Min. Typi cal Max. Unit
Peak Output Current 2.8,/1.4 - 7.8,/3.9 Amps
Supply voltage +24 +68 +90 VDC
Logic signal current 7 10 16 mA
Pulse input frequency 0 - 300 Khz
Isolation resistance 500 M
MM888800//MM884400 HHiigghh PPeerrffoorrmmaannccee MMiiccrroosstteeppppiinngg DDrriivveerr VV11..2
MM888800//MM884400 HHiigghh PPeerrffoorrmmaannccee MMiiccrroosstteeppppiinngg DDrriivveerr VV11..2
Table of Contents
1. Introduction, Features and Applications ···································································2
2. Specifications and Operating Environment ······························································3
3. Driver Connectors P1 and P2 ···················································································4
4. Control Signal Connector (P1) Interface ····································································5
5. Driver Connection to Step Motors ············································································6
6. Power Supply Selection, Driver Voltage and Current Selection ··································10
7. Selecting Microstep Resolution and Driver Current Output········································12
8. Protection Functions ··································································································14
9. Connection Diagram for Driver, Motor, Controller ····················································14
10. Control Signal Waveform and Timing ······································································ 15
Appendix: Limited Warrenty ·························································································16
1. Introduction, Features and Applications
M880/M840 are high performance microstepping drivers based on the most advanced technology
in the world today. They are suitable for driving any 2-phase and 4-phase hybrid step motors. By
using advanced bipolar constant-current chopping technique, they can output more speed and
power from the same motor, compared with traditional technologies such as L/R drivers. Its 3-state
current control technology allows coil current to be well controlled, with relatively small current
ripple and results in less motor heating.
Features of this driver
High performance, low cost
Supply voltage up to +90VDC, current to 7.8A for M880; 3.9A for M840.
Inaudible 20khz chopping frequency
TTL compatible and optically isolated input signals
Automatic idle-current reduction
Mixed-decay current control for less motor heating
14 selectable resolutions in decimal and binary
Microstep resolutions up to 50,000 steps/rev
Suitable for 4,6,8 lead motors
Over-current, over-voltage protection
Small size (119 x 97 x 48mm for M880, 119 x 97 x 31mm for M840)
Applications of this driver
Suitable for a wide range of stepping motors of size Nema 34 and 43, and usable for various kinds
of machines, such as X-Y tables, labeling machines, laser cutters, engraving machines, and
pick-place devices, particularly useful in applications with low vibration, high speed and high
precision requirements.
2. Specifications and Operating Environment
Electric Specifications (T
j =
Operating Environment and Parameters
Cooling Natural cooling or forced convection
Spac e Avoid dust, oil frost and corrosive gas
Temperature 0° 50
Humidity 40 90%RH
Storage Temp. -20 65
Weight Approx. 440g (15.50 oz) / M880;330 g (11.60 oz) / M840
Mechanical Dimensions (unit=mm, 1 inch = 25.4 mm)
Side Vie
Side Vie
M880 Front View M840 Front View M880 M840
(with heatsink) (without heatsink)
Figure 1: Mechanical dimensions
2 3