Gilderfluke & Co.• 205 South Flower Street • Burbank, California 91502 • 818/840-9484 • 800/776-5972 • fax 818/840-9485
Sixteen Output Analog Card v4.nn
!The Br-ANA is used when you need to control anything that needs a0-10 vdc analog control voltage. These include animated shows,
lighting, motion base simulators, pneumatic and hydraulic systems,
special effects, signs, fountains, and more.
ADigital device is either on or off, like a light switch. An Analog device
ison,off, or at any point between, like a light dimmer. The speed of the
change is set by how fast you turn the knob. In animation, analog
movements give the fluid, lifelike movements needed to bring an ani-
mated figure to life. They can move fast, slow or anywhere in between.
!Br-ANA is a controller with sixteen 0-10 volt analog outputs, a full 512channel universe of DMX-512 input and output and a legacy port for
attaching Z-Bricks. The analog outputs are oversampled at four times the
showʼs frame rate, so they are typically updated at 120 Hz for ultra
smooth analog outputs.
!For storing shows, the Br-ANA uses any standard Sd or
SdHC flash card. These can hold months worth of shows! For
triggering those shows, there are four optically isolated inputs, or
the RS-422 networkable serial port can be used.
Br-ANAscan be used as standalone show controllers, as a ʻmasterʼ, controllingslaves attached to a DMX-512 network, or they themselves can be
ʻslavesʼ, following data sent to them through a DMX-512 network.
!TheBr-ANA can also be used a as ʻSmartʼ Brick, receiving time code
information from a ʻSmartʼ Brick Brain, and using this time code to access
the shows stored on its local Sd- or SdHC flash card to update its outputs.
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SafetyDisclaimer:Anyelectronicormechanicalsys-temhasapotentialtofail.Certainapplicationsusing Gilderfluke&Companyequipmentmayinvolvepoten-tialrisksofdeath,personalinjury,orsevereproperty, or environmentaldamage(“CriticalApplication”).Gilderfluke&Companyequipmentisnotdesigned,in
TheBr-ANAistypicallyprogrammedin‘Software-only’ or‘HardwarelessRealTime’mode.IfyouareusingtheUSB-DMXforprogrammingyourBr-ANAthroughtheDMX-512inputs, please refer to the PC•MACs ‘Unlimited’ mode.
ThefullPC•MACsmanualcanbedownloadedfromour web site at:
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Gilderfluke & Co.• 205 South Flower Street • Burbank, California 91502 • 818/840-9484 • 800/776-5972 • fax 818/840-9485
Br-ANA Overview
The Br-ANA is an output card which has sixteen 0-10 volt analog outputs, DMX-512
input and output and a legacy port for attaching Z-Bricks
it uses any standard Sd or SdHC flash card. For triggering those shows, there are four
optically isolated inputs, or the RS-422 networkable serial port can be used.
The outputs on the Br-ANA can be set to use either eight or twelve bits of resolution.
They are designed to be used as stand-alone show controllers, as a ʻmasterʼ sending
data to other devices that act as ʻslavesʼ on a DMX-512 network, or as ʻslavesʼ themselves, receiving DMX-512 data from a ʻmasterʼ elsewhere on the DMX-512 network:
1) Br-ANA running standalone or acting as a ʻMasterʼ: In this mode of op-
eration, data for the outputs is stored in the standard Sd or SdHC flash card.
!The Br-ANA when running standalone or acting as a ʻMasterʼ can use one
of two sources for the frame rate clock:
a) Br-ANA in ʻDumbʼ Brick Mode:
. For storing up to 255 shows,
Switch #4 must be in the ʻDumbʼ Brick position to operate as a ʻDumbʼ
Brick. There should never be both ʻSmartʼ and ʻDumbʼ Bricks in the same
card cage. Damage may result if there are.
When in ʻDumbʼ Brick mode, the shows can be triggered by the four
switch closure inputs, low speed RS-422 serial port inputs, or shows can
be set to run continuously. The clock source for all shows once they are
started is the high accuracy crystal oscillator (+/- 25 PPM) on the Br-ANA.
Multiple ʻDumbʼ bricks can be triggered simultaneously, but this is not
generally recommended as a way to synchronize multiple units. The far
better way of synchronizing is by sending data stored on the designated
ʻmasterʼ to all the ʻslavesʼ attached to a DMX-512 network.
This Br-ANA acts just like any other Playback-Only 'Dumb' Brick, playing animation data from the Sd Flash card. The Br-ANA can be set to
start and play a show at power up, or only play when triggered to do so.
The Br-ANA then uses the show data stored in the Flash Memory to update its analog and DMX-512 outputs at the appropriate frame rate.
b) Br-ANA in ʻSmartʼ Brick Mode:
Switch #4 must be in the ʻSmartʼ Brick position to operate as a ʻSmartʼ
The Z-Brick connector is a legacy connection. It is there just for backwards-compatibility on existing systems. It is highly recommended that you do not use the Z-Brick connector for attaching Z-Bricks. Instead, just send DMX-512 to them just as you would for
any other GilderGear. The Z-Brick connector will likely not be installed unless specifically requested on new builds of Br-ANAs.
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Gilderfluke & Co.• 205 South Flower Street • Burbank, California 91502 • 818/840-9484 • 800/776-5972 • fax 818/840-9485
Brick. There should never be both ʻSmartʼ and ʻDumbʼ Bricks in the same
card cage. Damage may result if there are.
A ʻSmartʼ Brick system is used when you need to synchronize any
number of ʻBricksʼ together on a ʻSmartʼ Brick Network under the control
of a single ʻSmartʼ Brick Brain. The Brain itself allows shows to be triggered at specific times of the day using a real time clock and the Brainsʼ
365 day schedule, and locked (synchronized) to Smpte time code,
LaserDisks and DVDs, or the Brainsʼ own internal or external clock. A
single Brain and ʻSmartʼ Brick network can run a single time line at one
This Br-ANA acts just like any other Playback-Only 'Smart' Brick, playing animation data from Sd or SdHC flash cards. As a 'Smart' Brick, it requires a 'Smart' Brick Brain to run. The 'Smart' Brick Brain tells all the
'Smart' Bricks attached to it (including the Br-ANA) where in the show it
is. The Br-ANA then uses this information to access the AutoDownload
file stored on the Sd or SdHC flash card and play back the show.
2) Br-ANA as a ʻSlaveʼ: In this mode the Br-ANA receives data from and ex-
ternal source and uses this data to update its outputs. Data can come from:
a) RealTime serial updates from a Pc•MACs programming system
through the RS-422 serial port. Up to sixteen eight-bit wide channels of
animation control data can be received through the serial port at 9600
baud. The Br-ANA can be addressed to use any address from 0 to 15
for RealTime serial data.
b) DMX-512 data from a Pc•MACs programming system (or any other
source of DMX-512). Up to 512 eight-bit wide channels of animation
control data can be received through the DMX-512 port. The Br-ANA
can be addressed to use any DMX-512 address from 0 to 511. The
DMX-512 input allows the Br-ANA to be used as a permanent ʻslaveʼ
as a part of a larger Control System. If the incoming DMX-512 contains
GilderChecksums, the Br-ANA will automatically update only on valid
data packets, and reject any frames with bad or missing checksums in
The animation sequence which is to be used on the Br-ANA is generated on a
PC•MACs Animation Control System. During programming, the DMX-512 or serial port
RealTime updates can be used so that you can see the animation sequence as it is programmed. Once programming is completed and your show(s) are saved to disk, the
data is downloaded to the Sd/SdHC onboard the Br-ANA. If the shows are small, you
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Gilderfluke & Co.• 205 South Flower Street • Burbank, California 91502 • 818/840-9484 • 800/776-5972 • fax 818/840-9485
may choose to download your shows through the serial port. If your shows are large, it
is generally much faster and easier to drag-n-drop the completed showsʼ AutoDownload
file onto the Sd/SdHC flash card that is then plugged into the Br-ANA.
On the Br-ANA, sixteen channels of data are converted to the individual 0-10 volt
analog outputs. If twelve bit resolution has been selected for the outputs, then twentyfour channels of DMX-512 data are converted to individual 0-10 volt analog values. The
first 256 channels of data are also transmitted through the Z-Brick output
The analog outputs of the Br-ANA are oversampled for ultra-smooth outputs, typically
to four times the current frame rate. This means that even with eight bit resolution data
arriving at 30 FPS, the outputs will have four sub-frame outputs at 12 bit resolution at
120 Hz between each full frame of data that arrives.
The analog and PCM outputsʼ range can be scaled or even reversed without affecting
the resolution of the outputs. For the analog outputs, this means that each end of the
analog output can be limited to anywhere between zero and ten volts. This allows you to
limit the range of travel of an analog movement, usually without losing any resolution on
the output.
All 512 channels of data are transmitted through the DMX-512 output on a Br-ANA,
including those channels it is using for its own analog outputs. The DMX-512 output can
be used to control other GilderGear, light dimmers, automated spotlights, color changers, fog and wind machines, or any other pieces of equipment which will accept standard DMX-512. If there are less than 512 channels of data in the shows, channels past
the last channel are sent as ʻzerosʼ. If you are transmitting DMX-512 data with GilderChecksums, you will want to avoid addressing dimmers and other devices to the same
addresses that are used for the checksums (257 and 258).
The Br-ANA can be mounted in one 1” wide slot in any of our Brick Card cages. The
Br-ANA can be used in conjunction with any selection of 'Smart' Bricks, 'Smart' Brick
Brains, Electronic FeedBack (EFB) 'Smart' Bricks and Z-Bricks in the same card cage.
Card cages with one, two, three or sixteen slots are available. The card cages provide
all the connections for power supply, control signals and outputs that any Brick card will
need. Several different styles of output connectors are available on the one and two slot
card cages. The sixteen slot card cage mounts in seven inches of standard 19” rack
space (4-1/2 “ of space behind the panel). In some applications you may need to mount
a single Br-ANA. This can be done by mounting the Br-ANA on standoffs, and connect-
The Z-Brick connector is a legacy connection. It is there just for backwards-compatibility on existing systems. It is highly recommended that you do not use the Z-Brick connector for attaching Z-Bricks. Instead, just send DMX-512 to them just as you would for
any other GilderGear. The Z-Brick connector will likely not be installed unless specifically requested on new builds of Br-ANAs.
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Gilderfluke & Co.• 205 South Flower Street • Burbank, California 91502 • 818/840-9484 • 800/776-5972 • fax 818/840-9485
ing to the Br-ANA's edge connector with a mating connector. We usually recommend a
sixty position insulation displacement connector for this type of installation.
Power requirements for Br-ANAs are 15 to 24 VDC. This is needed to allow some
ʻhead roomʼ for the circuitry to output the 0-10 volt levels. The actual current requirements are determined by the loads attached to the unit (up to 50 ma. per output). The
Br-ANA itself draws approximately 200 ma..
The revision 4.nn Br-ANA$ is an upgrade from all earlier version of the Bs-ANA and
Br-ANA. The chief differences are:
1) Standard removable Sd or SdHC flash cards are now used for show data
2) Supports a full 512 channel DMX-512 universe on input or output
3) Supports v1.1 AutoDownload files
4) Automatic recognition and support for GilderChecksums
5) Field upgradable firmware. Updates can be installed by just putting the firmware file onto the Sd card and inserting it into the Br-ANA
Customized front panel artwork is available on all GilderGear, including the Br-ANA.
These can be custom branded, or labeled for specific installation names. Please contact
the Gilderfluke & Company factory for details on generating custom Br-ANA labels.
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Gilderfluke & Co.• 205 South Flower Street • Burbank, California 91502 • 818/840-9484 • 800/776-5972 • fax 818/840-9485
Br-ANA Panel Indicators
There are forty-six LED indicators on the front of the Br-ANA. They are used as fol-
A) Output Fuse Indicators
(Four Green LEDs)
These four LEDs are lit unless one of the four PTC fuses has been
tripped by an overload on the J6/A output cable.
B) Output Level Indicators
(Sixteen Red LEDs)
!These sixteen red LEDs show the output level on all sixteen of the 010 volt outputs. You will see these LEDs fade in and out as the signals on
the outputs change.
!Very low levels may not be indicated accurately on the LEDs:
a) If the negative reference is tied to ground, the LEDs will not
b) If the negative reference is not grounded, there may be a
C) J8 Input LEDs
(Four Green LEDs)
These LEDs indicate the status of the four optically isolated trigger inputs
on the Br-ANA. They are on the isolated side of the optoisolators. If they are
not on when you send a trigger to the Br-ANA, then there is an external wiring problem, the ʻinternal/externalʼ power switch needs to be changed for
your wiring setup, or the optoisolator has been damaged.
begin to glow until the output gets above about 1.75 volts.
slight glow even when the outputs are sending out a zero
voltage signal. There can also be a slight crosstalk in the
LEDs as their neighbors brighten and dim. This is only on the
indicators. The actual outputs do not cross talk.
D) Busy LED
(One Red LED)
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Gilderfluke & Co.• 205 South Flower Street • Burbank, California 91502 • 818/840-9484 • 800/776-5972 • fax 818/840-9485
Board Error
Brain Heart/
Sd / Sd-HC
to Z-Bricks
0-3 4-7 8-B C-F
Fuse Status
7 654
Analog Outputs
J8 Inputs
5 3
5 3
This LED turns on when the Br-ANA is writing to the Sd card. The Sd
card, or power to the Br-ANA should not be removed if this LED is lit.
During firmware updates, the Read LED and Busy LED flash back and
forth. The first stage is comparing the BRANA400.FRM file on the Sd card. It
then flashes a little slower as it reads the BRANA400.FRM file in from the Sd
card. It then flashes back and forth much more quickly as it reprograms the
microcontroller in the Br-ANA. Under no circumstances remove power from
the Br-ANA while firmware is being updated. A partial firmware
update may ʻbrickʼ the BrANA, and then it will need
to be returned to the factory for reprogramming.
E)Read LEDs
(One green LED)
! This LED turns on when
the Br-ANA is reading data
from the Sd card. If you
have an AutoDownload file
stored on the Sd card, this
LED will be lit even when
no shows are running. This
is because there are always updates being made
on the outputs, even when
the shows are stopped.
! During firmware updates,
the Read LED and Busy
LED flash back and forth.
The first stage is comparing the BRANA400.FRM
file on the Sd card. It then
flashes a little slower as it
reads the BRANA400.FRM
file in from the Sd card. It
then flashes back and forth
much more quickly as it
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Gilderfluke & Co.• 205 South Flower Street • Burbank, California 91502 • 818/840-9484 • 800/776-5972 • fax 818/840-9485
reprograms the microcontroller in the Br-ANA. Under no circumstances remove power from the Br-ANA while firmware is being updated. A partial
firmware update may ʻbrickʼ the Br-ANA, and then it will need to be returned
to the factory for reprogramming.
F) Board Error LED
(One Red LED)
This LED will flash when:
a)Br-ANA just booted (it stays on for a few seconds after booting
as a ʻlamp testʼ.
b)An error is found in the DMX-512 data checksum
c)An error is found in the 'Smart' Brick Network checksum
G) DMX-512 LED
(One Green LED)
This LED will be lit when the Br-ANA is receiving DMX-512 or RealTime
updates via the RS-422 serial port.
During AutoDownloads of show data to the Br-ANA, this LED will flash alternately with the Brain Heart/Running LED to show that a AutoDownload is
in process.
H) Brain Heart/Running LED
(One Green LED)
a)ʻSmartʼ Brick mode: The heartbeat from the 'Smart' Brick Brain is
transmitted throughout the system over the 'Smart' Brick Network.
The presence of a healthy heartbeat means that the data on the
'Smart' Brick Network is getting through cleanly. If it ever stutters
or flashes erratically (or not at all), then there is a problem with the
'Smart' Brick Brain, the 'Smart' Brick Network, or the Br-ANA. As
the DMX-512 takes precedence over the 'Smart' Brick Network,
this LED will go dark whenever a DMX-512 signal is present.
b)ʻDumbʼ Brick mode: This LED will be lit when the Br-ANA is run-
ning a show from its internal clock and Flash memory.
During AutoDownloads of show data to the Br-ANA, this LED will flash alternately with the DMX-512 LED to show that a AutoDownload is in process.
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Gilderfluke & Co.• 205 South Flower Street • Burbank, California 91502 • 818/840-9484 • 800/776-5972 • fax 818/840-9485
I) Heartbeat LED
(One Blue LED)
a) This LED Flashes continuously while the CPU is running. If it
ever stops for more than a fraction of a second, the 'Deadman'
circuit in the Br-ANA will automatically reset the CPU. While performing an Ease-In, the heart rate will double.
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IDS pin #
Data bit 0
Data bit 1
Data bit 2
Data bit 3
Data bit 4
Data bit 5
Data bit 6
Data bit 7
Address bit 0
Address bit 1
Address bit 2
Address bit 3
Address bit 4
Address bit 5
Address bit 6
Address bit 7
Gilderfluke & Co.• 205 South Flower Street • Burbank, California 91502 • 818/840-9484 • 800/776-5972 • fax 818/840-9485
Br-ANA Connectors
A) Z-Brick
(One Twenty Pin IDS Header)
the Br-ANA outputs data from the DMX-512 input or onboard Flash Memory
to this connector. The format of the data is as follows:
This connector is used to control one or more Z-Bricks. When enabled,
When the address and data lines are valid, the rising edge of the Strobe
line will latch the data into the addressed outputs.
The Z-Brick connector is a legacy connection. It is there just for backwards-compatibility on existing systems. It is highly recommended that you do not use the Z-Brick connector for attaching Z-Bricks. Instead, just send DMX-512 to them just as you would for
any other GilderGear. The Z-Brick connector will likely not be installed unless specifically requested on new builds of Br-ANAs.
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Gilderfluke & Co.• 205 South Flower Street • Burbank, California 91502 • 818/840-9484 • 800/776-5972 • fax 818/840-9485
B) Sd/SdHC Flash Memory Card Slot
(One Sd/SdHC compatible socket)
This socket is compatible with both standard Sd flash cards and SdHC
flash cards. It will support flash cards up to 32 GBytes in size. It will not currently support SdXC cards (64 GBytes and larger, as these require licensing
from Microsoft).
C) Backplane Connector
(60 Position Edge Connector)
The BackPlane connection is through a sixty position double sided edge
connector (thirty connections on each side on .1” centers). This is normally
plugged into a card cage which brings out all the backplane connections to
screw terminals, ribbon cable connectors, and other connectors. If needed,
an Insulation Displacement Edge (IDE) connector or other discrete edge
connector can be used to plug in the Br-ANA instead of one of our card
The first ten positions of the sixty position backplane connector are used
for the ʻSmartʼ Brick Network and J8 connection ('Smart' Brick Network or
optically isolated triggers, Depending on the position of Switch #4 the
ʻSmart/Dumb Brick Switchʼ) and RS-422 Serial Port. They are normally
bussed between all the cards in the card cage (although they can be separated by cutting the lines if desired). The card cages all bring the first ten positions of the 60 position backplane connector out to Rj-12/Rj-45 connectors.
The majority of connections are on the center forty pins of the backplane
connector. What these are used for depends on the type of card that is
plugged into the card cage slot. A Z-Brick or Br-MultiBrick32 uses them for
ʻJ6ʼ digital outputs. A Br-ANA uses these pins for its ʻJ6/Aʼ analog outputs. A
Br-ANA uses them for a combination of inputs and outputs. The card cages
bring out these forty connections to either a forty position screw terminal
block, a forty position ribbon cable connector, or both.
The last ten positions are used to provide power to the Br-ANA. These
wires are ganged to provide a higher current carrying capacity, and brought
out to screw terminals and/or 2.1mm power jacks on the card cages.
The pinout of the sixty position backplane connector is as follows:
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output wire #
J6/A pin #
Edge pin #
wire function
J8/BrickNet Black
J8 Common (black)/Smart Brick Net Data -
J8/BrickNet White
J8 ʻDʼ (white) input/'Smart' Brick Net Data +
J8/BrickNet Red
J8 ʻBʼ (red) input/'Smart' Brick Net Clock +
Serial Port red #3
TxD + out from Br-ANA
J8/BrickNet Green
J8 ʻAʼ (green) input/'Smart' Brick Net Clock -
Serial Port Black #2
TxD - out from Br-ANA
J8/BrickNet Yellow
J8 Status (yellow) out/'Smart' Brick Strobe +
Serial Port Yellow #5
Rx + in to Br-ANA
J8/BrickNet Blue)
J8 ʻCʼ (blue) input/'Smart' Brick Net Strobe -
Serial Port green #4
Rx -in to Br-ANA
J6/A #1
circuit ground
J6/A #2
+ power output (protected to 1 amp)
J6/A #3
Output 15 (0Fh) Positive Analog Output
J6/A #4
Output 15 (0Fh) Negative Reference
J6/A #5
Output 14 (0Eh) Positive Analog Output
J6/A #6
Output 14 (0Eh) Negative Reference
J6/A #7
Output 13 (0Dh) Positive Analog Output
J6/A #8
Output 13 (0Dh) Negative Reference
J6/A #9
Output 12 (0Ch) Positive Analog Output
J6/A #10
Output 12 (0Ch) Negative Reference
J6/A #11
circuit ground
J6/A #12
+ power output (protected to 1 amp)
J6/A #13
Output 11 (0Bh) Positive Analog Output
J6/A #14
Output 11 (0Bh) Negative Reference
J6/A #15
Output 10 (0Ah) Positive Analog Output
J6/A #16
Output 10 (0Ah) Negative Reference
J6/A #17
Output 9 (09h) Positive Analog Output
J6/A #18
Output 9 (09h) Negative Reference
J6/A #19
Output 8 (08h) Positive Analog Output
J6/A #20
Output 8 (08h) Negative Reference
J6/A #21
circuit ground
J6/A #22
+ power output (protected to 1 amp)
J6/A #23
Output 7 (07h) Positive Analog Output
J6/A #24
Output 7 (07h) Negative Reference
J6/A #25
Output 6 (06h) Positive Analog Output
J6/A #26
Output 6 (06h) Negative Reference
J6/A #27
Output 5 (05h) Positive Analog Output
J6/A #28
Output 5 (05h) Negative Reference
J6/A #29
Output 4 (04h) Positive Analog Output
J6/A #30
Output 4 (04h) Negative Reference
Gilderfluke & Co.• 205 South Flower Street • Burbank, California 91502 • 818/840-9484 • 800/776-5972 • fax 818/840-9485
Br-ANA Manual / December 18, 2012 10:21 AM / page 17 of 60
output wire #
J6/A pin #
Edge pin #
wire function
J6/A #31
circuit ground
J6/A #32
+ power output (protected to 1 amp)
J6/A #33
Output 3 (03h) Positive Analog Output
J6/A #34
Output 3 (03h) Negative Reference
J6/A #35
Output 2 (02h) Positive Analog Output
J6/A #36
Output 2 (02h) Negative Reference
J6/A #37
Output 1 (01h) Positive Analog Output
J6/A #38
Output 1 (01h) Negative Reference
J6/A #39
Output 0 (00h) Positive Analog Output
J6/A #40
Output 0 (00h) Negative Reference
power supply ground
power supply ground
power supply ground
power supply ground
power supply ground
+ power supply input
+ power supply input
+ power supply input
+ power supply input
+ power supply input
Gilderfluke & Co.• 205 South Flower Street • Burbank, California 91502 • 818/840-9484 • 800/776-5972 • fax 818/840-9485
The card cages from Gilderfluke & Company are available in a variety of
sizes to hold between one to sixteen cards. Some of these card cages are
designed to be mounted in standard 19” electronics racks. Others are designed to be mounted standalone, on DIN rail or in Augat SnapTrak. The
smaller card cages bring out the center forty connections of the sixty position
backplane connector to either a forty position screw terminal block, a forty
position ribbon cable connector, or both. The Br-CC16 (sixteen slot) and BrCC09 (two slot) rack mounted card cages have only ribbon cable connectors
on them, but we have cc-BR16BO spring blocks that can mount directly to
the back of these card cages for attaching discrete wires. More commonly
the ribbon cables are run to a rail at the back of the rack or a nearby ʻbreak
out boxʼ, and c-40trans ribbon cable-to-screw terminal connectors are
mounted there allow discrete wires to be attached.
In all the animation systems made by Gilderfluke & Company, all Analog
input and output cabling is through what we call 'J6/A' standard output ribbon cables
Please note that the pinout of a J6 Digital output cable and a J6/A Analog output cable is completely different. Do not cross con-
nect any analog and digital cables. Damage can (and probably will) result.
. These are forty wire ribbon cables which are made up of four
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