Ether Engine 100-AE
Hardware Installation:
To insert the network adapter into PC, follow the steps bellow:
1. Turn off the computer and remove its cover
2. Insert the adapter into a PCT slot
3. Secure this adapter to the rear of the computer chassis and put back the computer
4. Connect the adapter to the network using twisted-pair cable.
Driver Installation:
Turn on the computer; the window will automatically detect the network adapter. Insert
the Drive floppy, and put in a Win 98 CD in the CD-ROM
Screen 1: Found network adapter, click Next
Screen 2: Search for the best driver for your device (Recommended), click Next
Screen 3: Choose Specify a location and type in A:\Win98, click Next
Screen 4: The updated driver (Recommended), click Next
Screen 5: Windows driver file search for new device, click Next
Screen 6: click, Ok
Screen 7: Choose A:\Win98, click, Ok