When you installing AGP card, please make sure the following
notice is fully understood and practiced. If your AGP card has
"AGP 4X notch"(show below), please make sure your AGP card is
AGP 4X (1.5V).
Do not use AGP 2X card (3.3V) in this mother board. It will
burn and damage the motherboard due to Intel® 845 (E/G)/
Intel® 850(E) chipset can't support AG P 2X(3.3V).
Example 1: Diamond Vipper V770 golden finger is compatible
with 2X/4X mode AGP slot. It can be switched betw een AGP 2X
(3.3V) or 4X(1.5V) mode by adjusting the jumper. The factory
default for this card is 2X(3.3V). If you install this card in GA8IEX series(or any AGP 4X only) motherboards w ithout
switching the jumper to 4X mode (1.5V), it will burn the
Example 2: Some ATi Rage 128 Pro graphics cards made by
“Power Color”, the graphics card manufacturer & some SiS 305
cards, their golden finger is compatible with 2X/4X mode AGP
slot, but they support 2X(3.3V) only. If you install this card in GA8IEX series (or any AGP 4X only) motherboards, it will burn the
Note : Although Gigabyte's AG32S(G) graphics card is based on
A Ti Rage 128 Pro chip, the design of AG32S(G) is compliance
with AGP 4X (1.5V) specification. Therefore, AG32S (G)will work
fine with Intel® 845(E/G) / 850(E) based motherboards.
Before you install PCI cards, please remove the Dual BIOS
label from PCI slots if ther e is one.

M The author assumes no responsibility for any errors or omissions
that may appear in this document nor does the author make a
comm itment to update the information contained herein.
M Thi rd-party brands and names are the property of their respective
M Please do not remove any labels on motherboard, thismay void the
warr anty of this motherboard.
M Due to rapid change in technology, some of the specifications might
be out of date before publication of this booklet.

Ausschlager Weg 41, 1F, 20537 Hamburg, Germany
( description of the apparatus, system, installation to whic h it refers)
(reference to the specification under which conformity is declared)
in accordance with 89/336 EEC-EMC Directive
o EN 55011 Limits a nd methods of measurement
o EN 55013
o EN 55014 Limits a nd methods of measurement
o EN 55015 Limits a nd methods of measurement
o EN 55020
T EN 55022 Limits a nd methods of measurement
o DIN VDE 0855
o par t 10
o par t 12
T CE mark ing
o EN 60065
o EN 60335
of radio d isturbance characteristics of
industrial,scientific and medical (ISM
high frequency equipment
Limits a nd methods of measurement
of radio d isturbance characteristics of
broadcast receive rs and associated
of radio d isturbance characteristics of
household electrical appliances,
portable tools and similar electrical
appa ratus
of radio d isturbance characteristics of
fluorescent lamp s and luminaries
Immuni ty from radio interference of
broadcast receive rs and associated
of radio d isturbance characteristics of
information tech nology equipment
Cabled distribution systems; Equipment
for re ceiving and/or distribution from
sound and television signals
The manufacturer also declares the conformity of above mentioned product
with the a ctual required safety standards in accordance with LVD 73/23 EEC
Safety requirements for mains o perated
electronic and rel ated apparatus for
household and similar general use
Safety of house hold and similar
electrical appliances
(S ta mp )
Declaration of Conformity
We, Manufacturer/Importer
(full address)
G.B.T. Technology Träding GMbH
declar e that the product
Mother Board
is in conformity with
o EN 610 00-3-2*
T EN 6 0555-2
o EN 610 00-3-3* Disturbances in supply systems cause
T EN 6 0555-3
T EN 5 0081-1 Generic emission standard Part 1:
T EN 5 0082-1
o EN 5 5081-2
o EN 5 5082-2
o ENV 55104
o EN50 091-2
(EC co nformity marking)
o EN 60950
o EN 5 0091-1
Manufacturer/Impor ter
Date : Mar. 22, 2002
Disturban ces in supply systems cause
by household appliances and similar
electrical equipment “Ha rmonics”
by household appliances and similar
electri cal equipment “Voltage fluctuations”
Residual commercial and light industry
Generic immunity standard Part 1:
Residual commercial and light industry
Generic emission standard Part 2:
Industrial environment
Generic emission standard Part 2:
Industrial environment
lmmunity requirements for household
appliances tools an d similar apparatus
EMC requirements for uninterruptible
power systems (UPS)
Signa ture:
Na me:
Timmy Huang
Timmy Huang