The GigRig Ltd
Mar 2009
The GigRig ltd. Wet Box, Revised Feb 2009
Page 2
3. Amplifier Parallel Effects Loop Mixer
If your amplifier has an effects loop the WetBox enables you to mix effects in parallel
with your amplifiers original signal. You set this up the same as the 1st example (parallel
Mixer) the only difference being that your input to the WetBox is the ‘SEND’ from your
amplifiers effects loop. The output of the WetBox is plugged into your amplifiers
You can now mix your effects in phase and in parallel with your original signal. Pair this
with TheGigRig Remote Loopy2 for ultimate amplifier effects loop switching control.
Wet Box EXP Expression Pedal… If purchased.
If the GigRig expression pedal (Wet box EXP) is used then the balance control knob will
be over written by the EXP expression pedal as soon as it is plugged in… The expression
pedal can then be used to control the balance between input ‘A’ and input ‘B’. The wet
box expression pedal also has a volume control in and out. This is a totally independent
circuit and therefore can be used at the same time as the expression balance control
EXP input.
TIP- delay trails
You can use the EXP pedal’s vol in and out between the ‘send A’ and the delay pedals
input. Set the mix at the balance control on the WetBox. Now with the EXP pedal all the
way on the Delay pedal will see the original signal and the effect will be mixed in with
the original. As you back off the EXP pedal it reduces the signal to the delay, this means
that you can turn down the delay effect but still get the delay trails in your signal…how
cool is that!!
The expression pedal has a small knob on the left hand side. This sets the maximum
amount of mix. By backing of this control you can set the foot controller so a proportion
of input A is still present when the foot pedal reached maximum. (Toe down) Ideal for
mixing in maximum delay levels.
Note. The expression pedal for the WetBox is sold separately and can be used as a
simple foot operated volume control.
Wet Box Applications:
• Mixing in effects Peddals. (real time blending of wet and dry sounds.)
• Sending signals to delay pedals and playing over the delayed sound. (excelent for practicing rifs and
enhancing live performances)
• Instantly compatable with all GigRig Products. (the WetBox can be used directly in gigrig loops)
• Phase correction for acoustic guitars. (the phase switch can be used to kill feedback or enhance tone.)
• Using two guitars into one amplifier. (a simple way to use two guitars into 1 amp) (ideal for teaching; use
the expresion pedal to silencethe pulrs guitar or blenfd bothe guitars into 1 amp.)
• Buffering and phase correctiong guitar signals, Some effects pedles revers the phase off the output
and hence cause problems when mixing.The wet box can be used to re establish true phase)
• Blending in drum machines or recorded material. (Use the EXP pedal to fade in or out a drum machine or
pre recorded sound.)
• Blending in echo, real time. (use the EXP pedal or knob to controle the amount of echo real time. Within
a song or lead breake… When used with your existing echo pedal)
• Use with Humdinger or ‘Y’ cable to blend between two effects.
• Complex expresion pedal volume controls…( use ase a volume control with buffer or phase change.)