Ginlong Solis-2.5K-2G-US, Solis-1K-2G-US, Solis-1.5K-2G-US, Solis-2K-2G-US, Solis-3K-2G-US User's Installation And Operation Manual

2014, Ningbo Ginlong Technologies Co., Ltd.
Ningb o Gi nlong Te chn ol ogies C o. , Ltd.
No. 57 Ji nt ong Roa d, B inhai I nd ust ri al Park ,
Xiang sh an, Nin gb o, Zhej ia ng, 3 15 712, P.R. China
Tel: +86 (0 )5 74 6578 1 80 6
Fax: +8 6 (0 )574 65 78 1 606
Email : in fo@gi nl ong.c om
Ple ase rec ord t he se rial nu mber of y our i nve rte r and q uot e thi s whe n you con tact us .
PV Grid Tie Inverter
Inst al la tion and Oper at ion Manual
Solis Single Phase Inverter
Ver 2. 5
-US version
1. Introduction
2. Safety Instructions
2.1 Safety Symbols
2.2 General Safety Instructions
2.3 Notice For Use
3. Overview
3.1 Front Panel Display
3.2 LED Status Indicator Lights
3.3 Keypad
3.4 LCD
4. Installation
4.1 Select Location for the Inverter
4.2 Mounting the Inverter
4.3 Electrical Connections
5. Start & Stop
5.1 Start the Inverter
5.2 Stop the Inverter
1.1 Product Descriptions
1.2 Packaging
1. Introduction
1.1 Pr oduct Des criptions
Figure 1.1 Front side view
Sol is sing le phas e US seri es inve rters c an tran sfer DC p ower fr om PV pan els int o AC
pow er and fe ed into g rid.
Sol is sing le phas e US seri es inve rters c ontai n 9 model s which a re list ed belo w:
Sol is-1K -2G-U S Solis -1.5K -2G-U S Solis -2K-2 G-US So li s-2 .5K -2G-U S
Sol is-3K -2G-U S Solis -3.6K -2G-U S Solis -4K-2 G-US So li s-4 .6K -2G-U S
Sol is-5K -2G-U S
Figure 1.2 Bottom side view
DC Switch
Water drill hole
DC input
AC input
RS 485
Wiring box
LCD display
4 buttons
LED lights
6. Operation
6.1 Main Menu
6.2 Information
6.3 Settings
6.3.1 Set Time
6.3.2 Set Address
6.4 Advanced Info.
6.4.1 Alarm Message
6.4.3 Standard No.
6.4.4 Version
6.4.5 Communication Data
6.5 Advanced Settings
6.5.1 Select Standard
6.5.2 Grid ON/OFF
7. Maintenance
8. Trouble Shooting
9. Specifications
6.4.2 Temperature
6.6 ARC Fault
6.5.3 New Password
6.5.4 Calibrate Energy
2.Safety Instructions
2.2 Ge neral Saf ety Instruc tions
Ele ctric al inst allat ions mu st be don e in acco rdanc e with th e local a nd nati onal ele ctric al safe ty stan dards .
CAU TION, R ISK OF EL ECTRI C SHOCK s ymbol i ndica tes imp ortan t safet y ins truct ions, w hich if n ot corr ectly f ollow ed, cou ld resu lt in ele ctric s hock.
CAU TION, H OT SURFA CE sy mbol in dicat es safe ty inst ructi ons, wh ich if no t cor rectl y follo wed, co uld res ult in bu rns.
NOT E symbo l indic ates im porta nt safe ty inst ructi ons, wh ich if no t corre ctly fol lowed , could r esult i n some da mage or t he dest ructi on of the i nvert er.
2.1 Sa fety Symb ols
Saf ety sym bols us ed in thi s manua l, whic h highl ight po tenti al safe ty risk s and imp ortan t
saf ety inf ormat ion, ar e liste d as foll ows:
WAR NIN G sym bol ind icate s impor tant sa fety in struc tions , which i f not cor rectl y follo wed, co uld res ult in se rious i njury o r death .
Imp roper u se may re sult in p otent ial ele ctric s hock ha zards o r burns . Th is ma nual
con tains i mport ant ins truct ions th at shou ld be fol lowed d uring i nstal latio n and
mai ntena nce. Pl ease re ad thes e instr uctio ns care fully b efore u se and ke ep them f or
fut ure ref erenc e.
Ple ase d on’t c onn ect P V arra y pos iti ve(+) or ne gat ive (-) to t he gr ound , it co uld
cau se se riou s dam age t o the in ver ter.
1. Introduction
1.2 Pa ckaging
Par t NO.
Des cript ion
PV gr id tie in verte r
Wal l mou nti ng brac ket
Loc king sc rews
Exp ansio n screw s
Man ual
Num ber
When you receive the inverter, please check if all the parts listed below are included:
Table 1.1 Accessory list
2014, Ningbo Gin long Techn ologi es Co., L td.
PV Grid Tie Inve rter
Installatio n and Ope ratio n Manua l
Solis Single Phase Inverter
Ver 2.3
-US version
3. Overview
3.1 Fr ont Panel D isplay
Fig ure 3.1 F ront Pa nel Dis play
3.2 LE D Status In dicator Lig hts
The re are th ree LED s tatus i ndica tor lig hts in th e front p anel of t he inve rter. Le ft LED: POW ER LED (r ed) ind icate s the pow er stat us of the i nvert er. Midd le LED: O PERATI ON LED ( green ) indic ates th e opera tion st atus. R ight LE D: ALARM L ED (yel low) in dicat es the a larm st atus. P lease s ee Tab le 3. 1 for det ails
Des cript ion
The i nvert er can de tect DC p ower
No DC p ower or l ow DC pow er
The i nvert er is ope ratin g prope rly.
The i nvert er has st opped t o suppl y power.
The i nvert er is ini tiali zing.
Ala rm or fau lt cond ition i s detec ted.
The i nvert er is ope ratin g prope rly.
Sta tus
Lig ht
Table 3 .1 Stat us Indi cator L ights
2.Safety Instructions
2.3 No tice For Us e
The i nvert er has be en cons truct ed acco rding t o the app licab le safe ty and te chnic al gui delin es. Use t he inve rter in i nstal latio ns that m eet the f ollow ing sep cific ation O NLY:
1. Perm anent i nstal latio n is requ ired.
2. The el ectri cal ins talla tion mu st meet a ll the ap plica ble reg ulati ons and s tanda rds.
3. The in verte r must be i nstal led acc ordin g to the in struc tions s tated i n this ma nual.
4. The in verte r must be i nstal led acc ordin g to the co rrect t echni cal spe cific ation s.
5. To start up the in verte r, the Gri d Suppl y Main Sw itch (A C) must b e switc hed on, b efore
the s olar pa nel's D C isola tor sha ll be swi tched o n. To st op th e inver ter, the G rid Sup ply
Mai n Switc h (AC) mu st be swi tched o ff befo re th e solar p anel' s DC isol ator sh all be
swi tched o ff.
The P V array ( Solar p anels ) suppl ies a DC vo ltage w hen it is e xpose d to ligh t.
Ris k of elec tric sh ock fro m energ y store d in capa citor s of the In verte r. Do not rem ove cov er unti l 5 minut es afte r disco nnect ing all s ource s of supp ly. Serv ice tec hnici an only. Wa rrant y may be vo ided if a ny unau thori zed rem oval of c over.
The s urfac e tempe ratur e of the in verte r can rea ch up to 75 ( 167 F). To avoi d risk of b urns, d o not tou ch the su rface w hen inv erter i s opera ting. Inv erter m ust be in stall ed out th e reach o f child ren.
To redu ce the ri sk of fir e, over -curr ent pro tecti ve devi ces (OC PD) are req uired f or circ uits co nnect ed to the I nvert er. The D C OCPD sh ould be i nstal led as lo cal req uirem ent. Al l photo volta ic sou rce and o utput c ircui t condu ctors s hall ha ve disc onnec ts comp lying w ith the N EC, Sec tion 69 0, Part I I. All si ngle ph ase inv erter s arein tegra te with D C swi tch. The t rip cur rent fo r AC OC PD for 1- 1.5kW m odels s hould b e 10A, fo r 2-2.5 kW mod els sho uld be 15 A, for 3- 3.6kW s hould b e 20A, fo r 4-5kW s hould b e 25A.
Ris k of elec tric sh ock. Do n ot remo ve cove r. Th ere i s no user s ervic eable par ts insi de. Ref er serv icing t o quali fied an d accre dited s ervic e techn ician .
4. Installation
4.1 Se lect a Loca tion for the In verter
To sele ct a loca tion fo r the inv erter, t he foll owing c riter ia shou ld be con sider ed:
Ins tall on a w all or st rong st ructu re capa ble of be aring t he weig ht.
The i nvert er is des igned t o work in e xtrem e tempe ratur es. The a mbi ent ope ratin g
tem perat ure ran ge is fro m -25 to 60.
If th ere is mo re than 1 i nvert er inst alled t ogeth er, A min imum 30 0mm cle aranc e
sho uld be ke pt betw een eac h inver ter. The b ott om of the i nvert er shou ld be 500 mm
cle aranc e to the gr ound.
Vis ibi lity of t he LED st atus in dicat or ligh ts and th e LCD loc ated at t he fron t panel o f
the i nvert er shou ld be con sider ed.
Adeq uate ve ntil atio n must be pro vide d if the inv erte r is to be inst alled i n a confin ed spac e.
Not hing sh ould be s tored o n or plac ed agai nst the i nvert er.
300m m
500m m
500m m
300m m 300m m
300m m
300m m
Fig ure 4.1 I nvert er Moun ting cl earan ce
3.3 Ke ypad
3.4 LC D
The re are fo ur keys i n the fro nt pane l of the In verte r(fro m left to r ight) :
ESC , UP, DO WN an d ENTER k eys. Th e key pad is us ed for:
Scr ollin g throu gh the di splay ed opti ons (th e UP and DO WN ke ys);
Acc ess to mo dify th e adjus table s ettin gs (the E SC and EN TER key s).
3. Overview
The t wo-li ne Liqu id Crys tal Dis play (L CD) is lo cated a t the fro nt pane l of the In verte r,
whi ch show s the fol lowin g infor matio n:
Inv erter o perat ion sta tus and d ata;
Ser vice me ssage s for ope rator ;
Ala rm mess ages an d fault i ndica tions .
Ins tall ve rtica lly wit h a maxim um incl ine of +/ - 5°.If th e mo unt ed in ve rte r is ti lt ed to a n
ang le grea ter tha n the max imum no ted, he at diss ipati on can be i nhibi ted, an d may res ult
in le ss than e xpect ed outp ut powe r.
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