We welc ome you to t he G len fami ly. A fam ily that car es
for your h ealt h and re spec ts yo ur tas te.
At Gle n w e h ave a reput atio n o f b ringi ng you the mos t
inn ovati ve and adv ance d fe atu res t o ma ke y our c ook ing
co nven ien t and e njoyab le. th e glen GL 40 52 with i ts
mod ern st reaml ine lo oks an d new i nnovat ive fe ature s,
be ars the s ame di stin ctiv e mar k of excel lenc e.
In your ki tchen you ne ed to do over 16 tas ks even bef ore you
star t c ooki ng. Th e Glen fo od pro ces sor do es them a ll,
fro m chi ppin g, cho pping , crumb ing, cr ushin g, minc ing,
mas hing a nd jul ienni ng to knead ing, gr indin g, jui cing,
ble nding , pur eeing , s hred ding , sli cin g to whi skin g and
mu ch m ore. Leng thy k itch en ch ores redu ced t o jus t a few
Mo reo ver w ith i t’s l ow RP M it g ives you t he de sire d
co ars ene ss wh ile pr oces sin g food . A wide bo wl,
cen trali sed f eeder tube and shar p fo od gr ade b lades
ens ure mu ch bet ter p roce ssin g than c onve ntio nal mi xies .
Ma nuf actu red un der t he s trin ges t qua lity n orm s wi th
th e hi ghe st g rad e ra w mate rials it come s with a po werfu l
700 W m otor to e nsu re a tr ouble f ree performance for years to
To brin g out t he bes t of y our ne w Gle n f ood p roce ssor a n
arra y of e xcit ing r ecip es, r angi ng f rom the ever yday
it ems to the e xoti c tast e trea ts, are pr ovide d in thi s book.
Each ent ry ha s be en c reated espe ciall y for the Glen food
proc essor. We h ope yo u enjo y prepa ring t hese rec ipes as
mu ch as w e en joye d br ingi ng them t o you.
THIS GLEN Food Processor is fully warranted against any defect arising out of defective
materials or faulty workmanship for a period of one year from the date of purchase. Should
any defect develop in this product, the customer should bring the product to the nearest
authorised service centre, where the company undertakes to get the product repaired free
of charge. The motor is fully warranted against any manufacturing defects for a period of
5 years from the date of manufacture (inscribed on the motor).
Terms to Warranty
• No repair work should be carried out by any unauthorised person.
• The Food Processor should be used as per the directions given in the user’s guide. Any
defects caused by improper or reckless use are not covered under guarantee.
• No modification/alteration of any nature is made in the Food Processor.
The Bill/Cash Memo should be presented.
The company a ccepts no responsibil ity for any consequent ial losses arising o ut of misuse or
negligence on the part of the user.