any means—graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording,
taping, or information-retrieval system—without written permission of Glenayre.
Issue:1, Released, Rev C
Changes:obtained released status
Issue:1, Released, Rev D
Changes:fan control...metering board...I20 control
Issue:1, Released, Rev E
Changes:changed jumper table settings on metering board functional diagram
Issue:1, Released, Rev F
Changes:added new metering bd. info w/pics ... added info to sp ecifications
Issue:1, Released, Rev G
Changes:changed ty pical PA top view picture reflecting switching of low-pass filter
and directional coupler board on GL-T8521 and GL-T8321 transmitters
Issue:1, Released, Rev H
Changes:updated schematics of metering boards 2000.00116 and 200 0.00513; delete d
reference for using 2000.0 0513 o n GL-T852 1, GL-T832 1, GL-T8531, or GL-T83 31 t ransmitters; deleted reference for using 2000.00116 on GL-T8311, GL-T8411, or GL-T86 11
transmitters; updated jumper settings on 2000.00116
Issue:1, Released, Rev J
Changes:Added information defining the three meter (3m) limitation on the 28Vdc
power cable.
Issue:1, Released, Rev K
Changes:added RF output measurement at output of PA or circulator in specifications
GL-T8xx1 Transmitter System Manual 9110.00166this manual
Assembled GL-T8411 manual9100.00738can provide a complete set of manuals for a transmitter
Assembled GL-T8611 manual9100.00739can provide a complete set of manuals for a transmitter
DSP VDT Manual9110.00259describes dSP exciter software installed in exciter
DSP exciter User Manual9110.00172describes DSP exciter hardware equipment in transmitter
GL-C2000 User Manual9110.01167describes GL-C2000, v. 330, controller hardware and soft-
GL-T8521/8531 PA User Manual9110.00167describes 325-watt PA, 280 and 300 MHz
GL-T8321/8331 PA User Manual9110.00168describes 125-watt PA, 280 and 300 MHz
GL-T8611 PA User Manual9110.00255describes 450-watt, 150-MHz PA
GL-T8411 PA User Manual9110.00256describes 225-watt, 150-MHz PA
GL-T8311 PA User Manual9110.00247describes 125-watt, 150-MHz PA
Dc Breaker / Fuse Panel User Manual9110.00258describes the dc control panel for all dc or external supplies
GL-T8311 w/I20 Upgrade9110.00804describes upgrade process for C2000 controller
GL-T8411 w/I20 Upgrade9110.00271describes upgrade process for C2000 controller
GL-T8611 w/I20 Upgrade9110.00803describes upgrade process for C2000 controller
Power Supply User Manual9110.00257describes ferroresonant ac-to-dc power supply
Power Supply User Manual9130.00001describes switching ac-to-dc power supply
Glenayre warrants to the original purchaser that Glenayre products are free from defects in
material or workmanship for a per iod of twenty-four m onths from the or iginal invoice date,
subject to the provisions herein. Glenayre will repair or replace at its option, FOB our
factory , free of char ge within one year f rom the date of shipment, any component, assem bly
or subassembly of our manufacture found to be defective under conditions of normal use.
The unit, if repaired, will be returned to its original specifications. Failures caused by unauthorized modifications, force majeure, lightning, physical, environmental, or electrical
damage including use with incompatible equipment are specifically excluded from this
warranty. Glenayre disclaims any and all liability for loss or other damage whether direct,
consequential or of any nature whatsoever, resulting from product failure.
This warranty is in lieu of all other warranties expressed or impl ied and co vers on ly those
items manufactured by Glenayre. Equipment supplied by, but not manufactured by
Glenayre, is subject only to any warranty offered by the manufacturer of said equipment.
1.3.2Service Warranty Information
Return of a defective item must be authorized by Glenayre prior to shipment. A Return
Authorization number can be obtained from Glenayre Customer Service. When requesting
a Return Authorization number , give the serial numb er of the unit. A description of the faul t
should accompany the unit on its return and the RA number must be shown on labels
attached to the item(s). The cost of shipping to Glenayre is to be paid by the customer.
Shipping from Glenayre will be prepaid by the customer, and shipped via surface mail. If
express shipping is required, the un it will be shipped collect.
Any repair service performed by G lenayre under this lim ited warranty is warranted to be
free from defects in material or workmanship for ninety days from the date of repair. All
other terms of this limited warranty apply to the service warranty.
Glenayre Document Number: 9110.00166GL-T8xx1 Transmitter System
Revision K: 08/30/99SPECIFICATIONS
Transmitter specifications are subject to change without notice. See Table 2-1, Specifications, for various transmitter specifications. Listed specifications are applicable as of the
manual printing date.
Also refer to the exciter, power supply , power amplifier , and other related manuals for more
specifications. Test and measurement equipment is, where possible, calibrated in accordance with standards established by the National Institute of Standards and Technology
Table 2-1 Specifications
RF Characteristics
RF output powertx model: frequency range
GL-T8521: 275 to 329 MHz
GL-T8321: 275 to 329 MHz
GL-T8331: 275 to 329 MHz
GL-T8611: 138.0 to 175.0 MHz
GL-T8411: 138.0 to 175.0 MHz
GL-T8411EC 168.0 to 175.0 MHz
GL-T8311: 138.0 to 175.0 MHz
power measured directly at output
of PA chassis, before any devices
in the antenna network
RF output in watts
100 to 325
40 to 125
40 to 125
200 to 450
100 to 225
75 to 200
20 to 125
Physical Characteristics
Chassis dimensions overallstandard EIA cabinetH x W x D inches : (cm)
5.25 x 19 x 16.5 : (13.3 x 48.3 x 16.5)
Weights by transmitter modelPA chassis with exciter
32 lb (14.5 kg)
22 lb (10.0 kg)
22 lb (10.0 kg)
37 lb (16.8 kg)
16 lb (7.3 kg)
27 lb (12.3 kg)
Service Conditions
Elevationcontinuous operation at rated
Temperatureoperating-30 to +60 degrees C
storage-40 to +70 degrees C
Temperature derating factorabove 5000 ft (1525 m)2 degrees C per 1000 ft (305 m)
Humidityoperating, noncondensing0 to 95 percent
RF output stabilityall models0.5 dB over temperature range
Intermodulation of PA w/ circ.all models-40 dB
Adjacent ch noise 4 level FSKall models (25 kHz s p acing)-70 dB
Alternate ch noise 4 level FSK25 kHz spacing
Frequency stabilityall models0.005 parts per millio n
Cabinet radiationall models0.25 uW (maximum)
FM hum and noiseall models-40 dB in 15 kHz bandwidth
Keyup / keydown timeall models10 ms to +1.5 / -1.0 dB of rated power
Glenayre Document Number: 9110.00166GL-T8xx1 Transmitter System
Revision K: 08/30/99DESCRIPTION
3.1Conceptual Description
The purpose of the paging transmitter is to provide a modulated, high-level RF signal,
which sets off pagers within the coverage area of its associated antenna. The paging transmitter receives modulation and control information fro m the transmitter controller, which
receives information from a control site. In a simulcasting environment, the control site
may feed several paging sites at once. This transmitter is a computer controlled device. All
user initiated operations are accomplished using the video display terminal connected
through the exciter.
3.2Physical Description
Refer to Figure 3-1, Transmitter Chassis Isometric Front View, which shows a front view
of the PA chassis which is used in all models in this transmitter series. It is virtually impossible to identify the transmitter from the front view; refer to Figure 3-2, Typical PA TopVi ews. Positive iden tification can only be done by removing the PA top cover since each
transmitter has a unique PA compartment.
3.2.1Mounting Provisions
The transmitter chassis is mounted in the rack by screws which are inserted int o the angle
brackets on either side of the chassis. Access to the excit er and PA compartment is gained
from the front; access to the metering board, fans, and I/O connections is gained from the
rear. and Exciter Assemblies
The transmitter chassis contains slide-out locations for the following:
• PA RF compartment (2 RU)
• exciter (1 RU)
Rear-mounted fans blow air across the PA heat sink and out the front.
The PA compartment and exciter are mounted on slides which allow them to be accessed
or removed by loosening th e knurled thumb fasteners on either side of the assembly. Most
exciter maintenance operations can be performed with the exciter mounted in the rack.
Most PA maintenance can be performed with the transmitter chassis mounted in the rack. Supply
The power supply is contained in a separate chassis which is mounted separately from the
transmitter chassis. The power supply may be an ac p ower supply, which converts 50/60Hz mains power to dc voltage for the transmitter, or it may be a dc-to-dc converter. Refer
to the power supply manual for details.
A video display terminal (VDT) is not necessarily part of the racked-up equipment; instead, it is a piece of
test equipment which the user brings to the site when setup, maintenance, or troubleshooting is necessary; or
it is used as a monitoring device. Refer to the VDT manual for details, including cable requ irements.
Figure 3-1 Transmitter Chassis Isometric Front View