gledhill Torrent THP180, Torrent THP300, Torrent THP210, Torrent THP250, Torrent THP450 Design, Installation & Servicing Instructions

Design, Installation
& Servicing Instructions
All models comply with the Hot Water Association
specifi cation for thermal stores
Please leave these instructions adjacent
to the appliance
An open vented mains pressure
with heat pumps
Page 2
Section Page
Introduction 3 System Design 8
Installation 11 Commissioning 17
Short Parts List 18
Appendix A 19 Appendix B 20
Terms & Conditions 22
ISSUE 2: 10-09
A WRAS listed product developed by Gledhill Building Products in the 1980’ s in conjunction with British Gas plc.
British patent nos. 1358166, 2136099 British patent applications published under nos. 2136099, 2153503, 2153504, 8516025
This product is manufactured under an ISO 9001:2008 Quality System audited by BSI.
Gledhill’ s fi rst priority is to give a high quality service to our customers.
Quality is built into every Gledhill product and we hope you get satisfactory service from Gledhill.
If not please let us know.
Building Regulations and Benchmark Commissioning
The Building Regulations (England & Wales) r equir e that the installation of a heating appliance be notifi ed to the relevant Local Authority Building Control Department. From 1st April 2005 this can be achieved via a Competent Person Self Certifi cation Scheme as an option to notifying the Local Authority directly. Similar arrangements will follow for Scotland and will apply in Northern Ireland from 1st January 06.
CORGI operates a Self Certifi cation Scheme for gas heating appliances. These arrangements represent a change from the situation whereby compliance with
the Building Regulations was accepted if the Benchmark Logbook was completed and this was then left on site with the customer).
With the introduction of a self certifi cation scheme, the Benchmark Logbook is being replaced by a similar document in the form of a commissioning check list and a service interval record is included with all gas appliance manuals. However, the relevant Benchmark Logbook is still being included with all Thermal Storage products and unvented cylinders.
Gledhill fully supports the Benchmark aims to improve the standards of installation and commissioning of central heating systems in the UK and to encourage the regular servicing of all central heating systems to ensure safety and effi ciency.
Building Regulations require that the heating installation should comply with the manufacturer’s instructions. It is therefore important that the commissioning check list is completed by the competent installer . This check list only applies to installations in dwellings or some related structures.
Page 3
These instructions should be read in conjunction with the Installation and Servicing Instructions issued by the manufacturers of the heat pump used.
Any water distribution and central heating installation must comply with the relevant recommendations of the current version of the Regulations and British Standards listed below:-
Gas Safety Regulations Building Regulations I.E.E. Requirements for Electrical Installations Water Regulations
British Standards
BS6798, BS5449, BS5546, BS5440:1, BS5440:2, CP331:3, BS6700, BS5258, BS7593:1993 and BS7671.
It must be installed by a competent person as stated in the Gas Safety Regulations where applicable. Manufacturers notes must NOT be taken as over-riding statutory obligations.
Torrent HP is not covered by Section G3 of the current Building Regulations but the installation is notifi able to building control unless it is carried out under an approved competent person self-certifi cation scheme.
Although the secondary supply (domestic) is at mains pressure, it is not necessary to fi t an expansion chamber, pressure or temper atur e relief valve, the plumbing should allow any unusual build up of pressure to be relieved at the ball valve.
The information in this manual is provided to assist generally in the selection of equipment. The responsibility for the selection and specifi cation of the equipment must however remain that of the customer and any Designers or Consultants concerned with the design and installation.
Please Note: We do not therefore accept any responsibility for matters of design, selection or specifi cation or for the effectiveness of an installation containing one of our products unless we have been specifi cally requested to do so.
All goods are sold subject to our Conditions of Sale and Warranty Terms, which are set out at the rear of this manual.
In the interest of continuously improving the Torrent HP range, Gledhill Building Products Ltd reserve the right to modify the product without notice, and in these circumstances this document, which is accurate at the time of printing, should be disregarded. It will however be updated as soon as possible after the change has occurred.
The Torrent HP is a directly heated, open vented thermal store designed for use with an air source or a ground source heat pump. Although the thermal store is open vented, the mains pressure hot water is heated instantaneously by means of heat exchangers inside the store (Figures 1 & 2).
The Torrent HP range of primary thermal stores are only suitable for open vented heating systems but they provide mains pressure hot water without the requirements of a pressure and temperature relief valve. Notification to Building Control to comply with Section G3 of the Building Regulations is therefore not required. This is because the thermal store is vented in the normal way and unlike an unvented storage cylinder, the Torrent HP range require no regular maintenance or annual inspection. This reduces running costs for the home-owner while offering high performance showers and high fl ow rates to fi ll baths rapidly.
Because this product does not require a safety discharge from the temperature and pressure relief valve, any installation will be easy to incorporate into the building and will not suffer from the problems associated with using soil stacks to take the high temperature discharge from unvented cylinders.
Page 4
Torrent HP Models
The Torrent HP is insulated to a very high standard using high density HCFC free foam cased in a steel shell and therefore has an ozone deletion potential (ODP) of zero and a global warming potential (GWP) of 1.
The specifi cation of the models is listed in table 1 and the model selection guide is shown in table 2.
The hot water performance of the Torrent HP depends upon the store temperature as shown in fi gures 3, 4 and 5.
The suggested model sizes are based on typical hot water usage and the store charged to about 65°C. If the store charge temperature is going to be lower, then a larger model should be considered.
This is especially important where the heat pump alone is unable to charge the store to 65°C as is likely to be the case with a heat pump. If the immersion element is used to raise the temperature of the store, then a suitable control system should be used to ensure the immersion element does not operate until the heat pump has raised the store to the maximum temperature, or the overall effi ciency of the system will be reduced.
Additional thermostat pockets are provided for this purpose and a schematic wiring diagram is shown in fi gure 10.
When selecting a solar model, it is important to check that the dedicated solar volume (shown in table 1) is suitable for the fl oor area of the dwelling to ensure compliance with the Building Regulations.
The Torrent HP models are designed to be heated directly by the heat pump and the central heating can be supplied directly from the heat pump as shown in fi gure 6 or from a thermal store as shown in fi gure 7.
The Torrent HP-solar models are designed to be heated directly by the heat pump and indirectly by the solar thermal system as shown schematically in fi gures 8 and 9.
All models are fi tted with a 3kW immersion heater for boosting the store temperature (if necessary) and some models can also be connected to a solid fuel appliance (e.g. wood burning stove) as well as the heat pump. All Torrent HP models are supplied with following equipment as standard: -
• 1 feed and expansion cistern complete with ball valve and fl oat
• 1 3kW immersion heater (230Vac, 50Hz)
• 2 store thermostats
Overflow pipe
Heat pump - Flow
Hot water outlet
Cold mains feed
Adjustable thermostatic
mixing valve
Wood burning stove
Wood burning stove
Heat pump - Return
Central heating
Central heating
Immersion heater
Heat pump
control thermostat
Heat pump control thermostat
Overheat thermostat pocket
Figure 1 : Torrent
F & E CisternF & E Cistern
Overflow pipe
Heat pump - Flow
Hot water outlet
Cold mains feed
Adjustable thermostatic
mixing valve
Wood burning stove
Wood burning stove
Heat pump - Return
Central heating
Central heating
Immersion heater
Heat pump
control thermostat
Heat pump control thermostat
Overheat thermostat pocket
Figure 1 : Torrent
F & E CisternF & E Cistern
Overflow pipe
Hot water outlet
Cold mains feed
Adjustable thermostatic
mixing valve
Central heating Flow
Central heating Return
Immersion heater
Heat pump control thermostat
Overheat thermostat pocket
Heat pump - Flow
Wood burning stove
Wood burning stove
- Return
Heat pump - Return
Solar heating - Flow
Solar heating - Return
Solar sensor pocket
Heat pump control thermostat
Overflow pipe
Hot water outlet
Cold mains feed
Adjustable thermostatic
mixing valve
Central heating Flow
Central heating Return
Immersion heater
Heat pump control thermostat
Overheat thermostat pocket
Heat pump - Flow
Wood burning stove
Wood burning stove
- Return
Heat pump - Return
Solar heating - Flow
Solar heating - Return
Solar sensor pocket
Heat pump control thermostat
Page 5
Figure 3 : Hot water performanc e of T150HP at 15 - 17 l/ m in draw off rate
0 20406080100120140160
Draw-off volume (l i tres )
Hot water t emperat ure °C
55°C St ore temperature 60°C Store t em perat ure 65°C St ore temperature
The performance fi gures shown above for the 150 litre store are increased accordingly as the cylinder capacity increases. The graph illustrates the increase in volumme that can be achieved by the use of the auxiliary heat source.
A 15 - 17 litre/min fl ow restrictor is fi tted to the T orr ent HP hot water supply outlet on commissioning. Check that the hot water fl ow does not exceed 17 litre/min.
Particular attention needs to be paid to the product size selection. If the intention is for the majority of the hot water to be provided by the heat pump with minimal use of the auxiliary immersion element then it may be necessary to choose a larger store.
Page 6
F & Cistern
Overflow pipe
Heat pump
HP Pump
Hot water outlet
Mains cold water inlet
Wood stove (Option)
Figure 6: Typical Torrent
system configuration with an optional wood burning stove
and central heating supplied directly from the heat pump.
F & Cistern
Overflow pipe
Heat pump
HP Pump
Hot water outlet
Mains cold water inlet
Wood stove (Option)
Figure 6: Typical Torrent
system configuration with an optional wood burning stove
and central heating supplied directly from the heat pump.
F & Cistern
Overflow pipe
HP Pump
Hot water outlet
Mains cold water inlet
Figure 7: Typical Torrent
system configuration with central heating supplied from a thermal store
CH Pump
Heat pump
F & Cistern
Overflow pipe
HP Pump
Hot water outlet
Mains cold water inlet
Figure 7: Typical Torrent
system configuration with central heating supplied from a thermal store
CH Pump
Heat pump
Page 7
Heat pump
3-Port diverter
Hot water outlet
Mains cold water inlet
Wood stove
Figure 8: Typical TorrentHP-sol system configuration with optional wood burning stove
and central heating supplied directly from the heat pump.
F & E Cistern
Overflow pipe
HP Pump
Solar pumping
Expansion vessel
Heat pump
3-Port diverter
Hot water outlet
Mains cold water inlet
Wood stove
Figure 8: Typical TorrentHP-sol system configuration with optional wood burning stove
and central heating supplied directly from the heat pump.
F & E Cistern
Overflow pipe
HP Pump
Solar pumping
Expansion vessel
Heat pump
Hot water outlet
Mains cold water inlet
Wood stove
Figure 9: Typical TorrentHP-sol system configuration with wood burning stove option
and central heating supplied from the thermal store
F & E
Overflow pipe
Solar pumping
Expansion vessel
CH Pump
Heat pump
Hot water outlet
Mains cold water inlet
Wood stove
Figure 9: Typical TorrentHP-sol system configuration with wood burning stove option
and central heating supplied from the thermal store
F & E
Overflow pipe
Solar pumping
Expansion vessel
CH Pump
Page 8
• All Torrent HP models covered by this manual, are only suitable for open vented primary (heat pump and space heating) circuits. Therefore the pressure in the primary circuit depends upon the height of the feed and expansion cistern and could be as low as 0.20 bar. Therefore ensure that the heat pump selected will operate at primary circuit pressures e.g. it is not fi tted with a non-adjustable low system pressure switch.
• The heat pumps normally operate at lower temperature difference (5-10°C) between fl ow and return than that for a gas boilers (10-20°C) resulting in higher fl ow rates in the heat pump primary circuit. Therefore it is important that the primary pipework connecting the heat pump to the thermal store and the circulating pump are sized to achieve fl ow rates recommended by the heat pump manufacturer.
• The effi ciency (i.e. coeffi cient of performance, COP) of a heat pump depends upon the primary fl ow and return temperatures and it is generally higher at lower primary circuit temperatures. Also the heat pumps normally operate at lower fl ow temperatures; typically 45-55°C compared with 75-80°C for gas boilers. Therefore if traditional radiators are used then, these should be oversized in accordance with the heat pump manufacturers recommendations.
• For optimum operational efficiency and hence lower running costs, a low temperature space heating (e.g. under-fl oor heating) system should be used where feasible.
Heat Pump Sizing
• The effi ciency (i.e. coeffi cient of performance, COP) of an air source heat pump and hence its heat output generally decreases as the ambient air temperature decreases. Therefore, this factor should be taken into account when sizing and selecting the heat pump.
• The design space heating load of a dwelling should be calculated in accordance with BS 5449. The allowance for domestic hot water heating (shown in table below), depends upon the operating mode. For example, if the system is designed to operate with priority for domestic hot water, then no additional allowance for hot water is required for sizing the heat pump.
Allowance for Domestic Hot Water Heating
Allowance for Domestic Hot Water
Hot Water Priority Mode Flow Share Mode
0kW 1.5kW
0kW 2.5kW
0kW 3.0kW
0kW 3.5kW
0kW 4.0kW
THP450-SOL 0kW 5.0kW
Heating System Arrangement
The Torrent HP models are designed to be heated directly by an air or a ground source heat pump and the space heating can be supplied directly from the heat pump circuit as shown in fi gures 6 and 8 or from the thermal store as shown in fi gures 7 and 9. The selection between the two options will depend upon the operating characteristics of the heat pump, type of heating system and control strategy. For general guidance: -
• If the heat pump requires a buffer for operation; for example to reduce rapid cycling etc, then the system would benefi t if the heating system is supplied from the thermal store (figures 7 and 9). In this configuration, the operation of the heat pump Is only controlled by the store thermostat(s).
• If the heat pump is multi-stage or modulating type or has weather compensating controls, then the space heating circuit should be supplied directly from the heat pump as shown in figures 6 and 8. In this system confi guration, the thermal store is only used for producing hot water.
• A hybrid system arrangement can also be used (not shown). For example; a low temperature weather compensated heating circuit e.g. under floor heating can be supplied directly from the heat pump circuit and constant temperature e.g. towel rails can be supplied from the thermal store.
Ballvalve/overfl ow - All Models
Where the whole of the heating system is supplied from the thermal store, fi gures 7 and 9, then a ballv alve and overfl ow should be fi tted in the feed and expansion tank.
Where the heat pump supplies the heating circuit directly, fi gures 6 and 8, then fi tting a ballvalve and overfl ow is optional if it is practical on occasions to manually fi ll the store. Ho wever , fi tting a ballvalve and overfl ow will eliminate the need for the householder to undertake this task and is therefore preferable. If the siting of the Torrent HP makes it diffi cult to fi t an overfl ow then the ‘manual fi ll’ option can be used. In all cases, if a ballvalve is fi tted, then an overfl ow/ warning pipe must always be fi tted.
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