Cooler MisCellaneous
replaCeMent Cooler leg
Model description list Wt
CLEG 6" Cooler leg ONLY $32 3#
Model description list Wt
06001560 Caster, swivel, 2-1/2" high $14 1#
06001561 Caster, swivel, 2-1/2" high w/lock $18 1#
06001568 Caster, swivel, 3-3/4" high $24 1#
06001559 Caster, swivel, 3-3/4" high w/lock $33 1#
06001566 Caster, swivel, 5" $68 2#
06001567 Caster, swivel, 5" w/lock $90 2#
replaCeMent KiCK rail
Model description list Wt
06001547 Clip for mounting kick rail to leg $3 1#
Model description list Wt
03005473 Plug-in style uorescent light $25 1#
06001425 GE #F6T5 uorescent light bulb $23 1#
06001431 Rope light kit for BB24, BB36 $41 2#
06001432 Rope light kit for BB60, ND48,
ND52 and LPT36
06001433 Rope light kit for BB84, ND72 $81 6#
06001434 Rope light kit for BB108 $101 8#
STLK-1 Light Kit for one mullion - ST48 and ST60 - NO
STLK-2 Light Kit for two mullions - ST72 and ST96 - NO
$61 4#
glass iCe display CoMponents
Model description list Wt
06001654 Panel, left, 12" GDU $156 10#
06001655 Panel, right, 12" GDU $156 10#
06001411 Panel, middle, 12" GDU $182 12#
06001657 Panel, left, 16" GDU $169 12#
06001658 Panel, right, 16" GDU $169 12#
06001656 Panel, middle, 16" GDU $195 14#
06000044 Panel, left, 18" GDU $169 14#
06000045 Panel, right, 18" GDU $169 14#
06000352 Panel, middle, 18" GDU $195 16#
06001662 Panel, left, 24" GDU $182 18#
06001663 Panel, right, 24" GDU $182 18#
06001660 Panel, middle, 24" GDU $208 20#
06001661 Glass panel, front, 24" $275 15#
06001659 Glass panel, back, 24" $308 17#
06001665 Glass panel, front, 30" $297 18#
06001664 Glass panel, back, 30" $330 20#
06001667 Glass panel, front, 36" $319 21#
06001666 Glass panel, back, 36" $352 23#
06001669 Glass panel, front, 42" $341 24#
06001668 Glass panel, back, 42" $374 26#
06001674 Glass panel, front, 48" $363 27#
06001670 Glass panel, back, 48" $396 29#
06001672 Glass panel, front, 54" $385 30#
06001671 Glass panel, back, 54" $418 32#
CoCKtail stations MisCellaneous
KiCK rail
Model description list Wt
KR-42 42" Station kick rail $77 8#
KR-48 48" Station kick rail $88 8#
KR-54 54" Station kick rail $98 10#
KR-60 60" Station kick rail $110 10#
KR-66 66" Station kick rail $120 12#
KR-72 72" Station kick rail $132 12#
KR-84 84" Station kick rail $153 14#
Model description list Wt
EPC End panel clips, set of two $115 1#
FPC Front panel clips, set of two $18 1#
TR-24 Trim rail for GT-24 station $126 2#
TR-30 Trim rail for GT-30 station $139 3#
TSC-B 12" Tray shelf bracket, set of 2 $82 2#
TSD-B 15" Tray shelf bracket, set of 2 $88 2#
Specify a mounting style:
• EP - end panel
• BT - bar top
• WALL - wall
Glastender, Inc. • 5400 North Michigan Road • Saginaw, MI • 48604-9780
800.748.0423 • 989.752.4275 • Fax 989.752.4444 • www.glastender.com
Single overshelf bracket, set of 2 $220 8#
Double overshelf bracket, set of 2 $252 12#