Gima S.p.A.
Via Marconi, 1 - 20060 Gessate (MI) Italy
gima@gimaitaly.com - export@gimaitaly.com
Manuale d’uso - User manual
Manuel de l’utilisateur - Guía de uso
Guia para utilização
ATTENZIONE: Gli operatori devono leggere e capire
completamente questo manuale prima di utilizzare il prodotto.
ATTENTION: The operators must carefully read and completely
understand the present manual before using the product.
AVIS: Les opérateurs doivent lire et bien
comprendre ce manuel avant d’utiliser le produit.
ATENCIÓN: Los operadores tienen que leer y entender completamente
este manual antes de utilizar el producto.
ATENÇÃO: Os operadores devem ler e entender
completamente este manual antes de usar o produto.
34244 - 34245 - 34246 - 34247
Gima S.p.A.
Via Marconi, 1
20060 Gessate (MI) Italy
Made in Taiwan

Product description and intended use
GIMA Manual Resuscitator is designed for use as an adjunct to
articial respiration and cardiopulmonary resuscitation. The Resuscitator can be used to ventilate the
apnoeic patient and to augment ventilation and for oxygen delivery to the spontaneously breathing
patient. The designs are also different according to Adult, Child or Infant by using different compressing
frequency, they also come with different sizes to meet all patients’ need for oxygen.
Codes 34244, 34246 and 34247 are equipped with a POP-Off valve, the model code 34245 does not
include the POP-Off valve in the standard equipment
The adult size has a Pressure Relief Valve design (as an option). When the pressure inside the bag exceeds 60 cmH20, and 40 cmH20 for infant and child bag, the Pressure Relief Valve will automatically
vent the
delivered breath tn the atmosphere to protect the lung from injuring by the high pressure.
This product is intended for use by qualied medical or emergency personnel trained in pulmonary
ventilation and advanced cardiac life support techniques. This manual provides all section assembly
drawings, some cautions and cleaning methods. Please carefully read all cautions in this manual before
use to accomplish the best effect, and pay attention to all safety warnings.
GIMA Silicone Resuscitator
It is manufactured by using supreme rated Silicone, with high exibility, stable material, can resist high
temperature (to a maximum of 134°C).
Warning & Caution
1. Do not use the Manual Resuscitator in toxic atmospheres.
2. Remove the oxygen reservoir and reservoir valve if supplemental oxygen is not being administered. Failure to do so will affect the rell rate and maximum frequency capabilities.
3. Do not administer supplemental oxygen in the presence of open ames.
4. Do not use oil, grease or other hydrocarbon-based substances on any part of the manual
Resuscitator Supplemental oxygen, supplied under pressure, can combine with hydrocarbons
and cause explosions.
5. This device is intended for use by qualied medical and emergency personnel trained in pulmonary ventilation and advanced cardiac life support techniques.
6. Prociency in the assembly, disassembly and use of this device should be demonstrated before use on a patient.
7. Always test the device in accordance with this manual after cleaning and sterilization or replacement of parts.
8. Always monitor airway pressure with a manometer when ventilating a patient.
9. Only qualied personnel trained in the use of positive end expiratory pressure (PEEP) should
administer PEEP with this device.
10. Always verify PEEP level and the function of the resuscitator before use on a patient.
1. If overriding the pressure relief valve, great caution must be taken not to allow the pressure in the
patients airways became too high.
2. Do not attempt to disassemble the pressure relief valve assembly. Disassembly will damage the component.
3. Before use, clean and sterilize the entire Manual Resuscitator to your individual institution’s validated procedure for cleaning and sterilizing such equipment. After the Manual Resuscitator has been
cleaned and sterilized, test the Manual Resuscitator as directed in this manual.

Principles of operation
Assembly view of an articial respiration system (A)
(A) Non-rebreathing (duckbill) Valve (B) Silicone Bag (C) Reservoir Valve (D) Oxygen Reservoir.
The Reservoir Valve and the Oxygen Reservoir should be removed if supplemental oxygen is not to be
Assembly View (A)
Principle Drawing (B) - Inspiration
When compressing down the Resuscitator, it create the positive pressure and close the Intake Valve
(G), the air inside the bag pushes the Duckbill Valve (E) downward, and block the expiration port (F), and
deliver the air into the Silicone Bag then to the patient through the center of the Duckbill Valve, if the Oxygen is in use, it should be connected by (H) part, then the Oxygen will ll up the Reservoir through the
Reservoir Valve, and installs in the Silicone Bag through the recovery inhale motion, then send directly
into the patient’s body by compressing the silicone bag.
Principle Drawing (B) - Inspiration
Principle Drawing (C) - Exhalation
When releasing the Silicone Bag (B), push upward the Duckbill Valve and keep it in close position, so to
release the exhale air through the Exhale Valve (F).
Principle Drawing (C) - Exhalation
At the same time, the Inhale Valve (G) is opened by the expiratory pressure created by releasing the
bag, and send the air into the bag through the top of the Reservoir Valve, and at the same time, send
the Oxygen into the bag from the Oxygen Reservoir till the bag returns to the original shape before
To avoid excessive Oxygen ow rate and low compressing frequency causing too high pressure inside
the bag and the Reservoir, the Reservoir Valve (I) is specially designed to release the excessive air, to
keep a low rate Oxygen supply and ensure the patient’s safety.

Principle Drawing (D)
GIMA Infant and Child Resuscitator are both equipped with Pressure Relief Valves, automatically provide and adjust the pressure in the lung, and keep it within 40 cmH2O +/- 5 cmH2O, any pressure exceed
this standard will cause the Pressure Relief Valve to jump off and push the pressure out to ensure the
patient’s safety.
Pressure Relief Valve
Pressure Relief Valve Motion
Should higher inspiratory pressure be required the pressure relief valve may be overridden by placing
the thumb ever the valve as show as follows.
Assembly View
Overriding the Pressure Relief Valve