PCI rear bracket fan speed controller user
Perfo rmance M ode
The follow ing are not covered by the wa rranty :
1. Incorrect u se or use of the product fo r any purpose other tha n
its intende d use.
2. Nonobserv ance of the proper ope ration provided. (e.g. over-
clockin g)
3. Malfunctio n due to interferenc e from other devices .
4. Fail to install due to t he specicatio n of the VGA card or other
compone nts that are not suppor ted by the product.
5. Unauthorize d modication of th e product.
6. Malfunctio n arising from casua lties (earthquake, th under,
7. The warranty l abel of the product has b een removed or
8. Any loss due to the r emoving of the origina l heat sink on
9. Any loss cause d by failure to follow the in stallation
1. Support nVI DIA SLi and ATi CrossFir e
2. Universal desi gn supports vari ous high
perfor mance VGA cards wit h easy installation
3. Four heat pipes and l arge n design enhanc e the
heat condu ction
4. Better air ow and low noise worki ng environment
5. Fan speed contro ller ts various nee ds.
6. Delicate whit e light LED
7. 90x90x 25 mm fan and exquisite desi gn base
provide the t hermal circulati on for surrounding
compone nts.
8. Ball bearing fa n extends cooler expe ctancy
9. Heat sink for memo ry is included
Heat Sink Dimension : 186 x 105 x 34 mm
Fan Dimension : 90 x 90 x 25 mm
Base material : Copper
Fin material : Aluminum
Rated Voltage : 12 V
Rated Current : 0.38 Amp
Fan Speed : 0 ~ 2,000 rpm
Noise : 0 ~ 25 dBA
Bearing Type : Bal l b ea rin g
1) Speed cont rol box x 1 2) PCI rear bra cket fan
5) Knob x 1 6) Fan duct cover x 1 7) Spring s crew x 4
control ler x 1
3) 1 to 2 connec tor x 1 4) 4pin connec tor x 1
Installation Guide
re, and oo d).
the VGA card.
process contained in the user manual.
Fan Life Expectancy : 40,000 hr
Support :
nVIDIA GeForce 6800 series
nVIDIA GeForce 7800 series
nVIDIA GeForce 7900 series
ATi RADEON X1800 series
ATi RADEON X1900 series
ATi RADEON X1950 series
8) PCI bracket x 2
VR Controller
Silent Mode - Noise Fre e Environment
Contro llable fan speed for dif ferent sys tem working environment.
Turn the contro ller an ti-cl ockwis e to s top fan runnin g. Turn c lockwi se to adjust the
fan spee d from 0 rpm to 2 ,000 rp m.
Installation Guide
VGA Model
ATi RADEO N X1800 series
ATi RADEO N X1900 series
ATi RADEO N X1950 series
nVIDIA GeFo rce 6800 serie s
nVIDIA GeFo rce 7800 series
nVIDIA GeFo rce 7900 serie s
PCI Bracket Screw Washer Fan Duct Cover
PCI Bracket
Fan Duct Cover
Installation Instruction
Remove th e origina l cooler on the VGA card and c lean the
grease. ( as F igure A )
Remove heat si nks on the memories if a ny.
Cautio n : Please be careful whi le removing the orig inal heat sink on the
Figure A
Figure B
VGA card. GI GABYTE is not respo nsible to any loss caus ed
during the r emoval process.
Acc ordin g to the num ber o f the m emo rie s on the VGA
card, to rem ove t he s ticker on the back of the heat si nks
and paste on the memor ies. ( as Figur e B )
With the limite d spac e on the t op of the VGA c ard, please
paste on sma ller heat sinks.
9) Washer x 2
13) Speed cont rol
box sticker x 1
10) Screw x 2 11) Heat sink
14) PCI bracket
screw x 3
( big x 6 , small x 4 )
12) Grease x 1
Speed control box accessories installation Guide
Fan speed co ntrol box
Power cord
connec tor
C on n e ct t he o th e r
sid e of the powe r c ord
co nn ect or w ith 4 -p in
connec tor
Put t he stic ker on the
ba ck o f fa n sp eed
control box and pl ace
it into the ch assis
1 to 2 connec tor
PC I r ear bra cket fa n
control ler connector
Pla ce the knob on th e
PC I re ar br ac ket f an
control ler
Connect the other side
of one to two conne ctor
wi th V- Pow er pow er
Pl ace PC I b rac ket
fan speed c ontroll er
into the cha ssis
A pp l y th e gr e a s e o n t he
V G A c h i p a p pr o pr i a te l y
( as Figure C )
Figure C
Figure E
Plac e the c ooler on th e t able and ali gn the holes fo r t he
screws on the VGA card to the screws o n the co oler and
use the s crew dr iver to lock the VG A cool er with sp ring
screws. ( a s Figure E )
To avoi d t he dama ge on the ch ip, pl ease l ock the nu ts
diagonal ly.
Tear o ff the sticker o n
the copp er base.
( as Figure D )
Figure D
Plac e t he fan duct cover on the
PCI rear panel with screw driver
and screw s. ( as Figure F )
Figure F Figure G
Figure H
Ple ase ref er to Acc esso ries
Installa tion Guide.
Pl ace t he VG A ca rd wit h V- Pow er in to the s ys tem
a nd c on ne ct th e po we r c o rd of t he fa n wi th t he
avai lab le 1 to 2 c onn ect or from the spe ed contr ol box.
( as Figure H )
For ATi Cros sre or nVIDIA SLi, pleas e connect the power
cord of each fan with the 1 to 2 co nnector from the speed
control b ox dividedly.
Slide th e fan duct fr ont
cover to th e cooler.
( as Figure G )