4) Bubble Breaker (4)- The Bubble Breaker is a secondary chamber
in the upper chamber which provides the soap film a rapid expan-
sion path which is instrumental in breaking the bubble. ‘This
prevents excessive wall wetting by the soap film and allows it to
flow back into the cell.
5) Storage Tubing (25) - This anti-spill tubing connects upper and
lower cell chambers and prevents the soap solution from evaporating which may cause the solution concentration to change.’
CAUTION: If transporting by plane, be sure to disconnect this hosing from
upper or lower Flow Cell Chamber Bosses (23 & 26) to prevent pressurization
and possible rupture within the Bubble Generator.
Sensor Block (8)
Surrounding the flow tube
secured between the upper and
lower chamber of the bubble generator, is the Sensor Block (8).
The blockincorporates lower and upper sensors for time start and
time stop. Thesensors consist of an infrared emitter and detector
pairs whose sensitivity and accuracy is controlled by a “columna-
ting slot”. This block is secured to the Bubble Generator
Assembly (1) by means of two Locking Screws ((7) and allows easy
removal to facilitate cleaning.
1) Electrical Interface -The Electrical Interface provides power
to the sensing system as well as transmits timing information to
the Control Unit.
2. The Control Unit (base) (See fig. la)
The Control Unit (14) contains a crystal controlled timing system,
a micro processor control system,
and an LCD readout for displaying
flow and messages. The Control Unit also contains switches for Reset
Delete (16) and Auto-Averaging (15) functions as well as an
Printer Jack (18) interface port for direct connection to a hard copy
printer. LED indicators are provided to note Charging (11) and Run
calibration (20) operation.
a) Power (12) - switch turns the Control Units power on and off.
b) Charge Indicator LED (11) - lights when the charger is plugged
into the Charging Jack
c) Printer Jack (18) - provides interface for auxillary printer.
d) Reset (17)
push button deletes all current information for
processor in order to initiate a new sequence.
e) Delete (16) - push button automatically deletes false informa-
tion from the average and will reset the average and sample number
to the previous reading.
When a printer is in line, this will
indicate a minus symbol and the average will return to the
previous value.