We welc ome you to t he G len fami ly. A fam ily that car es
for your he al th and re spec ts you r tast e.
At Gle n w e h ave a reput ati on of bring ing you the mo st
inn ovati ve and adv ance d fe atu res t o ma ke y our c ook ing
co nven ien t and enjo yable. Your newl y a cqu ire d G len
foo d p roc ess or be ars th e s ame di st inc tive ma rk o f
exc ellen ce.
In your kitc hen you need to do over 16 task s eve n befo re you
star t c ooki ng. Th e Glen fo od pro ce ss or does t hem all ,
fro m chi ppin g, cho pping , crumb ing, cr ushin g, minc ing,
mas hing a nd jul ienni ng to knead ing, gr indin g, jui cing,
ble nding , pur eeing , s hred ding , sli cin g to whi skin g and
mu ch mo re. L engt hy ki tche n cho res r educ ed to just a few
Mo reo ver w ith it’s low R PM it give s you the desi red
co ar se ne ss wh ile p roces sing food. A wid e bow l and larg e
sha rp bl ades ens ure m uch be tter pro cess ing tha n
co nve ntio nal mix ies. Man ufac ture d u nde r t he str inge st
qu ali ty no rms w ith t he hig hes t g rad e r aw mate rials it
com es w ith a p owerf ul 60 0 W motor to ens ure a troub le
fre e performance for years to come.
To brin g out t he bes t of yo ur ne w Gle n foo d proc esso r an
arra y of e xcit ing r ecip es, r angi ng f rom the ever yday
it em s t o th e ex otic tas te tre ats, are pro vided in this bo ok.
Each ent ry ha s be en c reated espe ciall y for the Glen food
proc essor. We hope you en joy pr epari ng the se reci pes a s
mu ch as we enjo yed brin ging them to you .
Material (Basic Unit)
Speed Control
(Bowl and cover)
(Liqui diser Jar)
(Grind er/Chutney Jar)
Motor Speed (RPM)
Carton Dimensions
(mm) (w x d x h)
Processor Bowl
Liquidiser Jar
Grinder Jar
Chutney Jar
Stainless Steel
230 V AC 50Hz
600 W
30 minutes
1-Low, 2-Medium, 3-High
Liquidiser Drive : 18000 (approx)- No Load.
Food Processor Drive : 3000 (approx)- No Load.
8 kgs approx
470 x 390 x 300
1.0 litres (0.75 litres for processing)
1.0 litres (0.75 litres for processing)
800ml/ 400g (depending on ingredients)
400ml/ 200g (depending on ingredients)
Specifications and features are subject to change without prior notice