately replace the lamp if damaged or deformed by heat.
This product contains a rechargeable lead-acid battery. To preserve the environment, please dispose the battery at the end of its life according to the regulation in force.
The products referred to in this manual confor m to the European Community Directives to which they are subject:
Low Voltage 2006/95/CE
Electrom agnetic Compatibility 2004/108/CE
t 45c℃
t 33a℃
GLG Lighting
Power supplies available
- Brand:
- Co lour tem perature:7500K
- Average life 1500h
18PCS mute sound motor,2PCS three phase motor,
16bit driver.
Max 25 control channels.
DMX 512/WIRELESS DMX 512(Apolegamic)
Double l en s strobe(0.5-14 t imes/second)
0-100% linear adjustment
2 bilateral ro tation prism
High presision optical lens
Adjustable wa sh effects a ngle
- PAN = 540
- TILT = 239
- PAN = 2.9s/540
- TILT = 1.5s/239
- PAN = 2.11
E = 0.008
- TILT = 0.94
- TILT FINE = 0.004
Wash effect
Maximum speeds
- Power:330W
Beam angle
Parallel beam a ngel 4-25
IP set
IP20 protection rating
Safety Devices
CE Marking
Weights and size
Box Size:
Flycase Size:
Automatic charging battery,IP could be set
without electricity.
Remote control lamp switch function,
display light and lamp using time,
automaticallay adjust cooling-fan speed,
Drop 50W power when strobe lens.
Protected against the entry of solid bodies
larger than 12mm.
No protection against the entry of liquids.
polar circuit breaker with thermal protection.
- Automatic break in power supply in case of
overheating or failed operation of cooling
Forced ventilation with axial fans.
Heat-proof plastic+module pressing alloy materials.
- In conformity with the European Union Low Voltage.
- Directive 2006/95/CE and Electromagnetic
compatibility Directive 2004/108/CE.
Two side handles for transportation.
Device locking PAN and TILT mechanisms for
tation and maintenance.
N.W.:22.5kg G.W.:27.5kg
2PCS:920x690x785 (mm)
N.W.:45kg G.W.:96kg
GLG Lighting
Rotation gobo wheel(1 white+8 rotation gobo)
(please refer to the actual material)
Whi t e
Fixgobo w fixgoboheel(1 white+12 )
Blu e
Orang e
Yell ow
Ma gen ta
Color wheel(please refer to the actual material)
(please refer to the actual material)
4 7 20 ( 43 9)
55 0 0( 5 11 )
13 5 00 (1 2 55 )
30 0 00 (2 7 88 )44 00 0( 4 0 8 9 )
50 00 0( 4 64 7 )
5 30 0( 4 93 ) 23 0 0( 2 14 )
12 6 0( 11 7)
70 0 (6 5)
32 0( 3 0) 30 0( 2 8)
h ig hl igh t s
hi ghl igh ts
2 76 00 ( 25 6 5 )
0. 52m ( 1 7 )
0.4 6m (1 5 )
22 10 0( 2 05 4 ) 118 6 0 ( 11 02 )
0. 63m (2 )
65 4 0( 60 8 )
0. 8 1m( 2 7 )
27 80 ( 25 8 )
1. 52m ( 5 )
22 7 0 ( 211 )
1. 3 2m( 4 3 )
6. 7m( 22 )
30 0 (2 8 )
6 m(1 9 7 )
32 0( 3 0)
4m( 1 3 )
4 0 2( 3 7)
3. 1m(10 )
7 0 2( 6 5)
118 2( 110 )
1. 5m( 4 9 )
2 .4m( 7 9 )
28 00 ( 26 0 )
20 m1 5m
10 m
L u x( fc )
Dis tan ce m
MA X. Diam et er m(ft in)
MIN.Di am et er m( ft i n)
Wh ite
GLG Lighting
+ 14 hidden pages