Gilderfluke & Co.• 205 South Flower Street • Burbank, California 91502 • 818/840-9484 • 800/776-5972 • fax 818/840-9485
Br-SDC8 & Br-SDC/09
Serial Device Controllers v4.nn
!TheBr-SDC is a complete, stand-alone Serial Output
Controller. It is used whenever you need to control any
device that needs to be fed strings of RS-232 serial
data (optionally RS-422) in response to a switch clo-
sure input. It has been preprogrammed to work with
many LaserDisk and DVD players, but can be
used with any RS-232 controlled device.
The Br-SDC8 expands the single port Br-SDC/09,
byaddingeight multiplexed RS-232 output ports. It also has
twodedicatedinputports, one of which is RS-232, and the other is RS422, so the Br-SDC8 can double as a level converter allowing RS-422 devices to talk to
RS-232 controlled devices.
The Br-SDCscanbecontrolledfrom
any of Gilderfluke
& Co.ʼs Show
Control Systems, PLCs or
any other control systems.
Just attach
some buttons,
and you can
make your own
interactive video
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...........................................HEXadecimal to Decimal to Percentage!62
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Anoteabout thismanual:
simpleserialterminalprogram.WeprovideonecalledGilderTerm for freewithour software.
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Gilderfluke & Co.• 205 South Flower Street • Burbank, California 91502 • 818/840-9484 • 800/776-5972 • fax 818/840-9485
Br-SDC Overview
The Br-SDCs are configured using the RS-232 serial port of any PC compatible
computer. The only software you need on your PC is a simple ʻterminalʼ program. Typical of these is HyperTerm. We recommend GilderTerm, which is available free from
Gilderfluke & Co..
Once a configuration is completed, serial strings are sent from the Br-SDC through
its standard RS-232 serial port to whatever it is controlling. Typically, the Br-SDC is attached right on the back of the controlled device.
Features of the Br-SDC/09, Br-SDC/422 or Br-SDC8 include:
Fifteen different serial strings of up to 127 characters each.
Unplug it from the device it normally controls and plug it into the serial port on
a PC to configure.
ʻWrite Protectʼ switch protects against accidental configuration changes. Con-
figurations should last about forty years.
Ten optoisolated inputs to synchronize Br-SDCs with pushbuttons, real-time
events and other control systems. Two of the inputs use screw terminals. The
other eight use a standard 1/4-J6 connector.
Different actions can take place on the opening and closing edges of any in-
The Br-SDC can send a different string, or play a different show when it has
completed any string.
Strings can include ʻdelaysʼ of one frame to over nine hours.
It can send a different string, or play a different show if any string gets an in-
correct serial response from the device it is controlling.
Built in software to control Pioneer LaserDisk and DVD players, or Sony
LaserDisk players.
Supports both CAV (thirty minute) and CLV (one hour) LaserDisks.
Available with DE-09 female or DB-15 male (for Pioneer LaserDisks and
The Br-SDC runs on anything from 9-24 VDC. It includes a small 9 VDC
'wallwart' power supply. It can even be run from batteries.
Br-SDCs are often mounted by their connectors or by Velcro on their backs.
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Gilderfluke & Co.• 205 South Flower Street • Burbank, California 91502 • 818/840-9484 • 800/776-5972 • fax 818/840-9485
Typically mounted right on whatever it is controlling.
Features exclusive to the Br-SDC8 include:
Adds eight downstream RS-232 serial ports for controlling multiple devices.
ʻConfig./Mux. RS-232 portʼ (female DE-09) or ʻMux./RS-422ʼ (female Rj-12)
upstream ports.
Strings can be sent to one or more of the serial outputs simultaneously.
Responses to serial strings can be received from the controlled devices one
at a time.
Can be used as a multiplexer to route serial data to and from a single serial
data source to one or more outputs simultaneously. Which serial outputs are
selected can be done using simple ʻAT+++ʼ commands as part of the strings
you send it, or using the switch closure inputs.
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Gilderfluke & Co.• 205 South Flower Street • Burbank, California 91502 • 818/840-9484 • 800/776-5972 • fax 818/840-9485
Br-SDC LEDs, Switches and Connections:
There are only a small number of LEDs, connections and single configuration switch
on each Br-SDC.
Status LEDs:
On the Br-SDC/09, Br-SDC/422:
1) Green ʻHeartʼ LED. This is used so you can see that the Br-SDC is alive. If this
LED doesnʼt flash at least once per second, you should power down the Br-SDC
and check the power supply and connections to the Br-SDC. When in configuration mode, the Br-SDCʼsʻheartʼ LED will flash at a far faster rate than normal.
2) Red LED attached to the serial data input line on the Br-SDC. Any time the Br-SDC receives something through its serial port, you will see this LED flash.
3) Yellow LED attached to the serial data transmission line on the Br-SDC. Any time
the Br-SDC sends out something through its serial port, you will see this LED
On the Br-SDC8:
1) Yellow ʻHeartʼ LED. This is used so you can see that the Br-SDC8 is alive. If this
LED doesnʼt flash at least once per second, you should power down the Br-SDC8
and check the power supply and connections to the Br-SDC.When in configuration mode, the Br-SDCʼsʻheartʼ LED will flash at a far faster than the normal
ʻRunningʼ rate.
2) Green LED attached to the serial data input on the Br-SDC8ʼsʻConfig./Mux. RS-
232 portʼ (female DE-09) or ʻMux./RS-422ʼ (female Rj-12) ports. Any time the Br-SDC8 receives something through this serial port, you will see this LED flash. You
will see this during configuration, or when operating in any of the multiplexer
3) Red LED attached to the serial data output on the Br-SDC8ʼsʻConfig./Mux. RS232 portʼ (female DE-09) or ʻMux./RS-422ʼ (female Rj-12) ports. Any time the Br-SDC8 sends something out through this serial port, you will see this LED flash.
You will see this during configuration, or when operating in any of the multiplexer
modes, when serial data received through one of the multiplexed serial ports 1-8
(male DE-09) is routed to the Br-SDC8ʼs ʻConfig./Mux. RS-232 portʼ (female DE-
09) or ʻMux./RS-422ʼ (female Rj-12) ports.
4) Green LED attached to the serial data output on the Br-SDC8ʼs multiplexed serial
ports 1-8 (male DE-09). Any time the Br-SDC8 sends out something through one
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Gilderfluke & Co.• 205 South Flower Street • Burbank, California 91502 • 818/840-9484 • 800/776-5972 • fax 818/840-9485
or more of these serial ports, you will see the adjacent LED flash.
ʻConfigure/Runʼ Switch:
This switch must be in the ʻDisabledʼ position for the Br-SDC to receive and send
strings normally. When this switch is in the ʻDisabledʼ position, there is no possible way
for a Br-SDC to alter its memory and the Br-SDC operates normally, receiving charac-
ters and sending strings in response to inputs.
!With the switch in the ʻConfigureʼ position, the serial port is forced to 9600 baud,
and is put into ʻconfigurationʼ mode. The Br-SDCʼs built-in menu is displayed on a com-
puter attached to the female DE-09 serial port1 and configuration reads and writes can
take place normally.
When in configuration mode, the Br-SDCʼsʻheartʼ LED will flash at a far faster than
the normal ʻRunningʼ rate.
!With the switch in the ʻDisabledʼ position, the Br-SDC should retain its configura-
tions for at least forty years. The serial port is returned to the baud rate selected during
setup, and the Br-SDC returns to ʻnormalʼ operation.
Serial Ports:
There are several different options available on the Br-SDCs for RS-232 or RS-422
Serial port connectors:
a) DE-09 Nine Position Female:
On the Br-SDC/09, this connection is used for both configuration and sending
strings to the devices the Br-SDC/09 controls. When connecting the Br-SDC/09 to
your controlled device, this may require a cable that flips pins #2 and #3.
On the eight port Br-SDC8, this female connection is used for configuration,
and for attaching the Br-SDC8 to the your PC, PLC, or other source of serial data.
The RS-232 serial port is paralleled with the RS-244 serial port. You can use either port interchangeably, but not at the same time. The eight male DE-09 connectors are used to attach the devices that receive the strings that the Br-SDC8 generates or reroutes.
A nine pin male to nine pin female serial cable with ʻstraight throughʼ wiring is
used to connect the Br-SDC to your PC or PLC. The pins that the Br-SDC uses
The computer must be running a terminal program, such as GilderTerm, HyperTerm or others.
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RS-232Tx from Br-SDC
RS-232Rx toBr-SDC
- Serialdataoutfrom Br-SDC
+ Serialdataoutfrom Br-SDC
- Serialdataintocard
+ Serialdataintocard
Gilderfluke & Co.• 205 South Flower Street • Burbank, California 91502 • 818/840-9484 • 800/776-5972 • fax 818/840-9485
b) RS-422 (female Rj-12):
The single port Br-SDC/422 replaces the RS-232 port with a RS244 serial port.
On the eight port Br-SDC8, the RS-232 serial port is paralleled with the RS-244
serial port. You can use either port interchangeably, but not at the same time.
The serial data signals from the Br-SDC are brought out on a six position RJ12 (six position, six conductor modular telephone style connector) on the card
cage. Facing the end of the cable with the release latch upwards, its pin out is as
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RS-232Rx toBr-SDC8
RS-232Tx from Br-SDC8
External Power
(Brown) PIN #1
(red) PIN #2
(orange) PIN #3
(yellow) PIN #4
(green) PIN #5
(blue) PIN #6
(violet) PIN #7
(grey) PIN #8
(white) PIN #9
(black) PIN #10
+ 5 to 24 VDC SUPPLY
Gilderfluke & Co.• 205 South Flower Street • Burbank, California 91502 • 818/840-9484 • 800/776-5972 • fax 818/840-9485
c) DE-09 Nine Position Male:
On the eight port Br-SDC8, these eight male connections are used to attach
the devices that receive the strings that the Br-SDC8 generates or reroutes.
A nine pin male to nine pin female serial cable with ʻstraight throughʼ wiring
should be used to connect the Br-SDC to your controlled devices. The pins that
the Br-SDC uses are:
1/4-J6 Input:
This connector has eight optically isolated inputs. It requires an external power
source. It is compatible with the digital outputs from any Gilderfluke & Company Show
Control Systems.
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External Power
(+ 5-24 VDC supply)
terminal #1
terminal #2
terminal #3
terminal #4
Gilderfluke & Co.• 205 South Flower Street • Burbank, California 91502 • 818/840-9484 • 800/776-5972 • fax 818/840-9485
Any event can be triggered on either the ʻclosingʼ or ʻopeningʼ edge of any input. A
ʻclosingʼ is when you ground an input. An ʻopeningʼ is when that grounding is removed.
The inputs can be triggered on any voltage from 9 to 24 VDC. If you donʼt have an external source of power for these two inputs, you can ʻstealʼ some juice from the Br-
SDCʼs power supply.
ʻ8ʼ & ʻ9ʼ Inputs:
These are two optically isolated digital inputs. Unlike the 1/4-J6 inputs, these can be
wired to switch either side of the photo diode:
Versions of the Br-SDC 2.0 or later use a bipolar optoisolator on inputs 8 and 9. This
means that you can ignore the polarity markings shown in the above illustrations on all
versions of the Br-SDC 2.0 and later.
Any event can be triggered on either the ʻclosingʼ or ʻopeningʼ edge of either input. A
ʻclosingʼ is when you apply a voltage to an input. An ʻopeningʼ is when that voltage is
removed. The inputs can be triggered on any voltage from 5 to 24 VDC. If you donʼt
have an external source of power for these two inputs, you can ʻstealʼ some juice from
the Br-SDCʼs power supply.
Power Supply:
(5.5 mm O.D. / 2.1 mm I.D. power jack)
The Br-SDC can be run from any supply voltage from 9-24 VDC.
The outer ring is used for the ground, and the middle pin is used for the positive connection. This input is protected from reverse polarity connections. An idle Br-SDC draws
only about twenty-five milliamperes. It can run for days on just a single nine volt battery.
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Br-SDC Software Configuration
The Br-SDC can be accessed through the serial port from any computer running just
about any modem or terminal program. We provide a free terminal program called GilderTerm that makes working with GilderGear through the serial port a little easier. The
computer you are using doesnʼt even need to have any PC•MACs software installed on
Most Gilderfluke & Co. products can be controlled through their RS-232 or RS-422
Serial ports. The Br-SDC has a single RS-232 (Br-SDC/09) or RS-422 (Br-SDC/422)
serial port on it.
An RS-232 serial port typically controls a single device with a serial RS-232 port on it.
With an RS-422 serial port, many different cards and devices can be attached to the
same RS-422 serial lines to form an RS-422 ʻmulti Dropʼ network. Commands can be
addressed to a single card on the network, or all the cards simultaneously.
If you donʼt have access to GilderTerm, typical modem programs you can use are
Terminal.exe (which came with Windows 3.1) and HyperTerm.exe (which comes with
later versions of Windows).
GilderTerm is available free from Gilderfluke & Co. for use with all of our products. It
can be downloaded from our web page, and is included on all of our CD-ROMs. GilderTerm has been optimized for use with all Gilderfluke & Company equipment. All the
commands are built in, and it will even let you use your mouse to select commands by
clicking on the menus.
If you are using GilderTerm, all the settings are fixed at the appropriate settings. All
you will need to do is select the appropriate ʻCOMʼ port. To talk to the Br-SDC, just configure your terminal program for 9600 baud, no parity, eight data bits, one stop bit and
no flow control handshaking.
Computers donʼt normally come with serial ports on them anymore. Instead, you use
a USB-to-Serial (USB-RS232/422 or C-USB-RS232) adapter, BlueTooth-to-Serial (Bt-
Rs232Rx and Bt-USBTx), Ethernet-to-Serial (Modem-Internet) adapter, or WiFi-to-Serial
(Modem-Wi-Fly) adapter. For the Br-SDC you will need one that provides the more
common RS-232. These are available from a number of different sources, including
Gilderfluke & Company. Our part number is USB-RS232/422 for the USB-to-Serial
adapter that provides both RS-232 and RS-422 connections, or the simpler RS-232-only
adapter is the C-USB-RS232.
If you have hooked up the Br-SDC to your computer and it still doesn't seem to respond to the keyboard, the first thing to check is that you are attached to the right serial
port. The easiest way to do this is to disconnect the Br-SDC and short between the Tx
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RS-232Rx toC-USB-RS232
RS-232Tx from C-USB-RS232
Gilderfluke & Co.• 205 South Flower Street • Burbank, California 91502 • 818/840-9484 • 800/776-5972 • fax 818/840-9485
data out and Rx data in pins on your USB-to-Serial converter. For an RS-232 port, this
means temporarily shorting pins #2 and #3 together. On the C-USB-RS232, the pinout
is as follows:
While still running the modem program, anything you type should be shown on the
screen while these jumpers are in place, while nothing will appear when you remove
them. If your computer passes this test, then you are using the right serial port and the
problem is most likely the baud rate setting or in your wiring to the Br-SDC. If you get
characters on the screen even with the jumpers removed from the serial port, it means:
a) You need to set the 'echo' mode to 'none' or 'full duplex' and try this test again,
b) You are talking to a different serial port than the one you actually want.
3) String Setup: This screen is used to set up which characters are sent and received in each string.
Entering Configuration Mode:
To enter the configuration mode you need to move the ʻConfigure/Runʼ Switch to the
ʻconfigureʼ position. The ʻheartʼ LED will begin flashing at about four times per second,
instead of the usual twice per second. The Br-SDC will then send out its menu through
the main serial port. If you have a computer attached and running a terminal program
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Gilderfluke & Co.• 205 South Flower Street • Burbank, California 91502 • 818/840-9484 • 800/776-5972 • fax 818/840-9485
set to the default 9600 baud, N, 8, 1, you will see the menu displayed on your computerʼs screen. There are two configuration screens in the Br-SDC:
1) Trigger Setup Screen: On this screen, you set which input sends out which string.
2) String Setup: This screen is used to set up which characters are sent and received in each string.
To redraw any screen at any time, just press the <ESC>ape key or <SPACE> bar.
All numeric values are entered in Decimal (0-9) or HEXadecimal (0-9, A-F) numbers.
Each number consist of one or more ASCII characters followed by a <RETURN> (<ENTER> on some keyboards). If more characters have been entered before the <RETURN> than are allowed, then the characters already entered will scroll to the left to
make room for the new entries. Once a command has been invoked, characters can be
erased one-by-one by using the <DELETE> key (<BACKSPACE> on some keyboards).
An entire entry can be erased by hitting the <ESC>ape key. A command can be canceled altogether by hitting the <RETURN> key (<ENTER> on some keyboards) or
<ESC>ape key after all the characters have been erased or before any have been entered.
Once you have configured a Br-SDC, you can ʻlockʼ the configuration by moving the
ʻConfigure/Runʼ Switch to the ʻrunʼ position. This should protect your configuration from
anything short of a lightning hit. The ʻHeartʼ LED will slow to the normal running rate,
and you can test your strings by triggering them through the 0-9 switch closure inputs.
Configuration changes can be re-enabled at any time by moving the switch back to the
ʻConfigureʼ position.
If you want to keep a hard copy printout of the current configuration of the Br-SDC,
you should use the <ESC>ape key to redraw the screen while ʻsaving to fileʼ in the modem program running on your computer. This file can be printed out at any time, or
spliced into the documentation package for your project.
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Br-SDC Input Setup Menu
The Trigger Setup menu will appear as follows (Br-SDC/09 shown):
This screen is used to set what happens on each of the ten switch closure inputs.
Different actions can be chosen for the opening or closing edge of each input. The options are:
that will take place one each of the ten optically isolated inputs. Each of these inputs
has both a ʻclosingʼ edge (shown by a ʻcʼ) and opening edge (shown by an ʻoʼ) action. If
1) Which of the fifteen possible strings (0=none, 1-F) will be sent on this input/
2) If a ʻDelayʼ marker (ʻTIMERʼ) is found in the string, how long (in 30 FPS or 25
FPS frames) the delay will be.
3) If a DVD ʻSearchʼ marker (ʻSERCHʼ) is found in the string, then what frame
number on the DVD will be searched for.
4) String to send at end of this string, if it completes successfully.
5) String to send at end of this string, if it encounters an error while sending this
Several commands are shown at the top of the screen. Below this are the actions
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