any means—graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording,
taping, or information-ret rieva l system— without writte n perm issio n of Glenayre.
This manual is intended for use as a technical reference guide to the Glenayre DSP exciter
and contains information on exciter connection, setup, and maintenance.
1.1.1Applicable Documents
Applicable Glenay re documen ts are listed in the applicable system manu a l.
1.2Man ual Sections
Refer to Table 1-1, Manual Contents. Also refer to table of contents in this manual.
Refer to F igure Figure 1-1, DSP Exciter Isometric View, for an overall view of the
exc iter.
3 Descriptionslisting of options and assemblies covered, simplified description, physical
4 Installation and Setupexciter installation, setup, and lists of connections
5 Operationlist, descript ion , and locati on of operat o r cont rols an d indi cat ors
6 Theory of Operationassembly-level description of exciter operation
7 Maintenanceexciter maintenance
8 Checkout and Troubleshootingexciter checkout and troubleshooting
9 Removal and Reinstallationprocedures for removing and reinstalling exciter and exciter assemblies
10 Options l ist and disc u ssi on of user select able opt ions
Refer to Table 2-1, Exciter Specifications, which lists the DSP exciter specifications.
Where po ssible , EIA or I-EI S A m easu ring m ethod s w ere use d i n det ermini ng spec ifica tions. Note that some specifications are not addressed by either set of standards or the
prescribed methods were impractical.
Table 2-1 Exciter Specifications
adjacent-channel noise25-kHz channel spacing, in analog mode-85 dBc
spurious-90 dBc
operating frequ enc y ran g edetermine d by installed VCO/RF boa rdrefer to Table 3- 1
RF output powe rkeyed250 mW nominal
carrier frequency stabilitysteady state, -30° to
FSK frequency/modulation stabilityrelative to carrier fre que ncy stabil it y+/- 10 Hz max
FSK adju stm en t accura cy+/- 10 Hz
analog offse t reso lu tio n1 Hz
number of channelsup to 8, depending on interface board and
+60° C
10-MHz reference, int=0.005 ppm/yr,
ext=0.1 ppm/ yr
frequency spread3 MHz at 900 MHz (12 MHz wideband
7.5 MHz at 450 MHz
5 MHz at 150 MHz
audio inputlevel-25 to +10 dBm
impedance with transform er600 ohm or 5 kohms balanced
audio respon seflat, 50 to 2800 Hz; not referenced to 1
kHz; 60% deviation
preemphasized 6 dB per octav e, 30 0 to
The DSP exciter contains a microprocessor that allows remote or local control of the exciter
and consolidates logic for vary ing degrees of PA control and monitoring through a video
display terminal (VDT). Operating characteristics of the exciter are controlled by the
selection of hardware options. It is frequency selectable by specifying the appropriate
interna l frequ ency determining hardware an d soft ware. It is a lso cap able of c ommunica ting
with several ope rat ing protoc ol s thro u gh the proper sele ctio n of int erf ace boards.
3.2Physical Description
The exciter fr ont pan el of one R U (1.75 in) i n he igh t cont ai ns e ight LEDs, two adjustments ,
and one connector (also see section 5). The exciter chassis is nine inches deep and contains
three circuit board s and space for an oscilla tor (not used wit h some contro llers).
Refer to Table 3-1, Part Numbers of VCO/RF Amplifier Boards, which shows
subassemblies used for various transmitter operating ranges.
transmitter model
GL-T85/8601929-941 263-0082-072265-0082-001
GL-T85/8600900-960 (wb)263-0082-051/052/053/054/
Table 3-1 Part Numbers of VCO/RF Amplifier Boards
control board
VCO/RF-amplifier board
frequency band (MHz)
Refer to Table 3-2, Part Numbers o f Interface Boards.
Table 3-2 Part Numbers of Interface Boards
DSP exciter-to-contro ller interface bo ard s interface board part No.
QT-1000 interface bd265-0082-007
standar d Interface bd263-0082-03 6
I20 interface bd265-0082-032
Refer to Figure 3-1, DSP Exciter Rear View, which show s the exciter rear panel. The
back panel contains three BNC -type connectors J3/J7/J8, a DB-15 connector J6, and a
terminal board TB1 as standard items. Other back panel connectors vary depending on
which interface and I/O boards are installed. Figure 3-2, DSP Exciter Top View with
Internal Controls and Indicators, shows a top view of the exciter with its cover removed.
Refer to Table 3-3, Part Numbers of Interface I/O Boards, wh ich sho ws inte rface a nd I/
O board part numbers. T he I/O board s comprise the mean s to connect vario us controlle rs
to the DSP exciter
Table 3-3 Part Numbers of Interf ace I/O Boards
interface I/O board (control type )interface I/O board part No.
Refer to Figure 3-3, DSP Exciter Simplified Functional Diagram, in the following
discussion. Inputs from the transmitter controller usually are one or two data bits, two
channel-select bits, and keying input. Outputs to the controller are keying output indicator,
various f au lt out put s, forward - pow e r sam pl e, and re fle ct ed- po w er sample.
PC boards within this assembly use
static-sensitive components. Follow
IC-handling precautions.
The exciter contains internal memory which is
used to characterize exciter operation. Upon
exciter replacement, ensure that replacement
exciter contains appropriate items in its memory.
4.2Test Equipment and Tools Required
Table 4-1, Test Equipment Required, lists required test equipment. Common hand tools
may also be required for most proced u res.
itemd escri ption
tuning toolJohanson 8777 or equivalent
RF power meterBird model 8327 or equivalent with appropriate RF adapters
voltmeterFluke model 77 DVM or equivalent
RF dummy load50-ohm load
Table 4-1 Test Equipment Required
4.3Component and Adjustment Locations
Figure 3-3, DSP Exciter Simplified Functional Diagram, s ho ws the location of assem-
blies, i nterna l user-a dju stable cont rols , and I/O locat ions. Note that mos t adjust men ts are
perfo rm ed via th e front-pane l VT100 i nte rface.
Inspect exciter to ensure air flow is not obstructed and cables and wires are securely
fastened to their respecti ve conn ec tors.
DSP ExciterGlenayre Document Number : 9110.00172
INSTALLATION AND SETUPIssue 1, Rev. I: 01/15/97
4.4.2Power Requirement
The DS P exciter, when used as a compone nt of a transmitter, dra ws its power from system
wiring. Current draw is less than three amperes at 22 to 29 volts. It is normally powered by
the transmitte r pow er suppl y bu t can be powe red by an auxiliary suppl y.
4.4.3Input/Output Connections
Figure 3-3, DSP Exciter Simplified Functional Diagram, shows the locations of I/O
connectors; Table 4-2, DSP Exciter I/O Connectors, l ists I/O conne ctors and describes
their functi ons. Norma lly the exciter is d elivered as part of an entire transmitt er and ha s
already been installed in a rack, with all connections already made, except for connections
to equipment that was not installed in the rack before shipment. If I/O connections are
required, re fer to the syst em -in t erco n nec t dia gra m and othe r instru ct ion s in the tran sm it ter
4.4.4Signal Functions
See Table 4-2, DSP Exciter I /O Connectors, which referen ce s oth er tables that describe
pin-by-pin functions of multipin connectors. Figure 4-1, DSP Exciter/PA Control
Circuit Boards Interconnection Diagram, shows interconnections among internal
Table 4-2 DSP Exciter I/O Connectors
VT100 INTERFACE: J3VT100 interface to VDT (front)Table 4-3
RF OUT: J3RF out, on frequencyFigure 6-1
QT-1000 interface I/O J4interface to QT-1000 interface boardTable 10-1
QT-1000 interface I/O J5DB-9 connector, to recei verTable 10-2
standa rd int erface I /O J 4i n terface to st anda rd int erfa c e I /O bo ardTable 10-1
GL-C2000 interface I/O J4interface to GL-C2000 interface I/O board
PA CONTROL : J6connects to PATable 4 -4
ISOLATOR IN: J7VSWR input from PAFigure 3-1
10 MHZ IN: J8external reference input from interfaceFigure 3-1
+26 VDC: TB1exciter input power, +22-29 VdcFigure 3-1
one of four select outputs to PA multiplexers,
not used
9A/D2+multiplex analog input
from PA No. 2 multiplexer
10A/D4+mul tiplexed analog input
from PA No. 4 multiplexer
11PA FAUL TPA fault input, HI=fault
one of four se lect outp uts
to PA multiplexers,
mux input decoder
one of four se lect outp uts
to PA multiplexers,
mux input decoder
latc h-en able out put to PA
multiplexers, LO=mux
input de cod er read s the
three select inputs
digit enabled for
digit enabled for
8REF SAMPLE reflected power sample
inp u t fr om PA
4.4.5Switches and Jumpers
Figure 3-2, DSP Exciter Top View with Internal Controls and Indicators, shows the
locations of user-adjustable switches and jumpers. Refer to Table 4-5 for a lis t of software
related jumper positions found on the exciter/control board. No switches are available to
maintenance personnel.