WATER power | Hydro-Pneumo
Each time as the Secured Pump drives the water from the Recycled Water Storage into the Secured AirWater Storage, the water shall squeeze upward the enti re air inside the Secured Ai r-Water Storage. Air is a
compressible uid, in other words, the volume of air can be reduced by compressing, whereas water cannot.
When more and more water is added into the Secured Air-Water Storage, the water shall occupy more and more
capacity. Since the space within the Secured Air-Water Storage is limite d, the water w hic h eventually oc c up ie s
more and more space compresses the air inside the Secured Air-Water Storage. As a result the pressure inside
is exceedingly higher than th e air out si de t he S ec ure d A ir-Water Storage. This hi gh -pressurized air pushes the
entire water within the Sec ured A i r-Water Storage, where the water sh oves the latera l side s of the sto rag e and
attempt to escape to recover pressure equilibrium.
After the air pump draws water into the Secured Air-Water Storage and is then pumped for another 40 times, more
air is pumped into the remaining xed space occupied by water, and thus the inside air pressure is even higher.
These phenomena include many physical principles:
1. Water is incompressible, whereas air is compressible.
2. Boyle’s law:
For a xed amount of gas kept at a xed temperature, the product of the volume and pressure is constant.
(P1 · V1 = P2 · V2) (P1 : P2. = V2 : V1)
As more air is pressed inside the xed volume, the air pressure shall rise.
3. Pascal’s principle, also called Pascal’s Law, is a term in uid (gas or liquid) mechanics. It indicates pressure
variation occurred with a part of the static uid within the closed container, and transfers to every part of the
uid and to a part of the container wall without any loss.
How much energy is stored within the Secured Air-Water Storage?
According to th e experime nt, when the S ecured Pum p draws water into the Sec ured A ir-Water Storage and is
then pumped for another 40 times, the value is approximately 3.5kg/cm
1. Use a pressure gauge not included in this set for inspection.
2. At initial state the value of the pressure gauge is zero.
3. Pump the water fr om the Recycl ed Water Storag e into the Sec ured Air-
Water Storage. By evenly pressing the Secured Pump for about 10 times.
4. At this point, the pressure is approximately 0.9kg/cm
5. Each time as the Secured Pump drives the water from the Recycled Water
Storage into the Secured Air-Water Storage, the water shall squeeze
upward the entire air inside the Secured Air-Water Storage. Air is a
compressible uid, in other words, the volume of air can be reduced by
compressing, whereas water cannot. When more and more water is a dded
into the Secured Air-Water Storage, the water shall occupy more and more
capacity. Since the space within the Secured Air-Water Storage is limited,
the water whic h eventually oc cupies m ore and mor e space co mpresse s
the air insid e the Secured Air-Water S torage. As a result the p ressure
inside is exce edingly higher t han the air outsid e the Secured A ir-Water
6. Pump the Secured Pump another 40 times.
7. Pumping steadily to pe r fo r m a co mpl eted s tro ke as po ssi ble a s you c an,
the value is approximately 3.5kg/cm
8. When more air is pumped into the remaining xed space, the air pressure
inside is even higher.