3D LF Magnetic
Field Analyzer
with Data Logger
Analysis and Configuration Software
Operating Manual
(Version 6.2.6)

Thank you!
We thank you for the confidence you have shown by buying this product. It allows
for a professional analysis of AC electric and AC magnetic fields according to internationally recognized guidelines and the recommendations of the building biology.
In addition to this manual you can watch the tutorial videos on our website concerning the use of this meter.
1 Quick Start Guide............................................................................................ 1
2 Overview: Front Cover..................................................................................... 1
3 Display............................................................................................................. 2
4 Switches / Push-Buttons / Connector............................................................. 3
5 How to Measure and Data-Log ....................................................................... 5
6 Power Supply .................................................................................................. 6
7 „NFAsoft“......................................................................................................... 8
8 Firmware-Update............................................................................................14
9 What if… (FAQ)...............................................................................................15
This manual is based on the firmware version 49 and NFAsoft version 126.
The firmware and software of the NFA will be continuously improved and made available via e-mail or download
from our homepage.

© Gigahertz Solutions GmbH - 1 - 450-017_NFA30M-6-2-6_EN as of November 2011
1 Quick Start Guide
When you turn on the instrument the LCD will briefly show “batt” and the remaining
recording time with the current capacity of the batteries.
“Signal” -> default setting is tRMS
“On” = Measurement in process
“Log” = Long term recording in process
Double-click NFAsoft and follow your intuition for an evaluation of the data recorded
on the SD-card.
Should the meter not do what you expect, please turn to the chapter on frequently
asked questions at the end of this manual (Chapter 9)!
2 Overview: Front Cover

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3 Display
In general, the display will show the three dimensional (“resulting”)
magnetic field. There is no need for a conversion: Simply read the
measurement value on the display and the unit on the LEDs. The signal
of an AC/DC input possibly connected to the device will be shown in
millivolt. Use the key “^” to switch from one display mode to the other.
Special LCD Display Messages
“Low Batt“: The rechargeable battery is low – please charge the battery
“Err.“: Short for ‘Error’. Indicates an erroneous configuration.
„----“: No reliable values to be shown – either due to the instrument’s transient ef-
fect, or the value is within the range of the instrument’s residual noise.
„CHAr“: Instrument is being charged.
(For technical reasons the display will show “FULL” prior to loading, which is to be ignored)
„FULL“: During the charging process, with the mains adaptor connected, this indication means: charging completed, battery loaded. During normal operation, however, “FULL” means the SD memory card is full.
The time indications are set up as follows:
„XXXd“: XXX days or
„Xd.XX“: X days and XX hours or
„XX.XX“: XX hours and XX minutes
„XX.XX“: (with blinking dot): XX minutes and XX seconds.
They will be shown upon switching on the NFA and when logging (see chapter 5.4).

© Gigahertz Solutions GmbH - 3 - 450-017_NFA30M-6-2-6_EN as of November 2011
4 Switches/Push-Buttons/Connector
4.1 On / Off switch (“Power“)
“ON” = Measurement in process. When measuring, logging is not automatically activated. Briefly press “Log” until the status LED switches from yellow to green to activate parallel logging.
“Log” = Logging / long term recording.
4.2 Tesla/Gauss Switch
This switch allows to select the display unit for the magnetic field – the selection is
indicated by the LEDs.
The isotropic point of the magnetic field measurement is underneath the
„Y“ of the coordinate system printed on the meter faceplate. Value recordings will be axis specific.
4.3 AC/DC-input
AC/DC = combined AC/DC-input
As soon as an external sensor is connected to the device, its signal is automatically
displayed in mV and recorded, if required.
AC: A displayed value of 2000 corresponds to “1Vpeak-peak“1.
DC: +/- 0.1 to 1500 mV, i.e. with an HF59B connected in the coarse measuring
range (scaled to 1.5 V DC), the device plots measurement values from 1 to 15,000
µW/m²; the displayed value in mV is 10 times less than the actual reading in µW/m².
Note: The information produced by the frequency decomposition of a demodulated pulsed HF signal will, of
course, not provide any really useful data.
For other measuring ranges just compare the position of the comma and convert accordingly. Readings below
0.1µW/m² cannot be displayed or recorded because of noise-issues.

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4.4 Evaluation of Signal
tRMS = “true Root Mean Square”. The values displayed and recor-
ded can be compared directly to classifications recommended by
building biologists.
Peak = Real peak value measurement: With this setting the meter
measures the highest culminating point of the wave3. A new measurement feature for building biologists which allows for a more de-
tailed analysis of the LF world in a way which has long since been
considered essential in the analysis of high frequencies. This option supplies important information for the evaluation of “Dirty Power” (E-field > 2 kHz).
Hold = Hold maximum value (“Max hold”). Retains „tRMS“ or „Peak“ of the signal,
depending on the switch position from which „Hold“ was chosen. When the signal
switch is set to „Hold“ only the reading on the display is held, the real time value is
still recorded on the SD card, if recording.
4.5 SD Memory Card
This is the slot for the SD card. Insert until it snaps (use fingernail or
pencil, if necessary). To withdraw, press again to undo the snap
The high-speed SD memory card (4 GB, SDHC) supplied with the
instrument contains the current version of the PC software NFAsoft,
as well as enough memory to do long-term full speed logging over a whole week.
Your PC will recognize the SD card as an external device when connected by USB
cable or inserted into a card reading device. It can then be processed with the
standard Windows or Linux functionality. Inserting the SD memory card directly into
the card reader of the PC will result in a 40 times faster data transfer than if using
the USB cable4.
Please note: Do not remove the SD memory while the NFA is running!
4.6 USB-Socket
Computer interface connection: Used for meter configuration
with NFAsoft. (USB 1.0) Please connect and disconnect the
USB-cable only while the NFA is switched off!
Not to be mixed up with the „Hold“-function, which, in case of fluctuating fields „freezes“ the highest reading.
The resolution of the frequencies during the analysis of the (actually by their nature broadbanded) peak values
does not consider phase information that is being a worst-case consideration. Tolerances are much higher than
using the tRMS analysis.
In order to make use of this speed advantage, your SD card reader needs to be specified „SDHC“ which is
standard for units built 2008 or later. For older units inexpensive adaptors are available.