Gilderfluke&Co KP-300 User Manual

Gilderfluke & Co.• 205 South Flower Street • Burbank, California 91502 • 818/840-9484 • 800/776-5972 • fax 818/840-9485
Operator Control Panel
The Kp-300 has all the controls that are needed to run any motion base or other Smart Brick system. It mounts in 5-1/4” of standard 19” rack space. Operator controls include buttons for starting and stopping the Hydraulic Power Unit (HPU), pausing and then continuing a paused show, for ʻloggingʼ occupied seats, and for selecting and play­ing up to eight different shows.
Because many of the functions of the Kp-300 are safety related, the Kp-300 has no CPU of any kind. With no microcontroller, there is no possibility of a software crash.
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Gilderfluke & Co.• 205 South Flower Street • Burbank, California 91502 • 818/840-9484 • 800/776-5972 • fax 818/840-9485
Safety Disclaimer: Any electronic or mechanical sys- tem has a potential to fail. Certain applications using Gilderuke & Company equipment may involve poten- tial risks of death, personal injury, or severe property, or environmental damage (“Critical Application”). Gilderfluke & Company equipment is not designed, in- tended, authorized, or warranted to be suitable in life support applications, devices, or systems, or other critical applications. Inclusion of Gilderuke & Com- pany products in such applications is understood to be fully at the risk of the customer. In order to minimize risks associated with the customer's applications, ade- quate design and operating safeguards should be pro- vided by the customer to minimize inherent or proce- dural hazards.
Gilderuke & Company assumes no liability for appli- cations assistance, customer produced design, soft- ware performance, or infringement of patents or copy- rights. Nor does Gilderuke & Company warrant or rep- resent that any license, either express, or implied, is granted under any patent right, copyright, mask work right, or other intellectual property right of Gilderuke & Company covering or relating to any combination, ma- chine, or process in which Gilderfluke & Company
products or services might be or are used.
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Gilderfluke & Co.• 205 South Flower Street • Burbank, California 91502 • 818/840-9484 • 800/776-5972 • fax 818/840-9485
...................................................................................Kp-300 Overview! 9
.....................................................................Kp-300 Panel Indicators! 11
..................................................................................Error Input Logged LEDs! 11
....................................................................................Error Input Status LEDs! 11
...................................................................................Error Input Events LEDs! 12
....................................................................................................Log Belts LED! 12
...................................................................................Show Start Button LEDs! 13
..................................................................................Show Cycle Counter LED! 13
...............................................................................................E-Stop Buss LED! 14
......................................................................................Show Pause Buss LED! 15
..........................................................................................HPU Stop Buss LED! 15
...........................................................................................Blocking Valve LED! 16
.........................................................................................Bypass Buss #1 LED! 16
.........................................................................................Bypass Buss #2 LED! 16
...............................................................................E-Stop Show Running LED! 18
......................................................................................Remote HPU Start LED! 18
......................................................................................Remote HPU Stop LED! 18
.....................................................................................Show Pause Reset LED! 18
.............................................................................................HPU Running LED! 19
..............................................................................................HPU Stopped LED! 19
..........................................................................................Show Continue LED! 20
...............................................................................................Show Pause LED! 20
.................................................................DMX-512 Receive LED (v3.0+ Only)! 21
..................................................................Kp-300 Operator Controls! 22
..................................................................................E-Stop Button/Keyswitch! 22
................................................................................................Log Belts Button! 22
...........................................................................................Show Start Buttons! 23
...............................................................................................HPU Start Button! 24
................................................................................................HPU Stop Button! 25
...........................................................................................Show Pause Button! 25
......................................................................................Show Continue Button! 25
...........................................................Kp-300 Jumper Configuration! 27
..................................................................................................Latched E-Stop! 28
.....................................................................................Internal/External Power! 28
..............................................................................................Seat Belt Logging! 29
.......................................................................................................E-Stop Buss! 29
..............................................................................................Show Pause Buss! 29
..............................................................................................Bypass Buss One! 31
..............................................................................................Bypass Buss Two! 31
..................................................................................................HPU-Stop Buss! 32
........................................DipSwitch settings on the Kp-300 (v3.0+)! 34
........................................DipSwitch #1: HPU Stopped LED Internal/External! 34
........................................DipSwitch #2: HPU Running LED Internal/External! 34
...................................................DipSwitch #3: E-Stop Disables Show Starts! 34
..............................................DipSwitch #4: HPU-Stop Disables Show Starts! 34
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Gilderfluke & Co.• 205 South Flower Street • Burbank, California 91502 • 818/840-9484 • 800/776-5972 • fax 818/840-9485
..........................................DipSwitch #5: Pause Buss Disables Show Starts! 35
.................................................DipSwitch #6: E-Stop Triggers Alarm Output! 35
............................................DipSwitch #7: HPU-Stop Triggers Alarm Output! 35
.........................................DipSwitch #8: Pause Buss Triggers Alarm Output! 36
.........................DMX-512 Address Selection on the Kp-300 (v3.0+)! 37
....................................................................................Sample Shows! 38
.....................................................................................................E-Stop Show1! 38
.....................................................................................................E-Stop Show2! 38
............................................................................................Load/Unload Show! 41
........................................................................................................Main Shows! 43
...........................................................AutoDownloading Shows for a Kp-300! 47
............................................Accessing More Than Eight Shows on a Kp-300! 50
..............................................................................................Delayed ʻHPU Offʼ! 50
...........................................................................Kp-300 Connections! 53
.............................................................Digital Inputs to the Kp-300 (v1.n & v2.n)! 53
.....................................................................DMX-512 Input to the Kp-300 (v3.0+)! 53
.........................................................................Show Start Button LED Inputs! 55
.....................................................................Show Start Button Enable Inputs! 55
...............................................Show Cycle Counter Advance Input to Kp-300! 57
........................................................................Blocking Valve Input to Kp-300! 57
......................................................................Bypass Buss #1 Input to Kp-300! 58
......................................................................Bypass Buss #2 Input to Kp-300! 58
............................................................E-Stop Show Running input to Kp-300! 59
...................................................................Remote HPU Start Input to Kp-300! 60
...................................................................Remote HPU Stop Input to Kp-300! 60
.................................................................Show Pause Reset Input to Kp-300! 60
....................................................24 vdc Power Input to the Kp-300 (v3.0+ Only)! 61
....................................................Kp-300 Expansion for the Kp-300 (v3.0+ Only)! 61
...................................................................................ʻAlarmʼ Output (v3.0+ Only)! 61
...............................................Kp-300 Outputs to Smart Brick Brain! 62
...................................................................Show Select Outputs from Kp-300! 62
..................................................................Green ʻPauseʼ Output from Kp-300! 63
....................................................................Blue ʻE-Stopʼ Output from Kp-300! 63
......................................................................J1 Inputs to the Kp-300! 64
....................................................J2 Inputs & Outputs to the Kp-300! 65
..........................................................................HPU Stopped Input to Kp-300! 65
..........................................................................HPU Running Input to Kp-300! 65
.................................................................Blocking Valve Output from Kp-300! 66
..........................................................................HPU Run Output from Kp-300! 66
...................................................................Remote Log Belts Input to Kp-300! 67
...............................................................Error Inputs Eleven Through Fifteen! 67
..............................................................................Kp-300 Expansion! 69
........................................................................Eight Medium Current Outputs! 69
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Gilderfluke & Co.• 205 South Flower Street • Burbank, California 91502 • 818/840-9484 • 800/776-5972 • fax 818/840-9485
...........................................................Six High Current Optoisolated Outputs! 70
.................................................................J1 Inputs To The Kp-300 Expansion! 70
............................Thirty-two Optoisolated Inputs To The Kp-300 Expansion! 71
....................................................Kp-300 Installation/Best Practices! 73
...........................................HEXadecimal to Decimal to Percentage! 75
This is not a blank page
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Gilderfluke & Co.• 205 South Flower Street • Burbank, California 91502 • 818/840-9484 • 800/776-5972 • fax 818/840-9485
A note about this manual:
This manual covers the specifics of the Kp-300. To pro- gram the Kp-300 you will also want to refer to the PCMACs manual sections that cover the PCMACs software.
The Kp-300 is typically programmed in Software-only or Hardwareless RealTime mode. If you are using the USB- DMX-512 for programming your Kp-300 through the DMX- 512 inputs, please refer to the PCMACsUnlimited mode.
The full PCMACs manual can be downloaded from our web site at:
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Gilderfluke & Co.• 205 South Flower Street • Burbank, California 91502 • 818/840-9484 • 800/776-5972 • fax 818/840-9485
This isnʼt a blank page either
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Gilderfluke & Co.• 205 South Flower Street • Burbank, California 91502 • 818/840-9484 • 800/776-5972 • fax 818/840-9485
KP-300 Expansion • Gilderfluke & Company, Burbank, California
Relay Outputs
1/4 J6 Outputs
J6 Inputs
3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7
2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7
1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7
0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7
654321 6543210 7
Kp-300 Typical Block Diagram for a Hydraulic Motion Base
Door, Ramp, Seat Belt and other 'Safety'
HPU error signals
(Oil low, overtemp,
filter dirty, etc.)
HPU Run Output
HPU Run/Stop
Status Signals
Kp-300 Expansion(s)
(if needed)
Pb-DMX with
3.5 Amp Relays
Light Dimmers
Lamp Fixtures
Br-ANA or
or PID-Quad(s)
Valves, Cylinders
and position
Moving Head
Light Fixtures
Moving head
Light Fixtures
Strobe Lights
other DMX-512
Four or
0-10 VDC
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Gilderfluke & Co.• 205 South Flower Street • Burbank, California 91502 • 818/840-9484 • 800/776-5972 • fax 818/840-9485
Kp-300 Overview
The Kp-300 features fifteen safety inputs, plus an onboard E-Stop Button and
Keyswitch that can be used to lock the system. All the safety inputs are ʻfail safeʼ (they
want to see a closure on them and will be triggered by any wire break). With the one ex­ception of the E-Stop Button and Keyswitch on the Kp-300, each safety input can be in­dividually set to force the system to:
Enter an E-Stop condition
Pause the show
Turn the HPU off (if there is one)
The E-Stop Button and Keyswitch on the Kp-300 always force an E-Stop condition. More safety inputs can be added if needed using the Kp-300 Expansion.
Safety inputs that trigger an E-Stop condition normally include only critical sensors. An example of these would be a low hydraulic fluid level sensor. If the motion base is running low on oil, this would trigger an immediate E-Stop, and as long as the oil level remained low, the Kp-300 would not let you start the HPU. All E-Stops turn the HPU off. The show always has to be started over from the beginning after an E-Stop.
A pause input is used for less critical sensors. An example of this is where a seat belt was opened by a rider. The show would instantly be paused and could only be contin­ued by the operator when the condition that caused the pause had been cleared. Alter­natively, if after the pause was triggered the operator deemed it necessary to evacuate the attraction, he could call up a show that parks the motion base or just E-Stop it to bring it home.
Door sensors are actually a point where a pause is generally safer to use than a full E-Stop. If a door is opened, instead of returning to home position the motion base will just freeze. This is less likely to take a leg off someone who is trying to step through the door.
Two bypass busses are available from the motion profile program. These are used to temporarily disable inputs that might otherwise cause an error condition to be flagged. An example of their use is on the door sensors. During the motion base ʻflightʼ, a door sensor should trigger an error condition (either a pause or E-Stop), but during the Load/ Unload times it should not. For this reason this input would be bypassed during Load/ Unload times by one of the two bypass busses.
Seat belt logging allows any input which has been wired to a seat belt to be ignored once it has been logged as an unoccupied seat. The seat belt logging can be done from
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Gilderfluke & Co.• 205 South Flower Street • Burbank, California 91502 • 818/840-9484 • 800/776-5972 • fax 818/840-9485
the Kp-300, remotely via a switch closure, or automatically as part of the motion profile program.
Each safety input as well as the built in E-Stop Button and Keyswitch have indicator
LEDs that show their current status.
a) A green light means that the input is ʻOKʼ.
b) A yellow light means that the input has been logged as ʻtemporarily unusedʼ.
Typically this is used in an installation that has switches to monitor the seat belts. Before starting the ride, any inputs from unoccupied seats would be ʻloggedʼ so that they wonʼt cause an error condition.
c) If an input opens and triggers an error condition, then a red LED will flash
next to that input to flag it as the one that caused the failure. This allows you to catch short lived error conditions like a HPU level sensor or pressure switch kicking an E-stop for just an instant.
A solid state counter records the number of show cycles that are run. Shows that are run with the HPU off or while the system is E-Stopped are not counted. The show cycle count is retained even during power outages.
With the addition of a three slot card cage (which mounts on the back of the Kp-300), a Smart Brick Brain, Analog or other Smart Brick (depending on the type of motion base you are running) and a Z-Brick, the Kp-300 becomes a complete motion base control system. When ordered in this way, the small LCD that normally is mounted on the front of a Br-Brain4 is replaced by a large format LCD display on the front of the Kp-300.
Since the entire system is networked, you can put components wherever you like. Dimmers and the controllers for your ʻ4Dʼ effects can be right in the cabin. The video playback can be mounted near to the projector or video screen. Just a single shielded twisted pair of wire connects the DMX-512 to control everything. This can be used to minimize the number of bulky multi conductor cables that need to be run, especially those that need to be run in a location that will require continuous flexing. All of this makes the initial connections, as well as adding new features in the future as simple as tapping into the existing cable.
Customized front panel artwork is available on the Kp-300. These can be custom branded, or labeled for specific show names and error inputs. Please contact the Gilderfluke & Company factory for details on generating custom Kp-300 labels.
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Gilderfluke & Co.• 205 South Flower Street • Burbank, California 91502 • 818/840-9484 • 800/776-5972 • fax 818/840-9485
Kp-300 Panel Indicators
There are sixty-one LED indicators and one or two LCD displays on the front of the
Kp-300. They are used as follows:
A) Error Input Logged LEDs
(One yellow LED for each Error Input)
! (Fifteen LEDs total)
These are lit to show that an input has been logged as inactive for the current show. Once an input which is open (green LED is not on) has been logged, it will be ignored until it is logged as active again. This feature is typically used to log seat belt inputs. A seat which is unoccupied will be logged so that it canʼt cause an E-Stop or Pause if it changes state during the show.
Seat belts can be logged at any time that the Show Pause Reset Input from the Smart Brick System is active. When this input is active, the safety inputs can be logged by either pressing the Log Belts button or activating the
Remote Log Belts Input by pressing Remote Log Belts Button(s) attached to
it. If you want to automatically log belts from the motion profile, just set the
Remote Log Belts Input for Internal Power and attach the two wires for this
input together so it is always active. Whenever the Show Pause Reset Input is programmed active, the inputs that are set to be logged will automatically be logged.
Input logging actually takes place at the instant that the Log Belts Button,
Log Belts Remote Input, or Show Pause Reset Input are released. The LED
next to the Log Belts Button will light whenever the seat belts are being logged.
B) Error Input Status LEDs
(One green LED for each Error Input, plus one for the E-Stop Button/
! (Sixteen LEDs total)
These are lit to show that an input is in its ʻsafeʼ condition. If any one of these inputs is off and that input hasnʼt been logged as an unoccupied seat (yellow LED IS on), then it is not safe to start the show.
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Gilderfluke & Co.• 205 South Flower Street • Burbank, California 91502 • 818/840-9484 • 800/776-5972 • fax 818/840-9485
All the inputs are configured to ʻfail safeʼ, which is to say that an error is triggered by an open circuit on an input. This is true even for the Kp-300ʼs E-
Stop Button and Keyswitch. These are wired in series and trigger an E-Stop
if this connection is opened at any point.
C) Error Input Events LEDs
(One red LED for each Error Input, plus one for the E-Stop Button/Keyswitch)
! (Sixteen LEDs total)
These LEDs flash on the input(s) that triggered an error condition. They allow you to find which input caused the error, even if it only existed for an instant.
An example of this featureʼs use is in events like a HPU filter dirty sensor which has been configured to trigger an E-Stop event. The dirty filter sensor on the HPU is typically a differential pressure switch which measures the pressure across the filter. If this pressure gets too high, then the switch opens to indicate a clogged filter and triggers the E-Stop condition. The thing that makes this hard to catch is that the E-Stop turns off the HPU, so the dif­ferential pressure immediately drops back into zero (the ʻOKʼ region, as far as the switch is concerned), turning back on the green Error Input Status LED for the input. To further complicate things, because the HPU potentially turned off right in the middle of a show, the ʻlow pressureʼ error input (if there is one) will turn off its green Error Input Status LED because the pressure just went to zero. Under these circumstances the only Error Input Event LED that will be flashing will be the original ʻDirty Filterʼ one that initiated the E­Stop in the first place. All the other Error Input Event LEDs will be off.
Once these LEDs are turned on by an E-Stop event, they can only be cleared when the operator starts the next show. They will keep flashing until the next show is started. If they were triggered by a Show Pause event, they will stop flashing but remain lit after the error condition is cleared and the show is ʻresumedʼ. They will be cleared when there is another E-Stop/Show Pause event or the next show is started by the operator.
D) Log Belts LED
(One yellow LED)
This LED turns on when the error inputs are are being logged as tempo­rarily unused. Seat belts can be logged at any time that the Show Pause
Reset Input from the Smart Brick System is active. When this input is active,
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Gilderfluke & Co.• 205 South Flower Street • Burbank, California 91502 • 818/840-9484 • 800/776-5972 • fax 818/840-9485
the safety inputs can be logged by either pressing the Log Belts Button or activating the Remote Log Belts Input by pressing Remote Log Belts But-
ton(s) attached to it. If you want to automatically log belts from the motion
profile, just set the Remote Log Belts Input for Internal Power and attach the two wires for this input together so it is always active. Whenever the Show
Pause Reset Input is programmed active, the inputs that are set to be
logged will automatically be logged.
Input logging actually takes place at the instant that the Log Belts Button,
Log Belts Remote Input, or Show Pause Reset Input are released.
E) Show Start Button LEDs
(One green LED for each Show Start Button)
! (Eight LEDs total)
These LEDs are controlled directly by the motion control profile stored in the Smart Brick System. This allows the LEDs to be programmed on, off or flashing as desired at any point in time. They are programmed to indicate which shows are available to the operator, or to indicate which show is al­ready running. We typically program them in a chase pattern, lighting only the valid show selections. Once a show has started, we typically program all but the selected Show Start Button LEDs off, and flash the selected show LED a few times before turning it on through the rest of the show. If any other show selection is valid while another show is running, we then flash it discretely throughout the show that is running.
Whenever a Show Start Button LED is programed to indicate that a Show
Start Button is valid, it is also necessary to actually enable the correspond-
ing Show Start Button Enable Input output from the Smart Brick System to make the Show Start Buttons active. If this is not done, then the Show Start
Buttons will remain inactive.
F) Show Cycle Counter LED
(One green LED)
This LED lights to show that the show cycle counter has been com­manded to advance by the motion control profile stored in the Smart Brick System. The count on the LCD counter will advance by one if the Kp-300 is not currently in any type of E-Stop condition and the HPU is running, as indi­cated by 24 vdc being received on the HPU Running Input.
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Gilderfluke & Co.• 205 South Flower Street • Burbank, California 91502 • 818/840-9484 • 800/776-5972 • fax 818/840-9485
The Show Cycle Count Advance Input pulse is typically programmed to take place towards the end of the motion base program. This lets a show which is aborted for any reason not be counted.
The LCD module that displays the current show cycle count permanently stores the count each time it is advanced. The count will be retained even if power is removed from the Kp-300. Please contact the Gilderfluke & Co. fac­tory if you need a resettable cycle counter.
G) E-Stop Buss LED
(One red LED)
This LED lights to show that the Kp-300 currently has an unresolved E­Stop condition. The beginning of any E-Stop event stops the HPU (if there is one), disables the Blocking Valve output and triggers the Smart Brick Sys- tem to play the E-Stop Show through the Blue ʻE-Stopʼ Input to the Smart Brick Brain. Calling up the E-Stop show sets the ʻE-Stop Show Runningʼ output from the Smart Brick System (this must be programmed into the mo­tion profile of the E-Stop show). This resets the first of the two E-Stop latches on the Kp-300. At this point you can start the HPU and any shows that have been enabled in the motion control profile of the E-Stop Show.
If this LED is ON, you should not run the show unless you just want to see the video and sound, without any motion. If a show is started while there is still an unresolved E-Stop condition, the Kp-300 can be configured to:
a) Lock out the ʻBlocking Valveʼ output until another show is started
with the E-Stop Buss LED off. This is the safer of the two op­tions, because the motion base will not start moving until a show is started cleanly.
b) Lock out the ʻBlocking Valveʼ output until the E-Stop condition is
cleared. This can allow the motion base to spring into movement if the E-Stop condition is resolved half way through the show.
If you want to disallow shows to be run at all if there is an E-Stop condi­tion present, you can configure one of the two bypass busses to momentar- ily (for just one frame) bypass all the possible E-Stop error inputs at the very beginning of all shows1. At the end of the bypass buss pulse, any error con­ditions that remain will trigger the E-Stop to keep even the video and audio
This technique is flexible enough that you can even leave it out of any maintenance shows that you want to be able to run without
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from running. This technique should be used in applications that donʼt use the Blocking Valve Output. Typical of these are most electric motion base in- stallations.
H) Show Pause Buss LED
(One red LED)
This LED lights to show that the Kp-300 currently has an unresolved Show Pause condition. If this LED is ON, you should not run the show. When the Show Pause Reset Input from the Smart Brick System goes away2, the Kp-300 will be paused. The condition that caused the Show Pause will then have to be cleared before the current show can be resumed. Alternatively, the operator can bail out by pressing the E-Stop or running an­other show that simply gets the operator back to the Load/Unload shows without triggering an E-Stop.
I) HPU Stop Buss LED
(One red LED)
This LED lights to show that the Kp-300 currently has an unresolved HPU Stop condition. If this LED is ON, you should not run the show. The Kp-300 will keep the operators from starting the HPU until this condition is resolved. The error conditions that are typically used to trigger a HPU Stop Buss event are those which might cause damage to the HPU, Motion base or their rid­ers. Typical of these are ʻHPU Oil Level Lowʼ or ʻHPU Over Temperatureʼ sensors.
It is not unusual for operators to try to override this type of safety feature. For this reason, many HPU applications use a number of techniques to lock out the show if the HPU is turned on locally:
a) The primary technique is to run the HPUʼs 24 vdc ʻHPU Stoppedʼ
and ʻHPU Runningʼ outputs through the ʻAutoʼ position of the HPU ʻHand/Off/Manualʼ switch on the way to the Kp-300. By do­ing this, both the HPU LEDs on the Kp-300 will be off unless the HPU is in the ʻAutoʼ mode. This has the added advantage of giv­ing the operators a remote indication of the position of the HPUʼs ʻHand/Off/Manualʼ switch.
b) The ʻAutoʼ position of the HPUʼs ʻHand/Off/Manualʼ switches on
Usually at the start any of the Main shows. It is normally programmed as active during the E-Stop and Load/Unload shows
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the HPUs wired into one of the error inputs of the Kp-300. This input is configured to keep the motion base from running if the HPU ʻHand/Off/Manualʼ switch is in anything but the ʻAutoʼ posi­tion.
c) The Blocking Valve Output from the Kp-300 can be run through
the ʻAutoʼ position of the HPU ʻHand/Off/Manualʼ switch. Unless the HPU is started by the Kp-300, this too will prevent the motion base from moving. This will only work on hydraulic motion bases that use a blocking valve.
J) Blocking Valve LED
(One green LED)
This LED lights to show that the motion control profile stored in the Smart Brick System has enabled the Blocking Valve to allow the motion base to move. If the Kp-300 is still in an E-Stop condition or the HPU is not running (as indicated by 24 vdc being received on the HPU Running Input), this LED will simply flash and the Blocking Valve output will not be activated. If a show is started while there is still an unresolved E-Stop condition, the Kp-300 can be configured to:
a) Lock out the ʻBlocking Valveʼ output until another show is started
with the E-Stop Buss LED off. This is the safer of the two op­tions, because the motion base will not start moving until a show is started cleanly.
b) Lock out the ʻBlocking Valveʼ output until the E-Stop condition is
cleared. This can allow the motion base to spring into movement if the E-Stop condition is resolved half way through the show.
K) Bypass Buss #1 LED
L) Bypass Buss #2 LED
(Two green LEDs)
These LEDs lights to show that the motion control profile has been pro­grammed to bypass some or all the Safety inputs which have been config­ured to create an E-Stop or Show Pause. Typical examples of the use of the
bypass buss are:
a) HPU Startup/Shutdown: If the HPU is started and stopped as
part of the motion profile, there will usually be a time just after it
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is started and a time after it is stopped where any HPU pressure sensors inputs will need to be bypassed. Do this by program­ming the Bypass Buss you are using and Remote HPU Start In-
put to be active at the beginning of the show. The Bypass Buss
needs to be active for the time it takes for the HPU to build up pressure. If the pressure doesnʼt come up during the time allot­ted, the Kp-300 will automatically trigger an error condition (ei­ther E-Stop or Show Pause, as configured).
# If the HPU is to be turned off at the end of the show, then the
Bypass Buss which is being used would be programmed active
along with a pulse on the Remote HPU Stop Input. This allows the HPU to be stopped without triggering an error condition. If configured to trigger an E-Stop, the Bypass Buss will also need to be programmed active during the E-Stop and Load/Unload shows so that the HPUʼs low pressure wonʼt trigger an error dur­ing these shows when the HPU is off.
b) Door Sensors: If the door or floor mat sensors inputs are set to
trigger an E-Stop, they will need to be bypassed during the E­Stop and Load Unload shows. This is because although you want these inputs to trigger an error while the motion base is in flight, you donʼt want this to trigger an E-Stop when the doors are opened for the passengers to be loaded and unloaded.
c) Electric Motion Bases and other Installations that donʼt use
the Kp-300 Blocking Valve Output: If you donʼ t want to allow shows to be run if there is an E-Stop condition present, you can configure one of the two bypass busses to momentarily (for just one frame) bypass all the possible error inputs at the very start of all shows3. At the end of the Bypass Buss pulse, any error conditions that remain will trigger the E-Stop. This technique should be used in applications that donʼt use the Blocking Valve
Output. Typical of these are most electric motion base installa-
If you are using the Seat Belt Logging features of the Kp-300, be sure you donʼt configure the Kp-300 to bypass any inputs that are to be logged during the time during which they need to be logged. Bypassing an input will con-
This technique is flexible enough that you can even leave it out of any maintenance shows that you want to be able to run without
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Gilderfluke & Co.• 205 South Flower Street • Burbank, California 91502 • 818/840-9484 • 800/776-5972 • fax 818/840-9485
vince the Kp-300 that the inputs are in the ʻsafeʼ position, and so they will not be logged as ʻunoccupiedʼ.
The Show Pause functions are usually disabled during the E-Stop and Load/Unload shows by the Show Pause Reset Input from the Smart Brick System. Inputs that trigger a Show Pause are never needed during the E­Stop and Load/Unload shows anyway, so there is no need to bypass them separately during these shows.
M)E-Stop Show Running LED
One green LED
This LED lights to show that the motion control profile is running the E­Stop Show. The E-Stop Show Running output is normally only programmed active during the E-Stop Show, and is used reset one of the Kp-300ʼs on­board latches to allow the HPU to be started and the E-Stop conditions to be cleared.
N) Remote HPU Start LED
O) Remote HPU Stop LED
(Two green LEDs)
These LEDs light to show that the motion control profile on the Smart Brick System has had the commands to start or stop the HPU embedded in it. This is an optional feature. If you donʼt want the HPU to be started and stopped automatically, just donʼt use them.
These outputs parallel the HPU Start Button and HPU Stop Button that are on the front of the Kp-300. If the HPU is being forced off by a HPU Stop
Buss error, the Remote HPU Start Input can NOT override the error.
Any of the ʻstopʼ inputs take precedence over any of the ʻstartʼ inputs. You can use an active Remote HPU Stop Input in the motion profile stored on the Smart Brick System to keep the operator or Remote HPU Start Input from starting the HPU.
P) Show Pause Reset LED
(One green LED)
This LED lights to show that the motion control profile on the Smart Brick System has the Show Pause Reset Input command programmed to reset or
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Gilderfluke & Co.• 205 South Flower Street • Burbank, California 91502 • 818/840-9484 • 800/776-5972 • fax 818/840-9485
disable the Kp-300 Show Pause functions. This is normally programmed ac­tive only during the E-Stop and Load/Unload shows.
Seat belts can be logged at any time that the Show Pause Reset Input from the Smart Brick System is active. When this input is active, the safety inputs can be logged by either pressing the Log Belts button or activating the
Remote Log Belts Input by pressing Remote Log Belts Button(s) attached to
it. If you want to automatically log belts from the motion profile, just set the
Remote Log Belts Input for Internal Power and attach the two wires for this
input together so it is always active. Whenever the Show Pause Reset Input is programmed active, the inputs that are set to be logged will automatically be logged.
Input logging actually takes place at the instant that the Log Belts Button,
Remote Log Belts Input, or Show Pause Reset Input are released. The LED
next to the Log Belts Button will light whenever the seat belts are being logged.
Q) HPU Running LED
(One green LED)
This LED lights to show that the Hydraulic Power Unit (HPU) is running. This LED is turned on only when a 24 vdc signal is applied to the HPU Run-
ning Input. This signal normally comes from the HPU. If there is no HPU in
the system, this input can be permanently attached to a 24 vdc or the HPU
Run Output.
Unless this signal is received by the Kp-300, the Blocking Valve Output will never turn on and the Show Cycle Counter will not advance.
To help keep shows from being run when the HPU has been started by its local Hand/Off/Auto switch, the HPU Stopped Input and HPU Running Input signals are often routed through the ʻAutoʼ position on the switch. If the switch isnʼt in the ʻAutoʼ position, the HPU Stopped LED and HPU Running
LED wonʼt light and the Blocking valve wonʼt be enabled.
R) HPU Stopped LED
(One red LED)
This LED lights to show that the Hydraulic Power Unit (HPU) is not run­ning. This LED is turned on only when a 24 vdc signal is applied to the HPU
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Gilderfluke & Co.• 205 South Flower Street • Burbank, California 91502 • 818/840-9484 • 800/776-5972 • fax 818/840-9485
Stopped Input. Unlike the HPU Running Input, this input is not used for any
other purpose than lighting this LED.
To help keep shows from being run when the HPU has been started by its local Hand/Off/Auto switch, the HPU Stopped Input and HPU Running Input signals are often routed through the ʻAutoʼ position on the switch. If the switch isnʼt in the ʻAutoʼ position, the HPU Stopped LED and HPU Running
LED wonʼt light and the Blocking valve wonʼt be enabled.
S) Show Continue LED
(One green LED)
This LED lights to show that the Motion profile on the Smart Brick System has been programmed with the Show Pause Reset Input inactive and that the current show has not been paused.
When a show is paused, the Kp-300 sends a signal to the Smart Brick Brain through its Green ʻPauseʼ Output. The Smart Brick Brain input must be configured to pause the currently running show on a closure on this input4. When a show is 'continued', the signal is dropped on the Green ʻPauseʼ
Output to the Smart Brick Brain. This input must be configured to continue
the currently running show on an opening on this input.
Once a show has been paused, the only two ways to 'continue' a show are to:
a) Send an active signal from the Smart Brick System to the Kp-
300ʼs Show Pause Reset Input.
b) Once the condition that caused the Show Pause has been re-
moved, the operator can press the Show Continue button.
T) Show Pause LED
(One red LED)
This LED lights to show that the Motion profile on the Smart Brick System has been programmed with the Show Pause Reset Input inactive and that the current show has been paused by the operator pressing the Show
Pause Button or an error condition.
When a show is paused, the Kp-300 sends a signal to the Smart Brick Brain through its Green ʻPauseʼ Output. The Smart Brick Brain input must be
In some applications, you may want to call up a different show using this input, instead of pausing the current show.
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Gilderfluke & Co.• 205 South Flower Street • Burbank, California 91502 • 818/840-9484 • 800/776-5972 • fax 818/840-9485
configured to pause the currently running show on a closure on this input5. When a show is 'continued', the signal is dropped on the Green ʻPauseʼ
Output to the Smart Brick Brain. This input must be configured to continue
the currently running show on an opening on this input.
Once a show has been paused, the only two ways to 'continue' a show
are to:
a) Send an active signal from the Smart Brick System to the Kp-
300ʼs Show Pause Reset Input.
b) Once the condition that caused the Show Pause has been re-
moved, the operator can press the Show Continue button.
U) DMX-512 Receive LED (v3.0+ Only)
(One red LED, Located on back of Kp-300)
To support the DMX-512 input, the v3.0+ Kp-300 adds an LED that
flashes on each update via the DMX-512.
The Kp-300 requires DMX-512 that includes GilderChecksums.
If receiving DMX-512 without valid checksums, the DMX-512 Receive
LED on the back of the Kp-300 will not flash and only the Show Start Button LEDs will follow the incoming the DMX-512. The signals like the Show Start Button Enable Inputs, blocking valve enable, and automatic HPU start/stop
will not work if the GilderChecksums are invalid.
In some applications, you may want to call up a different show using this input, instead of pausing the current show.
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Gilderfluke & Co.• 205 South Flower Street • Burbank, California 91502 • 818/840-9484 • 800/776-5972 • fax 818/840-9485
Kp-300 Operator Controls
The Kp-300 has just a small number of operator controls. Most of these have LEDs
that can be lit under program control, or indicate their current status.
A) E-Stop Button/Keyswitch
These two switches are wired in series. Opening either one will cause an
E-Stop and HPU Stop event on the Kp-300. The beginning of any E-Stop
event stops the HPU (if there is one), disables the Blocking Valve output and triggers the Smart Brick System to play the E-Stop Show through the Blue
ʻE-Stopʼ Input to the Smart Brick Brain. Calling up the E-Stop show sets the
ʻE-Stop Show Runningʼ output from the Smart Brick System (this must be
programmed into the motion profile of the E-Stop show). This resets the first of the two E-Stop latches on the Kp-300. At this point you can start the HPU and any shows that have been enabled in the motion control profile of the E­Stop Show.
The E-Stop switch has a red mushroom-style cap. Once pushed, the but­ton latches in the E-Stopped position. To release the cap, it is rotated clock­wise. The E-Stop button has a spare set SPDT set of contacts available for your use. Users of Moog electric motion bases can use this switch closure for the hardware E-Stop input they require.
The Keyswitch is typically used to lock unauthorized users from starting the HPU or running shows with motion. The Keyswitch can be turned to one of two positions. The key can be removed in either of these two positions.
The show can be run without motion while the keyswitch is turned off or the E-Stop button has been pushed in. If you want to disallow shows to be run at all if there is an E-Stop condition present, you can use the DipSwitch
#3, DipSwitch #4 or DipSwitch #5 to disallow running shows if there is an er-
ror condition.
B) Log Belts Button
Seat belts can be logged at any time that the Show Pause Reset Input from the Smart Brick System is active. When this input is active, the safety inputs can be logged by either pressing the Log Belts button or activating the
Remote Log Belts Input by pressing Remote Log Belts Button(s) attached to
it. If you want to automatically log belts from the motion profile, just set the
Remote Log Belts Input for Internal Power and attach the two wires for this
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Gilderfluke & Co.• 205 South Flower Street • Burbank, California 91502 • 818/840-9484 • 800/776-5972 • fax 818/840-9485
input together so it is always active. Whenever the Show Pause Reset Input is programmed active, the inputs that are set to be logged will automatically be logged.
Input logging actually takes place at the instant that the Log Belts Button,
Remote Log Belts Input, or Show Pause Reset Input are released. The LED
next to the Log Belts Button will light whenever the seat belts are being logged.
C) Show Start Buttons
(Eight Buttons)
The Kp-300 has been designed to support up to eight shows which can be directly accessed. If more shows are needed, these Show Start Buttons can be bypassed with a Kp-100 or Kp-200 to allow access to the Smart Brick Systemʼs 255 show capacity.
Which shows are available to the user (which of these eight Show Start
Buttons are enabled), is controlled as a function of the motion profile running
on the Smart Brick System. Enabling a Show Start Buttons just requires set- ting the appropriate Show Start Button Enable Inputs in the motion profile. Any or all of the Show Start Buttons can be enabled/disabled at any time. The Show Start Button LEDs next to these buttons are also controlled as part of the motion profile. This allows the Show Start Button LEDs to be pro- grammed on, off or flashing as desired at any point in time.
Typically the Show Start Buttons are programmed as active during the E- Stop and Load/Unload shows. During the main shows, typically none of them are enabled. If any are enabled, then the user can jump directly out of the currently running show and into the one(s) that have been enabled. This is sometimes used to enable a ʻparkʼ show that brings the motion base home without having to do anything as drastic as an E-Stop. Any show that is en­abled while another show is running will be enabled even during a show pause. Make sure that if you are using this technique, that the show that is jumped into has the Show Pause Reset Input set for at least a few frames at the beginning. Otherwise the new show will begin running, but the Show Pause functions of the Kp-300 wonʼt be reset (the Show Pause LED will re­main lit, and the next Show Pause event will be ignored). At the end of the pulse on the Show Pause Reset Input, the Kp-300 will check for an out­standing Show Pause condition. If one still persists, then the new show will be paused.
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