Girsberger ATC User Manual

Avalanche Training Center
User Manual
Con tents
User Ma nual
System Compo n ents 1 User I nterfa c e Elem e nts 2 Tra i ning M ode 3 Expert Mode 4 Sleep Mode 5 System Ready for Us e , Chec k ing 6
Tech n ical D ata 7 War r anty 8
Main Antenna
Aval an che Tra in ing Ce nt er
LVS - Such phas en / B eaco n - Sear ch P hase s
Grobsuch e
Signalsu che
Coarse s earc h
Signal s earc h
Geschwi ndig keit / S peed
Bedien ungs anle itun g / Manu al
Anzahl der Ver schü ttet en
Suchzeit e ins tell en
(max. 5)
(max. 20 Mi n.)
Set the se arc h ti me l imit
Select the nu mber of
(20 minutes max .)
(max. 5)
buried per son s
Feinsuch e
Fine sea rch
Genauig keit / P reci sion
START drück en
Die Anlage a ktiv ier t na ch d em Zufallsprin zip die ein gest ellt e Anzahl Versc hütt ete r un d st art et die Uhr.
The system will now ac tiva te the selecte d nu mber of tra ns­mitters and sta rt t he time r.
Punktort ung
Pinpoint ing
Suchen mit LVS und Son de
Drei Sonden tref fer hin tere inan ­der im Seku nden takt lö sen an der Zentral e ei n ak ust isch es Signal aus (Sig nalt on) . Zudem wird der Stan d d es Verschüttete nzäh ler s au f de m Display um 1 re duzi ert .
Search by mea ns o f beacon and pr obe
Three conse cuti ve p rob e hi ts, one second apar t, w ill tri gger an acoustic si gnal on the con trol unit (beep) . Th e bu rie d pe rson s counter is decr emen ted by one.
Ausgrabe n
Digging out
Ende der S uch zeit
Nach Ablauf der gew ählt en S uch ­zeit (oder wenn all e a ktiv iert en LVS-Sender m it d er S ond e ge ­troffen wur den) ert önt der Sig nal­ton und all e LVS -Sen der wer den ausgeschalt et. Bitt e d ie S ende r
nicht ausgr aben .
Search tim e e laps ed
When the se arch tim e h as elapsed or all acti ve tran smit ­ters have b een hit wit h a prob e, the beep wi ll b e ac tiv ated and al l transmitter s ar e sw itc hed off.
Please do n ot d ig o ut the beacon.
Control Unit
Telescopic Mast
Ground Sleeve (Mast Support)
Information Board
Plastic Box (Probing Surface)
Transmitter (5 - 16 pcs.)
2. User Interface Elements
Victims: 2 Time: 13 min 05 sec
Two line d i s p l ay for the num b e r o f buried persons (VICT I M S ) and for the sea r c h time (TIME)
Key -VICTIMS a n d + VICTIMS to ente r the number of b u r i ed persons (i.e . a c t ivated transmitters) . Th e n u m b er selected is s h o w n on the displa y ( V I CTIMS).
Key -TIME and + T I M E for search ti m e o u t entry. The time ca n b e a djusted from 1 minute to 2 0 m i n utes in steps o f o n e minute. The time i s s h o wn on the disp l a y.
START/STOP key to s t a r t and to terminate a t r a i n i ng exercise.
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