GILDERFLUKE & CO. • 205 SOUTH FLOWER STREET • BURBANK, CALIFORNIA91502 • 818/840-9484 • 800/776-5972 • FAX 818/840-9485
EAST COAST/FLORIDA OFFICE • 7041 GRAND NATIONAL DRIVE • SUITE 128d • ORLANDO , FL 32819 • 407/354-5954 • FAX407/354-5955
The Back to the Future Japan dashboard printed circuit boards are based on the
retrofit we did for the Back to the Future Dashboard computers at Universal Studios,
Hollywood. In the case of the Hollywood installation, we only replaced the CPU and connected via two existing cables to the existing dashboard time display. In this case, we
are providing the time display, Electronic Speedometer (E-Speedo) and miscellaneous
connector boards as well as the CPU. All wiring uses standard RJ- IDS connectors.
6 pos.
6 pos.
6 pos.
4 pos.
(by others)
8 pos.
6 pos.
Flux Cap
8 pos.
15 VDC

GILDERFLUKE & CO. • 205 SOUTH FLOWER STREET • BURBANK, CALIFORNIA91502 • 818/840-9484 • 800/776-5972 • FAX 818/840-9485
EAST COAST/FLORIDA OFFICE • 7041 GRAND NATIONAL DRIVE • SUITE 128d • ORLANDO , FL 32819 • 407/354-5954 • FAX407/354-5955
The mounting holes and printed circuit board outlines are identical to those used in
both California and Florida attractions to allow for easy retrofits. The Back to the Future
Japan dashboard consists of nine printed circuit boards:
1) Time display. Similar to the Hollywood and Florida installations, but also included on this print-
ed circuit board are the drivers and decoding logic which had been on a second circuit
board in the original attractions.
The original Back to the Future attractions used cheap low output seven segment displays
and LEDs which were scanned at a one of thirteen rate. This new version uses an optimum
one of six multiplexing and LEDs and much higher quality (Hewlet-Packard) displays. These are
rated for a light output of three to four times those that were used in the original attractions.
The net result of this is an output level which will is potentially six to eight times brighter than
was possible on the original attractions.
The display printed circuit board is currently configured for operating the displays and a
small number of LEDs from the regulated five volt supply. This will reduce heat dissipation to
less than 1/8 watt per resistor. The LED bars which are used for backlighting the silkscreened
overlay will be run from the unregulated fifteen volt supplied to the the Time Display. This is
because with four LEDs in series in each LED assembly, a five volt supply simply won’t allow for
enough of a forward voltage drop (2 volts x 4 = 8 volts). The ground side of the back lights is
switched through a 75451 to allow for dimming the back lights.
2) CPU: This is a 3.25” x 6.15” printed circuit board that attaches to the back of the time display.
It contains the DS87C520 microcontroller that runs the whole dashboard.
15 VDC
Start Show 1
Status 1
Start Show 2
Status 2
Serial Port
for setting
DMX-512 for
and testing
The 32 MHz oscillator runs the microcontroller and baud clock for the DMX-512 input. The
1.8432 MHz oscillator provides the time base for the show playback (at 30 FPS), low speed serial port, and display multiplexing. All socketed ICs are held in place by pull ties.
Show memory is contained in a single thirty-two pin Eprom (27C040). The show data is
based on the program we created for Universal Studios, Hollywood. Several channels have
been added for the additional analog and digital channels used on the Back to the Future

GILDERFLUKE & CO. • 205 SOUTH FLOWER STREET • BURBANK, CALIFORNIA91502 • 818/840-9484 • 800/776-5972 • FAX 818/840-9485
EAST COAST/FLORIDA OFFICE • 7041 GRAND NATIONAL DRIVE • SUITE 128d • ORLANDO , FL 32819 • 407/354-5954 • FAX407/354-5955
Japan dashboards. These are organized to retain compatibility with the California dashboards.
A Real Time Clock chip which has been laser trimmed for an accuracy of +/-10 PPM provides the clock data for the display. A battery retains RTC data when the car is powered
down. The firmware we have written will automatically adjust the clock to daylight savings time
if desired and the turn of the millennium after 1999. In the last three years, the California installation has only rarely needed to adjust the clocks in their retrofitted attraction.
The two eight position RJ-45 connectors provide the digital outputs needed to run the
lights on the keypad (four digital outputs) and LEDs in the Flux Capacitor (three digital
outputs). The output capacity of these eight outputs is 150 ma continuous, 500 ma peak.
These outputs are powered by the fifteen VDC that runs the dashboard.
The two six position RJ-12 connectors provide the 0-10 volt analog outputs needed to run
the meters on the speedometer (one PWM backlighting brightness and two analog outputs)
and Roentgen Gauges (three analog outputs). Five analog outputs are needed in total. A 2.5
volt, thermally stable reference is generated in the LM336-2.5. This is buffered and sent
through the DAC. The outputs of the DAC is amplified to 0-10 volt levels and sampled (and
held) in the SMP-18. The final outputs is then buffered by the two LM324s before sending the
voltages out to the gauges.
Four eight bit channels of animation data (three seven segment displays and one brightness command) are transmitted serially through the four position RJ-08 connector for use by
the E-Speedo display. This data is transmitted at 9600 baud using RS-422 signal levels.
A RS-232 port is provided for configuring the BttF2. Connection is via a standard DE-09
connector that extends from the bottom of the time display assembly.
The DMX-512 port is used to receive data from PC•MACs animation control systems for
programming the Back to the Future Japan CPU. It can also be used to receive animation
data from a Togglodyte test tool for field servicing the display and attached components.
Connection is via a standard miniature five position Mini-DIN connector that extends from the
bottom of the time display assembly.
Two optically isolated inputs are provided. A dipswitch can select between Japan and
California/Florida style starts. These inputs have resistors in series with them to be used with the
24 VDC inputs from the PLC.
Two optically isolated outputs are provided. These output animation data from the shows
that can be used as hearts or running status indicators. Currently, one is programmed to flash
at 2 Hz during the main show, and the other flashes at 2 Hz during the load/unload show.
The BttF2 design uses a 3 amp rated integrated switching regulator for powering both the
LED displays and the CPU printed circuit boards.
3) E-Speedo Display: This printed circuit board has three .8” tall yellow seven segment displays on
it. As with the time display printed circuit board, much higher quality displays are being used
for a potentially much brighter display than in either of the original attractions.