We w elco me y ou t o th e Gl en f amil y. A fami ly t hat care s
for your he alth and re spec ts you r tas te.
At Glen we ha ve a r eputa tion of brin ging you th e m ost
inno vative and adva nce d fea tur es t o mak e yo ur c ooki ng
con ven ient a nd enjoy able. Your newly ac qui red Gl en
foo d p roce sso r b ear s t he sam e d isti nctiv e m ark of
exce llenc e.
In your kit chen you nee d to do over 16 task s even befor e you
start c ooki ng. The G len foo d proc esso r d oes th em all,
fro m chip ping , chop ping, c rumbi ng, cru shing , minci ng,
mash ing an d juli ennin g to k neadi ng, gr inding , juic ing,
blen ding, pure eing, sh redd ing, slic ing t o whi skin g and
muc h mor e. Le ngth y kit chen chor es re duce d to j ust a few
Mor eove r wit h it’s low RPM i t giv es yo u the desi red
coa rsen ess while proce ssing food . A w ide b owl an d lar ge
shar p bla des en sure much bet ter pro cess ing t han
con vent ional mi xies . M anuf actu red und er the st ring est
qua lit y n orm s wit h the hi ghe st gra de raw mat erial s it
come s wi th a po werfu l 500 W mo tor t o ensu re a t roubl e
free performance for years to come.
Technical Specifications
Identifying your Food Processor
Using your Food Processor
Using the Liquidiser Jar
Using the Dry Grinder Jar
Using the Centrifugal Juicer
Processing Chart
Cleaning the Bowl, Blades, Cover, Pusher,
Liquidiser and Dry Grinder Jar
Overload Protection
Safety Precautions
Packing List : Basic unit, Bowl, Bowl cover, Food pusher,
Plastic blade, Stainless steel blade, Slicing cum shredding disc
(reversible), Chipping disc, Liquidiser jar, Grinder jar, Spatula,
Centrifugal juicer.