Glastender LP108, LP84, LP60R, LP60L, LP84R Operation Manual, Parts Directory, And Price List

Operation Manual, Parts Directory, and Price List
A Family Company Manufacturing
In The USA Since 1969
lP CoolerS - 2010 aNd after*
*Cooler Serial Number iNformatioN
This manual is specic to self-contained LP coolers manufactured in 2010 and after beginning with the serial numbers and dates listed below.
LP60R SN 134128786F 09-28-10 LP60L SN 134128783F 09-28-10 LP84R SN 134129050N 09-28-10 LP84L SN 134128771N 09-28-10 LP108R SN 134131070N 09-28-10 LP108L SN 134129406N 09-28-10
Glastender, Inc. · 5400 North Michigan Road · Saginaw, MI · 48604-9780
800.748.0423 · 989.752.4275 · Fax 989.752.4444 ·
Rev. 03-21-14
Conforms to UL STD 471
Certied to CAN/CSA STD
C22.2 No. 120-M91
© 2012 Glastender, Inc.
Cooler Serial Number iNformatioN .......................................... Cover
digital CoNtroller oPeratioN ...........................................................1
Introduction .......................................................................................3
Utility Requirements and Connections .............................................3
Uncrating and Start-Up Instructions .................................................3
Operation ...........................................................................................3
Cleaning Instructions .................................................................. 3 - 4
Sealing Vertical Door Cooler to Floor Instructions ..........................4
Cooler Installation Checklist ............................................................5
Electrical and Refrigeration Specifications ......................................6
Wiring Diagrams ...............................................................................6
rePlaCemeNt PartS
Compressor and Condenser Related Parts ........................................7
Evaporator and Related Parts ...........................................................8
Shelving, Racks and Related Parts ...................................................8
Doors and Related Parts ...................................................................9
Refrigeration Compartment Covers ......................................................10
220 Volt Electrical Parts .................................................................10
Electrical Components ....................................................................10
ServiCe aNd PartS
Warranty .......................................................................................... 11
Terms and Conditions .....................................................................12
Glastender, Inc. • 5400 North Michigan Road • Saginaw, MI • 48604-9780
800.748.0423 • 989.752.4275 • Fax 989.752.4444 •
digital CoNtroller oPeratioN
The operating temperature range is preset at the factory according to the table below and can be adjusted up or down within the limits shown.
To see the set point - push and immediately release the SET button. The set point will be displayed.
To return to normal visualization - Push and immediately release the SET button or wait ve seconds.
Factory Settings Range of Adjustment
Set Point Operating Range† Minimum Set Point Maximum Set Point
Standard Cooler Setting
White Wine
Red Wine
Adjusting the factory set point will also adjust the operating range by the same amount
34º F 34º F to 39º F 33º F 35º F
50º F 50º F to 55º F 45º F 55º F
60º F 60º F to 65º F 55º F 65º F
To change the set point - push and hold the SET button for more than two seconds. When the º F display begins ashing, push the up arrow or down arrow buttons to adjust the set point to the desired
To save the new set point and return to the tem­perature display mode - push and release the SET
button or wait ten seconds.
The refrigerator is programmed to automatically defrost four times daily for approximately twenty minutes. During defrost, the fan inside the cooler will remain on and the refrigeration system will turn off. To initiate defrost manually, push and hold the DEFROST button for more than two seconds.
The thermostat controller does not have an “OFF” function. To turn refrigerator off, the unit must be unplugged or power to the electrical branch circuit has to be turned off via a circuit breaker or switch.
Models BB, ND, LP, FV, MFV, UCR Self Contained Coolers using Dixell digital thermostat controller
The thermostat control probe wire connector may become disconnected when the compressor compartment cover and/or grill are removed. This will result in thermostat P1 code. While the P1 code is ashing the compressor will cycle 5 minutes on and 5 minutes off and may cause icing of the evaporator coil. Service calls to reconnect the probe wiring are not covered by factory warranty.
Probe wire connector
Glastender, Inc. • 5400 North Michigan Road • Saginaw, MI • 48604-9780
800.748.0423 • 989.752.4275 • Fax 989.752.4444 •
This manual describes the operational features of self-contained BB60, BB84, BB108, ND52, ND72, and ND92 coolers and two zone coolers. Please review this information before attempting installation and operation.
Long term, trouble-free service will follow if good housekeeping and maintenance procedures are followed. Thank you for selecting Glastender, Inc. products.
utility requiremeNtS aNd CoNNeCtioNS
Electrical: 115 Volt AC, 1 Phase, 60 Hz. A separate 15 Amp circuit is recommended. A 6-foot grounded cord and plug is included with self-contained models.
Plumbing: Automatic condensate evaporator is included. No drain connection required.
uNCratiNg aNd Start-uP iNStruCtioNS
All models are shipped in one carton. These steps should be followed:
1. If legs or casters are included, bolt them to the base with the bolts provided.
2. Unwrap power cord from base if included.
3. Position unit and level and/or seal as required (see page 4 and 5).
4. All units intended for draft beer must be plumbed to an external drain. On self-contained models with draft beer and a factory installed finished top, the beer tower drain pan is plumbed through the cabinet and stubs out in the 3" space below the compressor compartment. Connection to an external drain must be made from that point.
5. Place shelves in desired location.
6. Plug into 115 volt AC outlet.
7. Load with bottles or cans and allow time for products to cool.
8. Your Glastender equipment is now ready for use.
The operating temperature range is 34°F (1°C) to 40°F (5°C).
Self-contained models include an automatic defrost system. The refrigerator will defrost four times daily for approximately 20 minutes. During the defrost, the fan inside the cooler will remain on and the refrigeration system will turn off.
CleaNiNg iNStruCtioNS
Cleaning is essential to sustaining the integrity of your equipment and preventing corrosion.
ESTIMATED CLEANING TIME: 5 to 10 minutes per unit daily, 45 minutes quarterly
FREQUENCY: Daily cleaning of exterior & door gaskets. Monthly cleaning of condenser filter. Quarterly cleaning of
interior, including shelves.
(Cleaning Instructions continued on page 4)
Glastender, Inc. • 5400 North Michigan Road • Saginaw, MI • 48604-9780
800.748.0423 • 989.752.4275 • Fax 989.752.4444 •
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